Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 247: Blood Mist

Chapter 247: Blood Mist

By the time they were done, the room had been destroyed. Laz and Malene laid on the ground, panting for breath and almost unable to move. It was merely by coincidence that they were laying on the flattened out cushions of the shattered couch. Neither of them spoke as they were both lost in the feeling of euphoria.

It would have looked like a tragic battle scene if they weren't still holding hands, weirdly refusing to let go of one another.

As they were both getting there breathing under control, Malene actually managed to drag her tired, sweat covered body over and lay her head on Laz's chest. Hearing the strong sounds of his heart beat was enough to cause her to relax as her entire body began to glow. Instead of the rainbow color light's the usually signified her energy usage, this glow was a bright yet deep color of red tinged with streaks of black. Laz was scared to the point of stopping her until he noticed something else.

When they were engaged in the sex battle before, Laz noticed that the energy shared between them as they repeatedly slammed against each other grew stronger every it circulated between them. In the end, the energy actually ended up settling down inside of Malene while the only real benefit Laz received was that his energy which had just made a breakthrough, ended up compressing more and more, causing his mid stage of the foundation realm to settle down. This would have normally taken him quite a bit of time since just finding enough energy to use to hammer it down could be a problem. But with the wild sex they just shared, there was no need to do so.

As far as the energy Malene was currently experiencing, what Laz noticed was that it had a strong bloody scent to it, one that smelled very much like his own blood. Looking closer at the cloud, he noticed that the black streaks within it looked like little streaks of black blame.

Seeing this, Laz finally understood something, even though he didn't know how.

Laz slowly got into a sitting position, laying Malene's head down on his ap. Malene, seeing him looking down while wondering what had happened, finally noticed the strange cloud of energy that was around her. Due to her currently condition though, she was still very much out of it and could only giggle at the sight.

"Relax your body," Laz told her, to which she naturally agreed. Laz then reached up and cupping his hands, scoped up most of the cloud and brought his hand down onto her abdomen, right above where her center of energy would be.

With this, Laz used a little bit of his own energy and brought it into her system, causing it to circulate around her body. The energy rich life blood started flowing through her as it began to strengthen every part of her body, totally changing her from before in a way very similar to how the tattoo would sometimes do it as well.

It didn't take long before her body naturally absorbed the offered energy and her blood red, crescent moon shaped tattoo started glowing. Not only did she not feel pain because of this, but instead it acted like a simulant, causing her tired body to be filled again to the brim with energy.

It only took a moment before Malene understood what Laz had done and quickly sat up herself, using the infinity technique that Laz had taught her way back when to properly take control of her own cultivation.

It only took a moment for her to break into the peak stage of the foundation realm from mid stage, completely blowing through the late stage. The only reason it could be called the peak stage was because there was nowhere else she could go unless to broke through to the next realm.

Seeing her make this advance, Laz smiled and thought for just a quick minute. Spreading out his sense, Laz made a rather rash decision due to his good mood and caused the last bits of blood energy in the air to go flying out of the room. It just so happened the the energy immediately found and latched onto the five girls who had been waiting outside the whole time with worry.

Freya and the four Ivy's suddenly felt the strange energy hit them and before they could react, it invaded their systems.

Although potent, there wasn't a lot of it left. For Freya, it felt good and got her blood moving, causing her mid stage foundation realm to strengthen to the point of almost breaking through to the late stage.

The effects on the four Ivy's was far more noticeable as they quickly sat down and used the only cultivation technique that anyone knew, the infinity technique. Doing so caused the black flame laced blood mist to circulate through their systems, infusing it with energy that rushed straight to their cores. In only a few moments, all four of them were glowing with a strong , blood red light that seemed to smash their condensed cores down, flattening them in the process.

As Freya looked on, dumbfounded, all four of them broke through to the foundation stage together. They all opened their eyes at the same time as the last of the blood red light faded and looked at one another in shock.

Besides that, all four of them felt really itchy all of the sudden, Standing up, they started to itch their bodies at the same time, causing layers of their scarred tissue to fall away all at once. Seeing this, they quickly ran away from Freya and headed towards their own bedroom in the back of the complex. They quickly stripped naked and began to scratch all over, removing even more of the dead skin. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#%!d(string=12217418205098505)/blood-mist_%!d(string=51594449804909849)">#%!d(string=12217418205098505)/blood-mist_%!d(string=51594449804909849) for visiting.

Just as Freya walked in, they felt the itching subside as they could help but look at one another in shock. Although their bodies were still badly scared, some of the more minor scars had disappeared all together and were replaced with new, pink skin. As for the worse of the scars, they had some of the worst layers removed. The girl's could help but tear up in their masks after having experienced this.

Their bodies were still mangled and horrible to look at, but the improvements each of them experienced made them feel like entirely new people.

How could they not feel happy beyond belief? Even if they had gotten surgery, the effect wouldn't have been this pronounced this quickly. Suddenly, each of them started to feel an emotion they had long forgotten... hope..

Freya recovered fairly quickly since this didn't affect her personally and couldn't help but say,

"It looks like the goddess didn't lie to you about him. I have no idea what happened, but it seems like he is the key you have been waiting for. Now go get cleaned up and dressed quickly so that you can be ready for him when he comes out," she said with a smile, happy for them.

"Yes mistress," the girls responded at once and ran to the shower to get cleaned.

"But honestly... how the hell did that even work? I know I was tempted by his blood, but is it really this magical?"


Having broken through, Malene was now invigorated as she stared at Laz, wondering how he did that.

"Don't look at me. You're the one who bit me and swallowed some of my blood. I just helped it along." Laz didn't know that his blood would have that effect on her, but he understood his body better than anyone else. His blood had always been full of energy and life, so why couldn't he use it to help her advance? Having just made his breakthrough, Laz had felt full of life anyway so he was more than happy to do so. It was just a shame that he knew he couldn't do it over and over again since it did sap a lot of energy from his blood. In fact, had it not been for all of the energy he absorbed from her stone earlier, it would have cost him dearly to do this.

Still though, it was something he would remember in case he needed it for the future. Even at the cost of it, it would still be worth it for it's effect.

"What happened to the left over energy?" Malene had noticed that there was still a good bit left in the air that she couldn't use. Due to her being forced to focus on herself, she didn't know what happened to the leftover and felt bad about wasting it. She was the one who stole it after all.

"Oh, don't worry about that. I made sure to utilize every last drop."

"Uh. Ok... Don't think that any of this makes up for the years you left us alone though. I haven't fully forgiven you for any of it." Although Malene was showing an angry expression while speaking, her look was ruined by her flushed red skin and nude body that was within reaching distance from Laz.

Laz nodded his head up and down while putting on a serious face, or at least he tried to. As it happened, his face was actually more scrunched up and just looked stupid, causing Malene to laugh. Even with the years apart, it was almost like nothing had changed.

Seeing her laughing without a care in the world, Laz's heart warmed yet again. Before she could stop him, Laz had grabbed her waist, spun her around and pulled her close. With her back to his chest, he wrapped his strong arms around her waist while his head gently rested against hers. He took a few deep breaths of her slightly damp hair as she was at a loss to get away.

Noticing that he was simply cuddling her, Malene's tense body relaxed as she moved her right arm up and wrapped it around his neck, pulling him in closer while feeling his warmth.

"I've never forgotten you. Or Kennedy... or anyone. I made excuses to stay away because I'm always running from something. That's not what I want for you. From how I understand it, you all are doing really well right now while I'm just drifting along. I don't want to be the one who drags you down while I'm just a homeless bum."

"You're not worried you will lose us?"

"Do I even have you?"

"You do. And you're not about to lose us either. Maybe it would be different otherwise, after all, we only spent a week together. But that day that you almost died because of me, I knew that I owed my life to you."

Laz backed away a bit as Malene turned her body a bit, causing her back to rest on his now propped up leg while her legs were draped over his other leg. Had they been standing up, it would have looked like he was princes carrying her.

"Ever since we separated, I've been swept up in one thing after another until I ended up finding Kennedy again. She's already made a place for us and takes care of us and we are all doing really well. Even then, I've encountered dozens of guys who would were like leeches, hanging around every minute of the day just trying to get close. But every time I compare them to you, I can't help but despise them. They are nothing but rich little bastards who have had everything handed to them since day one. Compared to them, you have been fighting with your own strength this entire time. And you didn't hesitate to almost give up your life for me. Maybe it was because we were young or maybe just because you've already marked me, but I'm already at the point where I can't forget you even if I wanted to. Women are emotional creatures so don't try to understand it. Just accept it, ok?"

Laz nodded his head, this time with an honest face. Maybe he still didn't understand what kind of an impact he had in her life, but he knew that based on her words, she wasn't going to leave him.

After a few minutes of cuddling, they couldn't help but look around the destroyed room and laugh at the mess. Laz was nervously laughing as though worried that Freya would get pissed while Malene was just amused by how violent they had been. Knowing that they both had things to do still, Malene got out of Laz's embrace and made her way over to her purse while Laz looked to find where his pouch had fallen off. Even if he used the black flames to destroy his clothing, it would take a lot more than that to damage the pouch. He had never tried to see how strong it actually was since he didn't want to damage it, but he knew that it could take a beating.

Just as Laz found his pouch, Malene was already at her purse and started pulling out clothing. Laz watched on in shock as she even pulled out a pair of knee high leather boots.

"How the hell?... wait..."

Seeing his confused face, Malene suddenly remember that she had never mentioned it. Just as she was about to explain it to him, Laz ended up bringing out a pair of jeans and a tee shirt from the tiny hip pouch and suddenly she understood as well.

They couldn't help but laugh at the strangeness of the situation.

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