Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 237: Reaper

Chapter 237: Reaper

Laz was sitting in the backyard garden of the apartment after everyone had left to go have dinner and enjoy the night life. He claimed he had a stomach ache and would catch up shortly, just asking where they planned on going.

He had no intention of actually joining them. Instead, he was sitting on top of the grey log while looking up at the sky. There had been too many things that had happened and his mind was a mess. Sure, he could put it aside when he needed to act normal, but that didn't mean it didn't weight heavily on his mind.

But like all things, over thinking it wouldn't solve it. So Laz just sighed, letting out the bad air.

Laz reached down to his pouch in using his spiritual sense, found and retrieved the mysterious sword. Holding it in his hands, he couldn't help but think it was much heavier than the last time he held it. It felt that way now because he realized that it was far more than he had originally thought it was when he had picked it up.

The sword was actually more of a sabre than a sword since it had a curved blade. The blade was around ninety centimeters long (35 inches) while the entire sword was around forty one inches. It felt like it weighed almost ten kilograms (22 pounds) which was far heavier than it should be. Perhaps it had to do with it's special makeup or the power it produces.

Laz hopped down from the log and swung it around a few times. This type of sabre was more of a decoration than something that would be of much use, but since it was an artifact, it would serve a purpose.

Laz carefully injected a bit of energy from his source into the sword, causing it to shine slightly but just along the edge. The amount that Laz was using was so slight, only basically as much as when his energy was sealed before. With just the edge lit up, Laz swung the sabre around in the air, causing the sound of the air splitting to echo around the garden. Although he was swinging it lightly, it sounded like he was doing so at breakneck speed.

Looking at this, Laz knew that this blade was far more special than he had originally assumed. It was only now that he was checking it out that he could appreciate this.

"I wonder what happens when I put more energy into it?" Laz said to himself in amazement.

Although he was excited, Laz wasn't going to rush. He slowly increased the amount of energy flowing from his body into the blade, almost like opening a spout just a little wider. Laz understood a principle that most people wouldn't in this case, the laws of energy transfer. Energy doesn't just disappear on it's own. It has to either be used or dissipate over time. Doing so in too quick a fashion is what causes explosions.

As Laz upped the energy, more and more of the blade started glowing as it lit up blue, something that caused Laz to be surprised about. After all, his energy had only ever appeared as either white or black so he had no idea why it would be blue. After swinging it around a few times, Laz felt like he had a good grasp on a few things.

The first thing was that the blade had a saturation point. Once it was there, if Laz tried to feed it more energy, it would become unstable. When he was testing it out, he figured out what that point was when the blade started shaking in his hand, causing him to frown. There was no telling what would happen if a strange, energy filled piece of metal were to explode.

Thanks to that though, he was able to figure out something else to. He could draw his energy back out of the blade in the same way that he fed the blade his energy. Although this served no real purpose, at least Laz knew he could power up and power down the blade when he needed to.

The Laz thing Laz figured out about the sabre was that it seemed like it could slice through anything. As a test, Laz had taken out some of the amazingly hard pieces of grey wood from the spirit realm and chopped them with the blade, cutting them in half. The blade slid through as though the metal like wood wasn't even there.

"I kind of want to try this on more things..." Laz said to himself as he looked around. In the end, he had to stop himself since this could end very, very badly.

Just as Laz was about to fully pull back the rest of the energy from the recharged sabre, the blade once again started shaking, this time though, it was very subdued. When he had almost overloaded it, it had shaken like it wanted to break apart. This time though, the blade was simply humming. It took Laz a moment to even figure out that it was the blade that was doing it.

Laz had used his sense when checking out the blade before and hadn't noticed anything strange. But since this was happening now, Laz used his spiritual sense once again. Just as he focused on the blade, a white light seemed to burst out, causing his head to start spinning for a moment.

When his head finally cleared, Laz was shocked.

He was in green fields with the sun shinning down on top of him, and he was moving at a somewhat fast pace. Looking down, Laz realized he was riding on a horse. As he looked around some more, he noticed he was riding towards the front of a long column of men with long guns who seemed to be marching quickly. They were all dressed in civil war era uniforms.

Just as Laz was taking in this scene, a large flash of light once again clouded his vision, causing the environment to change. Getting his bearings a bit quicker this time, Laz realized that he was now sitting still on the same horse while the column was now stretched out on both sides of him. Their guns were pointed forward as the sound of muskets, breach loaders and canons wrung out across the plains. Looking over, Laz could see the various troops that they were firing at returning fire back. Men on both sides were dropping like flies as their screams echoed across the battlefield. Laz felt like he was in the middle of a battle and couldn't help but be both frightened and excited at the same time. He truly wanted nothing more than to go forward with his sabre and attack the enemy line.

Before Laz was even able to see if he could affect anything, a head splitting boom rang out from in front of him as the bright light once again covered his vision..

When the light finally cleared, Laz noticed that he was laying down in a makeshift army tent where men and women in white where rushing around, trying their best to stop the bleeding on the hundreds of wounded soldiers who were laying around, screaming in misery. When Laz looked down, he noticed that where his legs should have been, there were nothing more than stumps that had soaked the bandages they had been wrapped in. By his side was the sabre that was resting within it's sheath. Laz barely had the strength to stretch out his hand as he tried to grab the sabre, only to be unable to reach it. Just before his vision darkened, Laz opened his eyes to see a rather plain looking nurse smile at him and place the sabre in his hand, right before the darkness took him.

It felt like a long while before Laz was able to open his eyes from the visions he had experienced. He had no idea what to make of anything.

Everything that happened was like a mismatched dream sequence that seemed like he had lived it, but hadn't as well. It was like someone had stabbed those memories into his brain with a hot needle, causing his head to throb again and again as he tried to absorb it.

The memories, emotions and feelings were real, they just weren't his. But now he was feeling them.

'With this sabre, I shall be a reaper if that's what it takes to defend my home and country.' It was the final bit that squeezed into Laz's head, the thought of a man who had undertaken a task he did not want, to protect a country that he loved. And a country he had died for.

Laz finally understood. All of these things were like reflections of the sabre's existence and the man that passed away as he was handed his sword. The strange part to Laz was that there was something off about that plain looking nurse who had handed it to him. Laz just couldn't put his finger on it.

"He called you a reaper. Is that what you still wish to be?" Laz asked the sabre in his hand, wondering if it could even understand him. Although Laz might have imagined it, he felt like the sabre vibrated in agreement before going silent once again. No matter how Laz tried to connect with it, it just remained a cold, lifeless piece of metal in his hands.

Laz wondered if whatever was in the sabre had departed.

"Perhaps one day, you shall see battle again," Laz told the sabre while stroking the blade. After having experience those three scenes, he felt a bit closer to it.

Just as Laz was sighing to himself, he heard a loud voice coming from the other side of the apartment.

'Now what?' Laz thought to himself as he quickly stashed the sabre in his pouch before heading inside and out the front door.

When he got there, he found that everyone had returned and that Julia was yelling at a group of guys that had seemed to follow them here.

'Oh for the fucking love of...' Laz immediately felt another headache coming on.

"WHO SAID WE WANTED YOU HERE? GO THE FUCK HOME BEFORE I RIP YOUR DICKS OFF AND FEED THEM TO YOU..." Julia screamed at the group of guys who seemed to be laughing at her.

Looking around, Laz noticed that Benny and Eddy had serious looks on their faces while Abraham seemed embarrassed. Steph, Madison and Angie were trying their best to support Julia while also trying to cover her mouth to get her to stop shouting. Laz couldn't help but wonder if this crazy woman had the unnatural ability to attract the wrong guys.

"Hey hey, don't be like that little lady. Didn't you enjoy having free drinks on us? Hell, we even danced. And now you're saying you want us to leave? Do you think our money comes free?" One of the leaders of the group asked.

What Laz didn't know was that everyone had tried to keep Julia from doing these things with these guys since it was clear they were not the kinds of people you fucked with, but she did it anyway. When dinner was over and it was clear Laz wasn't coming, they decided to head out and leave Julia to whatever trouble she had gotten herself into, only to find her suddenly following them like she had been with them all night. Unfortunately, the ten guys had followed her as well, obviously interested in her and her friends and not at all worried about the three guys they were with.

"LET ME TELL YOU NOW, I'M RICH, OK? I DON'T NEED NO MAN TO PAY FOR SHIT, OK? SO FUCK OFF..." Julia was obviously stumbling and more than just a little wasted. Laz was going to head back inside, but Julia seemed to notice him first.

"SEE THIS? THIS IS A REAL MAN, OK? HE'S GOT MORE BALLS THAN ALL OF YOU PUT TOGETHER," Julia continued to scream while pointing at Laz. She then stumbled to him enough to fall against him. Despite Laz not putting out his hands to catch her, she still remained upright while leaning on him.

Although this action wasn't much, it told Laz all he needed to know about the fact that she wasn't nearly as drunk as she was making herself out to be.

That didn't matter to Laz though as he just wanted to turn around and go inside. Before he was able to do that though, he heard a voice whisper to him, Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="/book/children-of-a-lesser-god_12217418205098505/reaper_50992258899563451">/book/children-of-a-lesser-god_12217418205098505/reaper_50992258899563451 for visiting.

"Three of the guys in the back have been seen snatching people off the street. I want to question them. Help me please and I will return the favor."

'THE FUCK THIS NOW?' Laz thought after hearing Julia's voice.

He suddenly realized that this was a set up by her to get these men outside and able to be separated.

"Please?" Julia took a quick look up at Laz to see him looking down at her.

Laz could only sigh in his heart.

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