Cosmic Trading System

Chapter 28: Chapter 28: Bravado

About t minutes later, a somewhat panting -haired old man came over.

"Hang, did you say there are three pieces of high-quality jadeite here?" The -haired old man came over and immediately looked at Hang Lee, asking anxiously.

Lin Yun found this quite amusing.

This -haired old man must be the Elder Zhang that Hang Lee had just called. He called his boss by the nickname Hang, indicating that they must have a close relationship.

However, wasn't he afraid of the seller raising the price by showing such eagerness?

That being said, Lin Yun felt somewhat more fond of the -haired old man. A person like him truly loved jade and wouldn't play tricks in business. Businessm loved dealing with such people.

"Elder Zhang, don't be so anxious. The three jadeite pieces are here. Have a look..." Seeing the -haired old man's impatice, Hang Lee also felt somewhat embarrassed, but quickly pointed at the three pieces of jadeite on the table and said.

"Is this... emerald?" The -haired old man immediately looked at the three pieces of jadeite on the table. The next momt, he bulged his eyes, not daring to believe it.

The -haired old man's voice trembled, and his hands eagerly reached for the three pieces of jadeite.

Lin Yun smiled slightly and didn't say anything.

He had be comparing the information about jade stones from the Cosmic Trading System and Earth. He knew that the old man's referce to "emerald" referred to the color of the jadeite, not an emerald gemstone.

"The color is ev... the transparcy is high..." As his hands kept flipping the jadeite pieces, the old man's eyes grew brighter and brighter.

"Elder Zhang, how much do you think these three pieces of jadeite are worth?" Hang Lee seized the opportunity to ask.

"Such good stuff, how can you equate it with money..." The -haired old man, eyes wide, was about to scold Hang Lee, th seemed to remember something, and gave a bitter smile, saying, "Never mind, once something is made, it is meant to be sold for money..."

"Well... this piece of jadeite can make a six bracelets, a doz or so ring surfaces, sev or eight pdants... this piece of jadeite has a great shape, I think it could be made into an ornamt... and this piece of jadeite..." Elder Zhang stared at the three pieces of jadeite, contemplating.

"According to the market price, these three pieces of jadeite should be worth a twty-three million, twty-sev million, and thirty-one million respectively..." After a while, Elder Zhang pointed to the three jadeite pieces and looked at Hang Lee and Lin Yun, stating their respective prices.

"Young man, you are the owner of these three jadeite pieces, right? You must sell them to Hang!" Th, Elder Zhang looked at Lin Yun, rubbing his hands together and laughing.

"Mr. Lin, I am willing to buy these three jadeite pieces at twty perct more than the price Elder Zhang gave. What do you think?" Hang Lee looked at Lin Yun, smiling as he spoke.

Upon hearing Elder Zhang's words, Lin Yun was in shock.

Twty-three million, twty-sev million, and thirty-one million added up to eighty-one million, which was twty-one million more than the sixty million Hang Lee quoted. He didn't think these were worth so much.

Although Lin Yun knew that jade stones could store special ergy and that they were highly valued ev among many civilizations in the universe, the problem was that many people on Earth didn't know this. It was actually crazy.

Just th, Lin Yun heard Hang Lee's words and was once again tak aback.

Eighty-one million, plus an additional twty perct would amount to over ninety-sev million... that was almost a hundred million!

"Mr. Lin, are you unhappy with this price? I know this is high quality jadeite, quite rare. If all are tak to be sold in bigger vues, it may fetch a higher price. How about this, I will pay t perct more..." Seeing that Lin Yun didn't say anything, Hang Lee thought Lin Yun was dissatisfied with the price, so he gritted his teeth and said.

Paying thirty perct more than the market price was already very high. After deducting the cost of processing and promotion, Hang Lee guessed that he won't make much profit...

However, he didn't want to lose a connection like Lin Yun. If Hang Lee could constantly obtain high-quality jadeite from Lin Yun, it would significantly improve the profile of his jewelry store, which would be a form of intangible wealth.

"Mr. Lee, if you don't mind, how about I call you Brother Lee?" Lin Yun recovered from his surprise, looked at Hang Lee who was slightly gritting his teeth, and said with a smile.

Unexpectedly, his momtary silce had prompted Hang Lee to raise the price by another t perct. This t perct was over eight million. His momtary silce had be so valuable... However, seeing Hang Lee gritting his teeth, Lin Yun realized that this price seemed to be a bit of a stretch for him.

If this was the case, it certainly wasn't a sustainable way of doing business.

Many times in business, both sides gritting their teeth was simply a show; they claimed to have tak a big loss but in actuality, made heaps of money. But Lin Yun knew that Hang Lee's expression now was guine.

This was because Lin Yun had just purchased a miniature lie detection device from the Cosmic Trading System. He planned to have a long-term cooperation with Hang Lee, so naturally, he wanted to evaluate the latter's character accurately. As he didn't have the time or ergy to judge, he simply bought a miniature lie detection device from the Cosmic Trading System.

This cost only one Spirit Energy Point, not much for Lin Yun. But it could come in handy wh he needed it most.

According to the lie detector's judgmt, Hang Lee's currt prestation should align with his inner thoughts.

In other words, the price Elder Zhang previously mtioned was indeed the market price. Therefore, the price offered by Hang Lee at this momt was exceptionally high.

"No offse tak, no offse tak. I was actually worried that you would find me bothersome, Brother Lin. From now on, I'll call you that. What do you think?" Hang Lee excitedly said in a hurry.

Truth be told, if he hadn't considered Lin Yun to be from high social standing, he would have already addressed Lin Yun as his brother. That would make doing business easier. However, because he suspected Lin Yun came from a powerful backg, he didn't dare to address him so casually.

In case Lin Yun had high self-esteem, looked down on small businesses like his, and didn't like his attempts at creating brotherly ties, it would be a loss of face for him.

At this point, Hang Lee reckoned that the raised price he offered might be working as intded, winning him guine acknowledgmt from Lin Yun.

He was delighted and felt that the several millions spt were worth it. Befriding such a powerful person might be an opportunity for him.

"Of course, that's no problem." Lin Yun responded with a smile, th continued, "Brother Lee, although I really want you to raise your price by another %, I feel this might be too demanding for you. Since we are now brothers, I naturally can't let you suffer too much. Let's stick with the 0% higher price. If you feel awkward, you can just give me some discount wh I'm buying this hotel later."

Hang Lee, who was now in his forties, felt a surge of excitemt coursing through his body upon hearing Lin Yun's words.

In currt business dealings, who would not bargain over every single ct, especially wh dealing with over 8 million in hard cash?

If it were another person, they would be focused on getting their hands on the over 8 million first.

A man from a powerful backg indeed! His words demonstrated great gerosity as he didn't ev bat an eye at the over 8 million!

"Brother Lin, what are you talking about? It's just a hotel, it's not worth much. Now that you've mtioned us being brothers, I'll simply give the hotel to you!" Hang Lee responded, full of confidce.

Lin Yun was tak aback. He hadn't expected that by giving up over 8 million in profit to avoid a pottial rift in their future cooperation, Lee would offer to give him a hotel worth ts of millions.

A them, Elder Zhang and Jiayun Lee, along with some nearby waiters, were all flabbergasted.

Could business negotiations be done like this?

They were offering millions, ev ts of millions of valuable assets to each other?

This was a vast sum of money. Ordinary people might not earn this in their tire lifetime!

"This wouldn't be right..." Lin Yun came to his sses and hurriedly responded.

"Although I don't have as much money as you, Brother, it's just a hotel. It doesn't mean much to your Brother Lee! If you recognize me as your elder brother, don't say anything else, or else you will be slapping my face!" Hang Lee feigned anger.

"Well... okay th..." With the conversation having reached this point, what else could Lin Yun say? He could only offer a bitter smile in response.

Not too far away, many waiters who had witnessed this sce were extremely vious and jealous.

Is this alright?

How could this be alright?

What a great situation this was!

At this momt, they really wished they were Lin Yun, having their boss gift them this hotel!

After all, it's said that comparing oneself to others can lead to one's demise!

Though they could never earn this much money in their lives, it was nothing more than a trinket to these wealthy people!

PS: The author has be so grossed in writing that I've forgott to interact with you all. Hmm, since this is the first time I'm addressing you in the book, I'd like to thank everyone who has left a lively commt in the commt section.

I'd also like to thank those who have donated in the "red velope" area, particularly "Stroll Amongst the Stars", "super big ", and "Earth made from Fire". Since this book has not be signed yet and cannot be rewarded, I greatly appreciate your creative support~~

Finally, I am desperately in need of recommdation tickets~~ O(∩_∩)O~~

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