Contract marriage: His Sweet Wife and Cutest Twin Babies

Chapter 1239

Chapter 1239

Bai Weiwei and Ling Yebai sat in the aisle and waited for three hours.

Bai Weiwei has been dozing off. She fell asleep on Ling Yebai's shoulder.

She had a long, long dream that she married Ling Yebai, but Ling Yebai suddenly disappeared

Bai Weiwei became an abandoned bride.

Suddenly, Bai Weiwei woke up. When she woke up, she was sweating.

"What's the matter?" Ling Yebai saw that Bai Weiwei had a nightmare, grabbed her cold hand and asked, "have a nightmare?"

"I dreamed that we were married, but you suddenly ran away. At the wedding, you never showed up. I was left alone. It was very embarrassing."

Bai Weiwei looked at Ling Yebai and said that everything in her dream seemed to be true, which made her palpitation.

"No, how can I disappear? Haven't I always been by your side? I always love you so much. Even if you don't love me, I'll be by your side. Do you say if you marry me, can I suddenly run away?"

Lingye Baichong scraped Bai Weiwei's nose with a smile on her face.

"Yes, I'm the woman you've always dreamed of. How can you escape marriage!"

Bai Weiwei smiles.

After a while, the little face became gloomy again, "no, what if you loved me before, but don't love me now? Maybe you were with me to revenge me, and then deliberately ran away from marriage when you got married, embarrassing me!"

A pair of beautiful eyes stared at Ling Yebai's eyes, and Ling Yebai was happy.

The finger poked Bai Weiwei's head and said helplessly, "what's in your little head? You're so paranoid. Why didn't you become a screenwriter?"

"I want to, but I can eat on my face!"

Bai Weiwei rolled her eyes.

After joking with Ling Yebai, the heaviness in his heart seemed to be relieved suddenly. He was not so sad and worried.

Whatever, let it be.

If Yebai doesn't want himself, he can't force it, can he?

Bai Weiwei yawned and looked at Tuoba cold ice in the intensive care unit. "Do you think he was asleep or pretending to be asleep?"

"If your master finds you asleep, he's dead!"

Ling Yebai shrugged and looked like watching a good play.

"It shouldn't be so easy to fall asleep when his wife comes back? I guess he didn't fall asleep, but waited patiently for my master. At this point, should my master come?"

Bai Weiwei was talking. A pink figure appeared at the end of the corridor. Ye Qi suddenly appeared. She ran here quickly.


As soon as Bai Weiwei saw Ye Qi, she entered the state for a second, with tears in her eyes.

"Shifu, please help master Han. Please help him. He has been in a coma for a long time!"

Bai Weiwei looked at Ye Qi with tears. She was like an injured person and her lover.

Ye Qi also had no time to think. She stood at the window of the intensive care unit and took a look. She saw that Tuoba Hanbing was full of tubes and various instruments. He was wrapped up in many places. The whole person looked miserable.

It's really him.

He's really hurt, too!

Ye Qier pushed open the door of the intensive care unit without saying anything.

Bai Weiwei wanted to stop, "master, the doctor said, you can't go in like this. You have to change your clothes!"

Ye Qi didn't speak. Without saying a word, he pushed the door open, and then went in.

Ling Yebai winked at Bai Weiwei, "the next thing is about them. Let's just watch the excitement!"

Bai Weiwei wiped her tears and looked at Ye Qi.

Ye Qiyi went in and yelled at Tuoba Hanbing twice and scolded twice. "Tuoba Hanbing, get up for me. What are you like? Don't you want to find me? I'm standing in front of you now. What do you want? Tell me!"

"Don't pretend to be dead, get up!"

"Tuoba cold ice, get up!"

Ye Qiyi was furious at first, yelling and scolding. After scolding a few words, he cried wildly.

The more Ye Qiyue cries, the more sad he is. It seems that he is talking about a sad past.

Bai Weiwei and Ling Yebai feel distressed when they look at it.

Just when ye Qi was crying badly, Tuoba Hanbing's hand suddenly grabbed her hand. Ye Qi was stunned. She looked at Tuoba Hanbing in amazement, "can you hear it, right? You didn't faint, right?"

Tuoba Hanbing's hand gradually exerted its strength.

Ye Qi was stunned, but it was only three seconds. Ye Qi suddenly shook off Tuoba Hanbing's hand.

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