Cosmic Editor

Chapter 60: Medical

Chapter 60: Medical

Without a choice despite the many questions still in their mind, they all followed her orders as they formed and orderly line and began walking into the room one after the other.

Before they could get in though, Nous left the stage to make it appear as though she entered the room before them.

As for why she was going through all the stress of making it appear as though she was human. It was simple, not many Nigerians both educated or not, actually knew what an artificial intelligence was.

If she went up to them especially this group as they were, while behaving as an artificial intelligence should. They would have all ran away believing that she was some ghost or even possibly a demon that was out to get them.

Yes, the uneducated can be that superstitious but they are not to be blamed, they just didnt have the opportunity to learn more about such things.

Nous sat on the only chair in the room as the first person entered. It was a young man who looked to be in his early twenties.

The boy was thin, in fact almost malnourished. His hair was all over the place and the determined look in his eyes said it all. This was someone who just wanted to leave where they were and nothing else.

Seeing the determined look in his eyes, a smile formed on her face as she immediately got into character.

"Name?" she asked while holding a file in her hands

"Benedict Omunna" The man answered

"That's with two Ns right?" Nous asked, acting surprised as though she didn't expect the man to understand English.

A man like him usually comes about in two ways, one was that he was born poor and things didn't work out well enough for him to stand on his own and mixed with bad influences, he remained on the streets.

Or he was simply a guy born to middle class family or well to do family but got caught up in things he shouldn't be doing and now he was paying for them.

The story behind such a man was usually one of these but his eyes told her that he planned to hold on to this opportunity tightly and use it to get away from his current situation.

"Okay then, there is a needle on the small pedestal before you, draw a bit of blood with it and let it drip on the part of it that's glowing white, its so that we can scan your DNA for better diagnosis" Nous said in an obvious lie.

Well obvious lie if you knew what she was capable of but they didnt so the man did as told and immediately the dormant screen in the room lit up.

On it were everything about the man, his genotype, what sort of sicknesses he had overcome, whether he had an addiction or not etc. All of them were displayed for them to see.

However in Nous's eye, she could see a massive being descend on him. Its body covered in golden light and its aura more divine than even the gods themselves.

"This is weird" the being said as it pressed its hand on the man.

[At least now you get to feel the full power of the Editor] Nous commented as she looked up to the being... or David.

For David it was a surreal experience and it was also something he didn't expect. One minute, he was back at home playing games and the next, he was floating above a random young guy.

The reason for this was simple. David didn't just want a normal contract between his company, the Compound and them. Of course for now, they would deal with normal threats and handle normal human situations.

However after the event or even during the event, they would be facing supernatural beings and during that time, this contract would be absolutely needed.

Of course for a contract to truly work and be as effective as possible, both parties have to actually agree to it so despite him bestowing a bit of his power on the man now, it wouldn't be useful until the desired time.

"Damn, this guy has seen it all" David commented after a brief survey of the man's memories [He hasn't but he will do anything to get off the streets] Nous said correcting him. "If you say so, I'm leaving now" David replied as he left the room.

His duty was done. His own end of the contract was simply to connect them to himself and at the moment, he could feel the existence of the guy even if he wasn't anywhere near the Compound.

The only effect of the contract that would begin its effect was this connection and the fact that whoever betrays the compound would automatically be killed as well in a 'Death Note' kind of way.

"Okay, that would be all, you dont seem to have any diseases that need curing however prevention is indeed better than cure so here" Nous said as she picked up a syringe filled with some form of liquid.

The liquid seemed normal however its blood red colour made the man uneasy but choosing to trust her. He brought out his hand as she requested with her gestures.

"There is no way i can explain what this is that you would understand however just know that they will ensure that you will never get sick again" Nous explained before she injected the man with it.

The man nodded and left after the injection, giving room for the next guy. The injection though wasnt all Nous had told them it was.

They were simply microscopic machines or simply nano-machines or nanobots that she had designed for the very specific purpose of enhancing them however unlike what is shown in movies and all.

These ones dont instantly grant you abilities beyond compare or even begin to miraculously heal you no matter what injuries you acquire.

These ones do have those abilities. however, they also need nutrients and you to actually work


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