Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 249: Handshake?

Chapter 249: Handshake?

Freya was standing at the door to the room, looking around it in shock.

The room was completely destroyed.

'Why the hell did they have to fight in my office for fuck's sake???' Freya asked herself more than once. A few of her attendants had come over when she called after the horsemen left, intending on helping her clean up. Once benefit to being in charge was that you could always use other people to do the jobs you didn't want to do.

But this was beyond what she had expected.

This was a nightmare.

The worst part was the strange smell that permeated the room.

Even the girls she had brought over from the cleaning staff couldn't help but stand there, shocked and wide eyed.

"Uhh... Mistress?" One of them finally asked.

"Just... do whatever you can. It's fine. I was thinking of redecorating anyway so clear out anything that can't be saved..." What bullshit response was that? Thinking of redecorating. She loved her office the way it was. It was comfortable and something she took pride in.

But now it lay in pieces all over the place. Even her prized, hardwood desk looked like it was cleaved in two.

While the girls got to work, Freya pulled out her phone to contact a person she knew who could get new stuff for her. She then heard something weird.

"Is this blood?" One of the girls asked while cleaning up an area around the couch.

The girls had a strong attraction to blood, being her 'children.' So when one of them thought they found some, the rest gathered around. With their mistress in the room, they wouldn't try something funny like icking it, but that didn't stop them all from taking strong sniffs of it.

Oddly, Freya had a bad feeling.


"UH... I feel funny..."

"Me too..."

"I feel... so hot inside."

"I feel like I might leak..."

The goddess had warned her not to let anyone weak come into contact with Laz's blood. In fact, without her say so, Freya was warned to avoid it too. When she had come into contact with the blood mist from before, it was even less of an amount than the tiny drop the servant girl had found. And besides that, Laz's blood mist had been refined by his black flame, allowing it to possess the strength with none of the 'other' side effects.

But this drop had no such refinement..

As Freya watched on, the little bit of blood dissolved after having been disturbed and disappeared. Now, all that was left was the four servant girls with strange looks on their faces, flushed cheeks and twitching legs. Even Freya was feeling hot herself, but with her strength, she was able to control it. The four girls who were just in the late stage of the awakening realm wouldn't be able to hang on.

Thinking quickly, Freya ran to the door.

"Girls, I'm really sorry about this. But I won't be able to let you out until the blows over. There are some toys in the cabinet over there. That's all I can do... good luck."

Freya ran out the door and locked it before sliding down to the floor with her back against the door.

Right as she was about to close it, she noticed the girls had started to jump after her.

She could only wait and hold her breath, not sure what was going to happen.

Her answer came quickly as the sound of exotic moans and screams of 'harder mommy' and 'me too... do me too' came flying out from the closed off room.

Freya could only thank her luck that she got out of there when she did while cursing to cut off Laz's dick if she got the chance.


Seeing the guards, Laz noticed that they were actually infected wearing bracelets of red jade beads. For Laz, even the beads couldn't hide the energy fluctuations anymore. Although it kept the power from acting like a beacon, it didn't mean that it could fully restrict it. It was simple for Laz to see through it.

As Laz approached the door, the tall, muscular guards couldn't help but laugh. La really looked like some poor kid who was looking for a good time. Normally, that wouldn't be an issue. But tonight it was.

"Scram kid. We're closed." The largest one said.

Laz was thinking about responding, but decided he didn't want to have to deal with this shit any longer than necessary. So as opposed to explaining himself, Laz just kept walking as though he didn't see the men blocking the way.

Seeing the young man disregard them, the bouncers weren't angry as this wasn't the first time it happened. Instead, they just stood there like a meat wall, intent on not letting Laz through. They were going to make it a simple contest of strength, one that the young man in front of them couldn't compete with.

Just as Laz reached the big man who stood there without the intention of moving, Laz finally looked up, straight into the man's eyes. The man who was previously laughing, suddenly froze, his face filled with terror. He could help but step back and to the side, no longer wanting to block Laz's way. Laz didn't say anything and just walked forward, opening the door for himself and stepping inside.



"What the hell was that? He some long lost, abandoned sperm of yours or something?"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, ALL OF YOU." The big man turned to look, but Laz had already disappeared inside and therefore didn't hear them. Noticing this, the man took a slow, deep breathe.


"I don't know. I don't know what kind of monster just walked in. But if you hear screaming or anything later, don't move a god damn muscle. We just stayin here and not letting anyone else in, got it?"

Although the guys were confused, they nodded their heads. Of all the guards at the door, this one big man was the strongest. And if he was this scared, there must be a reason.

More than a few of the others wanted to run, but seeing the big man just stand there and not move, they followed suit.

As for Laz, he had simply used his eyes to convey his thoughts. Perhaps it doesn't sound too scary, but when the eyes of the person in front of you suddenly turn blood red and the rest of your vision is clouded in red, it really makes it seem like you are looking at a demon. Since Laz knew this, there was no need for him to exert any more effort physically.

The result was better than he expected. Actually, he had expected that he would have to say a few words like 'I'm one of you,' or "I was invited.' But as it turned out, just his gaze was enough to scare the other man enough to almost piss himself. What Laz didn't know since there wasn't a guidebook for all of this was that his spiritual power had strengthened thanks to his 'activities' with Malene. Her strength was different than his after all. She was strong in the spiritual sense while most of his strength came from his body and bloodline. So after doing the nasty... several times... she had benefited from his energy and blood.

On the other hand, his spiritual power had gone through an awakening thanks to interacting with hers. The problem for him was that it was far more of a subtle change, hence why he failed to notice it.

Laz had made an entrance, but it didn't matter as the club was darkly lit with barely dressed girls walking around. No one was in the mood to look at one more guy walking around.

Laz noticed that there were dozens of guys gathered around the stage, watching three beautiful women dancing while removing the few bits of clothing they were wearing while being accompanied by other girls who were sitting on their aps, pouring their drinks and laughing while playfully interacting with the guys and each other.

'Honestly? This? Come on...' Laz could feel that every guy in the place was an infected. There were also several women who were infected as well, it was just a bit harder to tell.

While the girls dancing and accompanying the guys were all normal, there were also several women who were mixed in, also having normal girls sitting on their aps and flirting with them.

While looking around some more, Laz noticed that outside of the spot lights, there were several tables pushed away from the center in which sat other groups of people. These people all had different looks on their faces, some of envy, some of ust, and some just looked down right pissed. Among these groups of outsiders, Laz noticed Julia sitting at a table with two other girls and three guys.

One of the guys who looked totally out of place in the group, sat especially close to Julia while the others were just randomly scattered around. Even though they all had drinks, except for the one sitting next to Julia, the rest seemed to belong to the people who were pissed.

Seeing this, Laz started to get an idea of what was going on.

Without thinking about it, Laz grabbed a random drink off a tray that was passing by without the waitress noticing and walked to Julia's table.

Just as they noticed Laz approached, he was already there and sat in the free seat between the two other guys and girls.

While everyone else looked shocked, Julia had a pleasant, surprised look on her face.


"Of course. You did say I could come right?" Laz replied, taking a sip of the drink her just stole.

'Jack and coke hmm?' He thought to himself.

"I didn't expect you to show up so soon."

"And who is this?" The guy sitting next to Julia seemed angry at her becoming pleased that another man had shown up.

"A friend of mine. Laz, this is Greg, Greg, Laz."

"Oh? A friend huh?" Greg reached his hand across the table to shake Laz's hand but Laz didn't return the gesture, instead looking at Greg with a rather strange look.

"Seems your friend doesn't have any manners?" Greg said, reaching for his drink instead as though he didn't care that Laz refused his gesture.

"I just have no desire to shake hands with a man who had been touching himself when I walked over," Laz said with a smile.

His words caused Greg who had been taking a sip to suddenly spit his drink out onto his shirt while the others at the table couldn't help but look at him funny. Julia even went to far as to laugh, thinking that Laz had made a joke of some sort.


"Easy there old man. It's not my fault I have better night vision than most and saw you choking yourself under the table. I would put that little thing back in your pants if I were you. You're not going to impress anyone with it hanging out like that..." Laz said, taking another drink.

He was able to notice what Greg was doing as soon as he spotted Julia's group. He wasn't the only one either. Most of the ust filled guys sitting in the outer area had decided that they would 'enjoy' themselves while no one could see them.

Julia and the others at the table finally understood that Laz wasn't joking. They suddenly slid their seats farther away from the pervert in an effort to distance themselves. Even Julia slid away from him seeing the reaction of shame he had on his face.

"You... ALL OF YOU. FINE. FINE. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES THEN..." After messing with his pants, Greg suddenly stormed off, leaving Julia's group with disgusted looks on their faces.


"Boss, I told you he was a piece of shit."


"Gah... I even let him kiss my hand earlier when he tried to..."

Everyone at the table seemed to have their own complaints about Greg who had just taken off. Julia was the only one who had a somewhat worried look on her face as she watched him depart.

"What's the problem?" Laz asked, seeing her concern.

"He was a foundation realm that we were friendly with. With him backing us, at least we ranked somewhere in the middle of the food chain. But now that he's gone, we are a weak power at most. And I understand his character. He's going to make trouble for us without a doubt." Julia said, turning to look at Laz.

"No worries since I am here. Speaking of that, why are we here anyway? I thought you said you met in a hotel conference room?" Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#%!d(string=12217418205098505)/handshake_%!d(string=51703382808787610)">#%!d(string=12217418205098505)/handshake_%!d(string=51703382808787610) for visiting.

Hearing this, the group's mood seemed to drop all at once while Julia cleared her throat a little.

"Sigh... It's like this..."

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