Chronicles of the Heavenly Demon

Chapter 129: Heaven Annihilation (1)

Chapter 129: Heaven Annihilation (1)

The Nine Heavens Devouring Array was named after the nine layers of Heaven. 

The Jun (Great) Heaven at the center. 

The Cang (Azure) Heaven in the east.

The Hao (Bright) Heaven in the west.

The Yan (Flame) Heaven in the south.

The Xuan (Mysterious) Heaven in the north.

The Bian (Changing) Heaven in the northeast.

The You (Tranquil) Heaven in the northwest. 

The Zhu (Vermilion) Heaven in the southwest. 

The Yang (Solar) Heaven in the southeast. 

These Nine Heavens were the skies that covered the entire world. 

The Nine Heavens Devouring Array was created with the determination to force all the demonic beings to kneel under the Nine Heavens. 

And as the name implied, the array would use the power of the Nine Heavens to devour demons. 

The first explosion was a trap.

This Nine Heavens Devouring Array was the real weapon inside the Qaidam Basin. 

It was also the reason why the sect leaders kept telling the martial artists to lead the demonic practitioners into the basin. 

And as the name implied, it was enough to adversely affect all the demonic practitioners.

Whats going on?

I dont have any strength.


The demonic practitioners suddenly felt weak and limp. Among the demonic, those who werent as strong were already lying on the floor, or about to collapse. 

It felt like their demonic energy was out of control 

It felt like all the oxygen had disappeared.

What about the Demonic King and Demonic Masters?

It was true that they were better off than the others.

However, they were still filled with dreadful helplessness.

They had to be at least Peak Level to withstand the influence of the array.

But Great Demons were not common. 

Even if you overturned the entire Demonic Cult, there would only be a few hundred Great Demons.

Only seventy were currently present. Even with the Demonic Kings and Woon-seong, they didnt even number 100 men. 

Moreover, the offensive of the Orthodox faction was not over.

The array works!

Prepare your arrows.

Feed the iron rod!

Convinced that the array was doing its job, the Orthodox went about preparing another wave of attacks. 

They would be firing arrays battling upfront, forming a siege net. 

As they were doing so, one of the Great Demons shouted, I have one of your allies, you better watch where youre shooting!

Youre targeting your own people!

As he said, some Orthodox martial artists were in the area. 

Tangled with the Demonic Cult, they were unable to leave the central area yet. 

If the Orthodox continued to shoot arrows, their own people would also be hurt. 

A shout was heard in response to the demonic practitioner from the Orthodox faction, Sacrifices are absolutely necessary in order to uphold justice. They will be glorious, even in death.

Even the Orthodox martial artists who were tangled up with the demonic practitioners were startled. They couldnt believe they were being thrown away just like that. 

There was another person who snorted.

Thats funny.

It was Woon-seong.

Woon-seongs voice resonated through the area. 

He continued to mutter, You guys have always been that way. Pretending to be righteous and pretending to be just. But you are all merely hypocritical, self-righteous, and stupid.

Woon-seong was a Semi-Divine Being. 

No matter how good the Nine Heavens Devouring Array was, it had no effect on him.

As Woon-seong moved about freely, someone who had been watching from the side shouted loudly, What are you doing, dont shoot arrows!

The ones holding the bows muttered in confusion. Some archers personally knew the martial artists still trapped in the array. They were colleagues, brothers who they had shared a pot of rice with yesterday. 

When they hesitated, the sect leaders screamed.

Shoot or you will die! Shoot me!

Fire your arrows!

We must uproot the Cult of the Heavenly Demon now!

The people who shouted were mostly those who were part of a major sect, or faced an area without members of their own sect.

At their cries, some soldiers shot arrows.


Each soldier shot very few, but there were many of them.

Hundreds of arrows poured down on the demonic practitioners.

At that moment, the Woon-seong reached out his hand.


A wall of fire rose around the demons.

The Divine Flame burnt all the flying arrows. Needless to say, the Orthodox cultivators who were forming the encirclement felt the heat of the flames and stepped back. 

Several shouted once more.

Shoot more arrows!

Dont shoot horizontally, make them arc and fall from above!

However, Woon-seongs movements were a breath faster.

Bang, bang. 

As Woon-seong moved his feet, the earth cracked like a spiders web.

Even though he had simply stepped, he had created a large crater.

At the same time, Woon-seong stepped into the air.


Just like when the fortress was destroyed, a miracle was unfolding.

Thunk, thunk-

Woon-seong stepped into the sky, acting casual, but he had less stamina than expected. 

With this move, his energy storage would slip below half. 

I must have an overwhelming appearance. 

After showing such incredibly strong power, it was likely that the Orthodox faction would surrender. 

From the moment they were asked to shoot their colleagues, there had already been a disturbance amongst the Orthodox faction. 

As long as we accept their surrender, they wont care about the hypocrites. 

Moreover, the Woon-seong remembered the faces of all the Orthodox martial artists who had spoken out just now.

My god.

He still has so much strength left?!

The Orthodox cultivators were shocked as Woon-seong walked into the air. As if to show off some more, Woon-seong acted more casual. 

The qi in my dantian is decreasing rapidly, but its still tolerable. 

Woon-seong reached out his hand. 

The White Night Spear hovered around Woon-seong, according to the technique of Lightning Stitching Art. A powerful suction formed around his hand. 


At the same time, rocks rose from the ground and into the air. They gathered around Woon-seongs hand. 

The small pieces were the size of mans head; the larger ones were the size of several people combined. 

The rocks in the air formed a spectacular scene. 


It consumes more energy than I expected. 

But he did not stop. 


Several swords also rose into the air amongst the rocks 

Exactly twenty of them. 

That was also the same number as the martial artists which Woon-seong had remembered. 

But no one focused on the swords. 

There was an even more spectacular sight.


The Divine Flame from Woon-seongs hands enveloped the rocks in the air. 

The burning rocks in the air reminded onlookers of a dozen suns. 

Is he really human?

As someone muttered, that was not something a human could do.

Did that mean he was truly a Semi-Divine being?

The Orthodox soldiers prayed to gods they did not believe in to save their lives. Some even prayed to the Heavens and earth spirits. 

A tick appeared on Woon-seongs forearm .

My stamina ran out faster than I expected.

Woon-seong urgently examined the situation. He glanced around, looking at the pieces of the Nine Heavens Devouring Array. 

It should have been well hidden, but Woon-seong had gone through extreme sense training with Chun Hwi. 

Find the artificially planted rocks, there is an array setup here. 

Woon-seong soon discovered the cornerstones.

Theres exactly nine.

Each time one rock tower was destroyed, the power of the Nine Heavens Devouring Array would become weaker. 

And what if all nine of them were destroyed?

The Nine Heavens Devouring Array would lose its strength. 

Woon-seong dropped a boulder towards each of the towers. 



Burning stones dropped from tremendous altitude.


Before the person was finished speaking, one hit the ground.



Divine Arts of the Heavenly Demon. 

Millenia of Heaven Annihilation. [1]

As the name suggested, the Heavenly Demon destroyed the world. 

* * *



There was chaos as meteors crashed into earth, dust billowing in the sky above the basin. 

Every time a meteor landed, the whole basin would tremble through an earthquake.

These tremors turned the earth upside down, chipping away at the walls.

Several parts of Qaidam Basin were torn and flipped. It was hard to consider the area as flat land anymore. 

Cough, cough.

Am Iam I alive?

Someone coughed in the frightening dust, and another was surprised to see himself alive.

In the meantime, the dust slowly settled.

The revealed scenery was devastating.

The world is a scene of constant changes. 

That was an apt phrase to describe how one mans power could carve out mountains and turn the sea upside down. 

All the demonic practitioners were enthralled by the incredible sight before them. 

Some of them noticed that the power of the Nine Heavens Devouring Array had disappeared.

The Leader has broken the array!

Indeed, the Leader!

Hail the Heavenly Demon

As the demonic cheered, the Orthodox were filled with despair.

In the meantime, they learned something amazing.


A powerful move that looked like the destruction of the world, but few people had died. 

Only a few cultivators in the immediate vicinity had lost their lives.

What the hell someone muttered without realizing. 

Once again, an eerie sound cracked through the air. 



Pow, pow, pow!

Lightning struck from the air.

No, it wasnt lightning.

It was a sword.

The twenty swords in the air struck down like thunderbolts. 


Huff! Huff!

All those that were targeted were the ones who had commanded the Orthodox to release arrows. 

Woon-seong dealt with them all at once; there was no room for retaliation. 

Everyones eyes had been on the annihilation, so no one had seen the swords coming. 

Everyone then raised their heads towards where the swords had come from. 

And they could see.

Woon-seong still floated in the air, looking fine.


The demonic practitioners continued to worship.

As everyone turned to him, Woon-seong shouted, Those who surrender can live!

It was an irresistible voice.

[1] technically should be called Heavenly Demons World Annihilation but I thought Millenia of Heaven Annihilation sounded cooler

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