Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 252: Experience

Chapter 252: Experience


"Kill him?"

It seemed like Remi's orders had stirred some mixed emotions from the various people gathered. Despite them doing things in the dark and plotting against one another, they had never gone so far as killing each other before. So when Remi's words came out, there was more than a few people who suddenly became rather frightened.

"Did I stutter? I asked you to rid us of this person. You're all not hesitating now, are you? That would be very bad for you..."

Remi's voice trailed off while looking over at Laz, almost as though she did even want to bother talking to the people she was ordering around.

The one with the strangest look on their face right now was Damien. After all, he was suppose to be the leader that she had put in charge. As far as Remi went, she was suppose to just be his support and not interfere with the happenings of the council unless she had something she wanted him to do.

But now it seemed like she was going to be the one taking command, at least for the moment.

For those who didn't understand what was going on, they were looking at Damien with questioning gazes. For the ones who understood who Remi was, they could only look at each other and sigh.

Guess things weren't going to be as simple as they had thought.

Despite the surprise they felt, the upper level members could only take a deep breath and turn their attention towards Laz who was still trying to make sense of things.

'This woman is seriously messed up in the head.' Seeing everyone turn their sights on him, Laz decided to just put her to the back of his mind for now and face the ones who had turned towards him with ill intent.

"Come now. Can't we just talk this over?" Laz asked, looking at the various foundation realm infected who had started drawing their power.

"Sadly friend, there is nothing to talk about. When the lady speaks, we listen." Damien responded, not really caring about this unfamiliar face. Although Laz had leaked enough of his aura to show he was an infected, it was overall a very weak reveal. Laz had figured it would show he was one of them without scaring anyone. But it seemed like that made them all think he was weak.

"Laz..." Julia called over from the side, worried.

"It's fine. Since it has come to this, I might as well get serious. After all, the plan is still the same, it just looks like it's going to be played in a more open setting."

Well, since it had come to this, Laz figured there was no point in hiding.

Laz circulated his energy and blood at full force, no longer hiding his strength. Before a single attack even came his way, the ones who had been moving towards him suddenly felt a strong sense of danger assault their senses. It caused the entire room to take a step back.

Seeing this, Remi smiled, something that Laz didn't fail to notice.

If it had been another time, Laz might had just attacked first and asked questions later. But considering everyone in the room was considered an infected like him and because he didn't feel any killing intent coming from Remi, Laz started to think that maybe he had gotten the wrong opinion.

'Why is she... acting like she is watching a show?" Laz failed to understand her real intent.

Either way, with his aura on full display, the foundation realms that had been moving towards him backed off and started to group together. Damien especially looked to be in a rather foul mood..

"I don't know who you are and even if you are strong, there are far more of us than there are you. It's best if you leave, right now, before we have to get serious," Damien threatened.

"I thought I said to kill him?" Remi asked, finally turning her attention towards Damien.

"Remi, besides you, none of us are a match for him. If we attack him now, even though we will succeed in killing him, many of us might die as well, causing us a lot of undue loss. Isn't it better if he just leaves now and we be rid of him?" Damien replied back respectfully. These were his honest thoughts at the moment as he didn't want to severely weaken themselves just to chase off one person who happened to wander in.

"Weaklings. This is the reason Remi said this council in stupid. Just because of one powerful man who steps into our lives, you all want to turn tail and run and not fight? Do you expect to talk and threaten your way out of every situation you get in? Isn't it better to fight and kill your enemies than to give them time to get strong enough to destroy you?" Remi asked, looking disgusted.

Strangely, Laz was starting to get some idea of what was going on.

"Yes, yes. What mistress Remi says is right. We must destroy this bothersome pest before he can bring us any more trouble," Greg said, somewhere off to the side. It was easy to tell that he had been hiding in the back since the beginning and had no intention of fighting Laz first. As far as he was concerned, there were more than enough idiots to act as meat shields for him.

"I don't like you and don't call me mistress. I'm sure you would love nothing more that to be beaten like a dog every day from Remi but Remi refuses to have a dog as ugly as you," Remi said, causing Greg's face to turn red and green at the same time.

"Ha. Interesting. I personally agree with the crazy chick over there. You all back away just because you're scared? That will only get you killed quicker," Laz said, basically supporting them attacking him.

Laz's plan to use this premade organization would be useless if the members didn't have the slightest balls to work with.

"See that? Even he is mocking you. Come on boys. Tuck in those useless ball sacks of yours and show him what you're made of. Otherwise the girls here are going to think that your all talk and no dick. And you don't want that do you?" Remi again provoked them, causing the girls who had been left alone to laugh, even though they covered it up quickly.

They had been listening to these guys for a while now bragging about this and that so much their ears hurt. Now that Remi made fun of the guys, the girls couldn't help but laugh about it.

It was one thing to insult a man in general. Guys did it to each other all the time since that's just how it was. But hearing one rather attractive woman insult their manhood while other women laughed at them, it was enough to hurt their fragile egos.

Without another word, thirteen butt hurt men charged at Laz in an attempt to prove their worth.

Laz couldn't stop smiling.

:Remember when I said you needed more practical training? Well, make sure you and all the other members of your guild pay attention.: Laz sent this thought to Julia, knowing that she would hear him. One of the reason he never used this way to talk to other infected normally was because it was hard for a weaker person to block out the spiritual voice of a stronger one. Even if you were stronger, it wasn't like you could totally block out the voice coming from someone else. Therefore, using spiritual sense to convey a message was like the equivalent of yelling in someone's ear when they weren't expecting it. Even if the voice was soft, if you couldn't block it out, it might as well be shouting.

Hearing Laz talk to her this way, Julia, who had been very nervous, relaxed.

The men scrambled over, knocking over tables and chairs in an effort to prove themselves. Their energies covered their bodies as though each man was equipping a suit of armor. Seeing this, Laz laughed. It was a total waste to just have energy surging out of you body with the only practical use of it was that it made you look cool.

Not that Laz hadn't done it in the past, but still.

Either way, the men were using their 'energy armor' in an effort to distort Laz's aura so that they could get close to him. With all of them acting in sync, they felt that their plan would work.

They were further boosted with confidence when Laz's aura suddenly disappeared, causing them to charge forward without pause.

It wasn't that they had broken it, it was Laz who concealed it.

Taking back his aura and blocking off his energy, Laz stood facing these men as an almost normal human, the only thing he planned on relying on was his body.


The first guy reach Laz and tried punching him in the face like an idiot. Laz didn't even bother to block and stepped forward while kicking out, causing the man to fold like a banana and shoot backwards.

The second and third to arrive immediately thought to team up. One man with a stronger body went to lunge forward and lock Laz up in a pin while the other went in for the kill. Laz simply grabbed the collar of the one looking to grab him and twisted his body, causing his rush to be diverted into the other man who was attacking from the side, causing them both to go spinning as their heads bashed into each other.

Laz didn't even bother waiting for the other nine to attack him as he stepped hard on the ground and shot forward, causing the wooden floor to snap.

Using nothing more than the most simply of martial arts, Laz punched, kicked, threw, and palmed his way through them.

In less than ten minutes, all thirteen men laid on the ground in various states of pain. The worst ones had broken bones while the lightest injured had just been knocked out.

'I could have finished this in less than a minute if I just killed them all...' Laz thought to himself.

'Wait... did I just think that?' Laz was momentarily distracted by his own violent thoughts. He couldn't worry about that now though and turned around to face Julia, noticing a twinkle in her eye.

:It doesn't matter how much power a person has if they don't know how to use it,: Laz said, revealing his thoughts to her.

She understood. Laz hadn't used any more or any less force than when he normally sparred with her. In fact, it even looked like he had barely tried when it came down to it. Had she been in his place, she would have been able to do the same.

That's what she understood. She knew that these men were stronger than her energy wise which was why she always avoided them. But seeing how they actually fought, she knew that didn't have a clue how to actually use there energy in their attacks. Had Laz been serious, he could have killed them all within moments.

Laz then turned her attention back around towards Remi and noticed she was looking at him as well.

"You are more interesting than I thought. Remi is happy!" The girl stood up, and walked over to Laz, standing right in front of him. It was only know that Laz was able to appreciate that this young woman was rather cute in her own way. Her hair was almost like a snow white while he wore high rimmed, red glasses. Although her body didn't scream sexy, she was decently developed in all the right areas and gave off a rather aloof but dominate personality.

And apparently she enjoyed referring to herself in the third person.

"You knew they had no idea how to fight, didn't you?"

"Of course. Why do you think Remi took over this little boy group so easily?"

"That's the how. What's the why?"

"Why? Why did Remi do this? Well... because everyone here makes really good cannon fodder for Remi," she replied back with a smile.

'Oh right. Fucking nuts. Why did I ask?'

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