Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 244: Crazy Angry

Chapter 244: Crazy Angry

Laz acted surprised while Julia made up an excuse that it seemed like everyone believed. Laz wasn't even listening since he was just going to act like he didn't see anything and it was there when he came out. That and his mind was still buzzing with the return of Malene.

Laz always seemed to lose things ever since he could remember. His parents, his grandpa, Kennedy, Malene, Vivi, Tyr, Ruby, Leona... Kat...

Every time it happened, it seemed to rip more away from him that he didn't know he could lose.

And the result was that Laz had been feeling empty as of late.

But now... things were different.

Watching everyone argue, joke and laugh about nothing in particular had Laz smiling in a way he didn't think he could anymore.

He was excited to see her again.

The day progressed in a regular manner, everyone went to work to learn their jobs some more while Laz was again stuck cleaning tables and washing dishes. But even this wasn't enough to deter him from being in a good mood. More than once, the dinners caught a glimpse of Laz in a happy mood and couldn't help but think how attractive he was. More than one girl tried to give Laz her number, but he respectfully declined. It happened so much, girls coming up to Laz or asking the other waiters about him that at one point, Chad told Laz to remain in the back for the rest of the day so that he would stop disrupting business.

That didn't stop the employees from talking about him though, esepcially the ones he lived next too.

"Laz seems more handsome than usual or is it just me?" Angie asked Madison.

"Yeah, you know, now that you mention it, something seems different," Madison agreed.

"You two are like animals in heat," Steph told them while shooting her own glances at Laz. Even though all three girls had different tastes, that didn't mean that they couldn't agree on some things.

"I would leave it alone if I were you," Julia said, walking up to the counter to retrieve the seating buzzers.

"Oh?" The three girls looked over at Julia with a questioning look. Since Julia seemed to spend more time with Laz thanks to their morning training, the girls wondered if she was trying to claim him.

"It's not what you think. I just know he happened to run into an old flame and plans to spend some time with her." Julia made up a quick excuse. She didn't want the girls thinking she was challenging them as that wasn't it at all. Instead, for their own safety, it was better if they didn't try to get involved with Laz.

Luckily, this excuse was an honest one. While it was debatable if they believed her, at least she wasn't trying to go against them either therefore they held no hard feelings.

After the work day ended, Laz walked with everyone back to the apartment where they started making plans. Laz excused himself quickly saying he had some quick business to attend to before darting out. He simply gave Julia a wink on the way out, something that everyone missed except for Abraham.

"I wonder what that's about? Also.. I don't feel so good..." Abraham decided to turn in early, not feeling his usual self. No one that anything about it.


Laz was heading to Heaven or Hell since he wanted to ask for Freya's help. Although he could just call, he felt it was better to do it in person.

It didn't take long for him to arrive and be let in. Even the 'guards' at the door knew that he was someone close to the mistress..

Laz was surprised by the surroundings.

He was kind of under the impression that the place only had two settings, basically a red hell or a white heaven. But walking in today, the entire place was decorated with black silk and had various torture devices all over the place. Wooden tables were accented with whips and chains and all of the girls serving the 'clients' were dressed in skin tight black vinyl.

Laz couldn't help but wonder if this was suppose to be a heaven setting for masochists or a hell setting for the normally dominant.

"Maybe it's both?" Laz said out loud to himself.

As he walked through, he saw that there were quite a few guests spread out all over the place, some eating, some being whipped gently, some strung up while girls were taking turns teasing them. It really was a collection of everything going on. And no one seemed to mind doing it in a shared space.

Laz also noticed that there was no sex either. Instead, it was more of a kink atmosphere.

As Laz approached the giant, skull covered throne in the middle of the room, he noticed that Freya was actually sitting there while leaning over and talking to someone. Whoever it was happened to be concealed by some layers of hanging black silk and arranged lighting. Anyone trying to spot them would find that although the person was in the same room, it was impossible to get a clear view of them.

Seeing Laz coming forward though, Freya turned away from her guest and smiled warmly at the young man.

"Young Master. What brings you to my humble house this day?"

"I need your help with something."

"Mmhmm. I knew you would come to ask about this, but I must decline," Freya said with a look of reluctance on her face, surprising Laz.

"Why?" Laz was confused. He had thought she would be willing to help no matter what, even if it was just because she wanted something from him in return.

"You have to understand young master, although Ivy explained what was going on, this doesn't fall to the nature of our people. I get that people disappearing is a dangerous thing and that the church is involved, but let me ask you something. Did your encounter with the kidnappers involve an infected or a chosen at all?" Freya asked, hoping she could calm his anger. It wasn't like she didn't want to help him, but she also had to be careful for her own people's sake.

"No. I did not," Laz responded. He already understood where she was going with her reasoning, but that didn't make him feel any better.

Truthfully speaking, even though his room mates were targeted, Laz shouldn't have felt so involved in this. It wasn't like he was put into any danger himself. Instead, Laz's problem was that he was channeling his anger over when his grandfather was taken to this moment. Although the circumstances differed, Laz was projecting that moment on to this one, making it so that he couldn't walk away from this.

"And because of that, if we do something, we alert others. Being the strongest means that there are a lot more eyes on you young master. Whether that be the eyes of the Vodun or of the Church, as soon as we send people out, they will know we are watching. And that would ruin your plans I think."

"AAGhhhh," Laz let out a small shout of anger and frustration, knowing that she was right. Even though it seemed easy enough to ask her to help, she had her own worries too. Laz understood that he would have to make other plans.

"Alright. You're right of course Freya. Anyway. Allow me to thank you for the use if Ivy the other day. She was exactly what I needed." Although they were speaking close together, Laz didn't know who the other person was. Freya might be ok with speaking of her secrets, but Laz didn't want to say out loud that he borrowed someone to torture for him or that he killed the targets when he was done.

Some things you just don't talk about.

Despite that, it seemed that what Laz said affected the mysterious guest.

"Oh? So you've come to the point where you just randomly use girls when the need suits you, hmm?" The somewhat angry yet sweet sounding voice said.

"I don't think you understand what I'm talking.... Malene?" Laz approached the hidden guest and saw that it was Malene, sitting there and eating while hiding away.

"I don't understand. Ok. I guess using a young girl means something different for you? Some noble purpose?"

"Malene. Let me explain, please?" Laz felt his face going both red and black. He knew how it sounded, but he just made it sound that way since he didn't know who was listening it. Had he known, he would have been much clearer.

In contrast to Laz's response of trying to reason with her, Freya was signaling for everyone to move a bit farther away. She knew the reputation of the Spirit Girl better than almost anyone and she knew that the girl could be down right crazy when she was being unreasonable.

Freya wanted to say something to Laz, but it was clear from that fact that he was approaching her that he didn't understand who or what she was. As such, Freya could only try her best to stop Malene.

"Lady Malene. Please, calm yourself. It's not what you think..." Freya also knew that Malene had the worst view out of all of the VIP members of Blood Moon, although she didn't know why. She already had enough of a headache trying to entertain her while she was visiting. But now, on top of that, she was going completely mental.

Wind whipped around the air, causing the black silk to billow as though they were the sails of ships during a storm at sea. The other guests had long been dragged/ordered to the back of the huge room and were told they were watching a special set up for a new kind of show they were putting on, causing the guests to become excited.

No one really knew that Malene was this close to snapping as the raging waves of killing intent appeared around her. Although she was looking at Laz, her killing intent wasn't focused on him. Instead, it seemed to be spreading out as though looking for someone.

Just as things were getting more heated and Freya was about to explain again, on of the doors leading to the back slammed open and the four Ivy's walked out, faces covered in their cold masks. They had heard the disturbance and were coming to assist, not knowing that one of them was the cause of it.

"Found you." Like a lion spotting it's prey, a long yet thin sword appeared in Malene's hand as she lunged forward, aiming for the second Ivy in the row.

'Why the fuck is she mad at her when I was... fuck it.' The thought came and went through Laz's head in but a moment as he jumped forward.

He could feel the strength of Malene's attack was immense. On top of everything else, the sword seemed to have lit up in flames, causing the beautiful arch to accompany her attack.

Seeing the target of the attacker was aiming for their sister, the other three quickly surrounded her as various knives and other small, concealed weapons appeared in their hands.

Just as Malene was about the strike at them, a hand shot forward covered in black flames, grabbing the sword. Despite the immense strength behind it, the sword was stopped from moving.

"CONTROL YOURSELF!" Laz's voice was like thunder that boomed within the large, hall like room. Malene, who had originally lost herself in her anger, suddenly stopped her attack, letting the flaming sword return to normal before taking it back.

She stumbled back a few steps while looking at Laz who was standing before her in anger. Just as she was about to say something, Laz strode forward and wrapped her in a hug while whispering to her,

"It's not what you think, ok? She just helped me extract some information from a person who refused to talk. There is no reason to be angry." Laz's voice was exceptionally gentle as he whispered into her ear.

Seeing her calm down, the girls relaxed and put away their weapons while breathing a sigh of relief. They recognized Malene right away and knew that even in a four on one situation, they wouldn't have any hope of winning.

Seeing that Laz had resolved her anger for the time being, Freya also took a deep breath and said a few words to the guests, causing them to cheer.

As far as they were concerned, the show they just saw with the special effects were amazing, None of them had any clue that they almost witnessed a fight to the death.

"How about you two take a room and talk things out?" Freya suggested, nodding to one of her assistants.

Laz agreed and Malene just followed along, looking like an obedient young wife, much to the shock of the onlookers who actually understood who she was.

No one had any clue just what kind of relationship these two actually had.

Seeing them go into the back while following their guide, Freya couldn't help but think that Laz was way more mysterious that she had originally thought. When she had informed Blood Moon about him being here, they asked her to do everything she could to help the young man. But they never mentioned why.

Now it seemed like the why was much more important.

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