Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 303: Overcoming Pestilence, Satisfying Famine

Chapter 303: Overcoming Pestilence, Satisfying Famine

After she spoke those words, Laz felt something appear behind his head, but when he turned to look, he didn't see anything. Laz even used his spiritual sense to test the air, but once again found nothing. It was like something was there, but it wasn't.

Turning his head back, Laz noticed Pestilence looking at him with a smile.

"So tell me master, how will you conquer me?" She asked, slightly amused.

Rightly so, Laz was confused.

'Why does this feel like some sort of test?' He felt like the girls had submitted to him already and yet there was something he was missing from that. War had given him a few clues, information about what it was like for her to be war while at the same time what it would take to conquer war. He needed her full submission in a way where she couldn't fight back and lost the ability to resist him.

'If that's the case... how does one conquer pestilence?' Laz pondered to himself while Pestilence went over to grab her shampoo and began washing her hair, seemingly ignoring him.

Pestilence in and of itself was illness, but not just any illness. It was a life taking, plague structured, population reducing illness of which there was no cure.

So how did one defeat that? There are a few ways. One would be to let it spread enough that it kills enough people that there is no place left for it to go. Another is quarantine until those infected die off and take the disease with it.

'Or... I guess... that would work to. But how do I do that... oh... OH!!!... That might work,' Laz ran to just outside the shower area where he had dropped his spatial pouch and got some things out of it.

'Luckily I had some extra, unused stuff. No girl wants to share these types of things with another girl,' Laz thought to himself before running back in the shower area.

He noticed that War was still passed out on the floor, the hot water coating her body like a blanket. Pestilence had just finished cleaning her body and was about to turn off the water having noticed that Laz had left. She actually felt a little disappointed that he would run off. Even she was unaware of what it would take to cause her to full submit to him as it would have to be instinctual. But like the other sisters, she knew that there was something important with doing so.

Just as she had reached over and turned off the water, a pair of strong hands grabbed around her wrists and dragged her hands behind her. Then a knee on her back caused her to be pressed forward against the shower pole as she quickly felt her hands being bound. Before she could even scream out, a large, round and squishy ball was placed into her mouth connected to leather straps that then tightened around her cheeks. There was even a soft, silky piece of cloth that was put over her eyes causing her vision to go black. A soft, foam piece was shoved into both of her ears as well while more and more ropes twisted around her neck and legs, causing her to lose all of the ability to move, hear, or see.

In less than a minute, she was completely restrained and bound. With a final strange of rope thrown up by Laz over one of the rafters in the ceiling, Pestilence was lifted up into the air, suspended by her chest, waist and legs. Had she been on the ground, she would have been laying on her stomach.

"And this is how you quarantine Pestilence," Laz said to himself out loud.

Of course he knew that this wasn't enough. Even if this was the way, he still had to make her submit. Luckily he had kept that in mind as he was tying her up, leaving access to her lower parts for his oncoming battle.

Needless to say, Laz had no trouble with Pestilence from here on out. While she was suspended in the air with most of her senses cut off, the only thing she could feel was Laz. Be it his hands, his mouth or his raging flesh sword, Pestilence was treated to many different forms of 'torture' until her entire body went limp, juices flowing out of every available orifice. Laz wasn't even aware of the fact that she fainted until he felt something appear out of the corner of his eye. Turning to look, it was gone again before he could catch a glimpse of it.

'Am I seeing things? That can't be right,' Laz thought to himself. Looking over at Pestilence and War, Laz figured it was just better to leave them there for the time being. The most his did was take the gage out of Pestilence's mouth and undid the blindfold and ear plugs, allowing her face to be free. As far as her being tied up? War could handle that when she finally got up. Besides, the ropes were now wet and probably going to be a pain to undo so War's much smaller fingers were better suited to the job.

As such, Laz toweled off and made for the living room area he had walked through before, opting not to return to the bedroom. As tired as he might be, there was just no way he was going to get any sleep if the other two woke up.

Looking up at the climbing wall to see the covered glass skylight, Laz wondered just what this building used to be before the girls took over. If everything in here was done by them, Laz couldn't help but applaud their abilities.

"I knew you weren't coming back," Famine said as she snuck up behind Laz and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Oh? Well... I just figured I would let you all sleep...".

"You can't escape this master. It is fate. You must continue till the end...."

"You mean?" Laz knew, Famine knew. He just thought he would confirm.

"Of course. Next up master, you must conquer Famine. I must say I am curious as to how you plan on doing this."

"Did you and your sister's plan this?" Laz asked, confused. If not for a plan, how would they each know what was happening? And that Laz needed to conquer them? And why? He found too many questions and not enough answers.

"No," She said simply, looking at Laz with a smile.

Laz could only smile back and look around, wondering just how much of the room would be left intact after they were done. After all, Pestilence required some thought, War just required pain and overwhelming power, but Famine was really quite simple in contrast. How did one solve a famine? Make sure everyone had enough to eat.

As far as the Famine in front of him.... he knew he was going to have to give it his all to fill her up... every part of her.

I'm sure by now one could imagine the battle that took place here. No matter what, Laz had already been active for the past several hours and having gotten to this point, even a man like Laz with his almost inexhaustible stamina would find himself fatigued. This was after he had used a bit of his core essence blood to heal the girls in the first place. The only solace that Laz had was that his energy reserves were replenished by the girls who kept draining him.

Even still, by the time Famine collapsed, her slightly bloated belly didn't even begin to show just how many times Laz ended up coming in her. Even more than that, she was more than happy to accept every single liquid Laz was willing to give her and drink it down as though it was sweetest juice in the world. Laz had heard the term water sports before, but Famine had gone above and beyond that and showed him just how crazy it was to use a human toilet.

Laz felt like he had just fought three great battles and was now completely out of juice... in more ways than one. And that weird feeling had come again and disappeared just as quickly, but Laz didn't even bother to look at this point.

What's more, there were now quite a few more stains in the living room, although who actually caused them would be a question open to debate. Laz couldn't help but want to head back into the shower and debated if he could be in and out before anyone noticed.

Just as he was going to turn around and try though, a beautiful face, one that he had satisfied three times already, was suddenly right next to his own.

"Oh... Death. Umm... yeah.... I'm going to have to take a rain check on..." Laz tried to explain himself, but Death didn't even bother to respond. She grabbed his wrist and started dragging him upstairs, turned down a hall way and into a room before closing the door behind her and locking it.

"I really don't think I can do that again..."

"That's not how you conquer death," she said, fishing something up from a drawer next to her bed.

"Uh... then..."

"Sit. First thing's first. I know you have a lot of questions, but hear me out," Death said, covering what she pulled out in her hand and closing the drawer before sitting next to Laz. Laz had just barely had time to get some boxers on before he was dragged upstairs while Death was in a sheer black nighty. All things considered, it hid nothing. Not that he hadn't seen it many times already. And even then there were slight variations. No matter how identical the girls were to each other, they were not completely the same. For example, War's breasts were slightly bigger than her sisters while Pestilence had slightly bigger nippes. Famine actually had a small birth mark on the inside of her left thigh, one that was just a small discoloration, but unless someone had spent a large amount of time between her legs, they would never notice.

As for death, Laz felt like there was something more different about her, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

"I'm the oldest sister, as you know. What you don't know and what even my sister's don't know is that I'm older by more than just a few minutes or such."

"So like an hour or two?" It wasn't common, but it wasn't unheard of.

"More like three years older..." Death said, sighing. Her sister's were all she had in this world and she wasn't sure if she would still be one with them if they found out she was actually years older than them. Perhaps it was a foolish worry, but Ivy Death didn't want to take the risk. She was both glad and scared to have revealed this to Laz.

"Three years?" Laz asked, astounded. Having mentioned it, Laz noticed with his exceptional eye sight that the thing that was different about was that she appeared more mature than the others. But that would be impossible for anyone other than him to tell.

"Yes. The girls don't know this because as far as they were concerned, I was always the oldest and therefore biggest. Once they got to a certain age, it was impossible to tell us all apart. As such, we are four identical sisters, born at the same time."

"Ok. I can keep that a secret. But why is that important now?" Laz didn't want to be rude, but that hardly seemed like any of his business.

"Because you have to understand that I will be more dangerous that the other three. I always have been. Maybe they guessed it, but they don't know it for sure. Maybe it's because I am older, or maybe it's because Death itself is leagues higher than the other three horsemen, even in the old tales. But since you have already conquered the other three, you have no choice but to try your best to conquer me. And I will have to do everything I can to stop you. It's a part of the blood pact. We are not descendants of ancient races like the other infected. We were cursed."


"You will come to know in time. For now, all I can say is that there are other's who will be like us as well. The girls at Heaven or Hell have their own goddess and while we get along with them, there is someone else who controls us. Being enslaved to you isn't a problem right now since the gods are all still sleeping. But once the one who cursed us awakens, they will probably come for you. Perhaps we were a little too anxious to find our chosen one and took advantage of you..."

"Oh? Well... What's one more god hunting for me anyway..." Laz said, remembering what the goddess in the crystal coffin had said to him about his bloodline being desired by gods.

"Wait... what? Gods will be looking for you?" This time it was Death's turn to be confused. But Laz just waved it off.

"Anyway. Since we have already come this far, tell me what I have to do to finish this trial."

"Well... you will... have to die....."

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