Cosmic Trading System

Chapter 38: Chapter 38: Big Moves

It has to be said, wealth is handy.

Wealth doesn't necessarily infer power, but wh it reaches a certain extt, it can sway a certain degree of influce.

In the hotel, wh the two policem learned that Lin Yun was the hotel owner, they began to tread carefully. This is the power and influce of money.

Although Lin Yun didn't have any relationships with the authorities, he didn't hesitate to spd money.

Through the law firm behind Zhong Ling, Lin spt nine million, causing some officials to capitulate.

This issue wasn't all that significant to the authorities and didn't harm any high-ranking officials. The nine million was ough to satisfy the lower-tier officials, ev to the extt of overkill.

In an attempt to win over Lin Yun, this big spder, some officials almost charged Zhang Tianyu with bribery, making him almost spit blood in anger.

Fortunately, the officials returned the money that Zhang Tianyu had st, otherwise, he would have be furious.

Through the law firm, Lin Yun also found out that Zhang Tianyu had giv the officials a total of more than one million dollars.

Zhang Tianyu spt more than a million first in the bar for Xia Qingqing's sake, and later delivered another million to the officials. It was a real blow to his finances.

Zhang Tianyu spt over three million dollars in total and didn't dare inform his family. He had almost reached his financial limit.

However, Lin Yun became aware that Zhang Tianyu's family probably already knew about the situation. If Zhang Tianyu couldn't solve the problem, his family might step in.

Without hesitation, Lin Yun immediately had Zhong Ling's legal team distribute the nine million dollars.

As long as Zhang Tianyu's family dared to spd more, he wouldn't hesitate to continue spding either.

On his account, besides the t million he gave to Zhong Ling, he still had more than sevty million. He didn't think that Zhang Tianyu's family could outspd him.

Zhong Ling was amazed by Lin Yun's gerous spding. Still, she followed Lin Yun's instructions and had the law firm handle it.

Indeed, Zhang Tianyu's family was shocked by Lin Yun's spding.

Ev though they were not high-ranking officials, but they knew that Lin Yun had invested nine million dollars.

They could afford to spd that much. It wasn't that they were reluctant to spd nine million dollars handling this issue; they were just uncertain about Lin Yun's backg.

Plus, ev if they didn't move, Lin Yun wouldn't be in trouble; and it wouldn't affect Zhang Tianyu.

If Lin Yun spt nine million dollars, and they wanted to find him guilty, they would have to spd more. Was it worth it?

If Lin Yun had some influtial connections in the backg, their family might get into trouble.

Considering this, Zhang Tianyu's family finally gave up on clashing with Lin Yun through the authorities.

"If I find out that there is nothing big backing you, I will make you pay for hurting my son…" In a luxurious villa, a middle-aged man had a flash of cold light deep in his eyes as he murmured to himself.

He was Zhang Tianyu's father, Zhang Zhongguo.

In his eyes, only he could punish his son for his mistakes. If others dare to lay a hand, they would be slapping their family in the face and must pay the price.

Plus, what he considered, his son didn't do anything seriously wrong.

Isn't he just playing with a girl?

Zhang Tianyu's actions were investigated and found to be quite clever. So long as a mysterious Lin Yun didn't interve, it would merely have be a minor issue.

Nine million…

Invested in the authorities, in his opinion, was not worth it.

If he had this money hiring some desperadoes to deal with Lin Yun would be no problem at all.

That's why he didn't continue to spd on the governmt.

Once he investigated Lin Yun's backg, he could th take action accordingly.


"Mr. Lin, take your time leaving. We sincerely apologize, it's be quite a bother…"

It was the same two policem that saw Lin Yun out of the Safe Road Police Station, who greeted him with a smile.

From tering the police station to leaving, it only took a little over an hour.

The matter of Lin Yun injuring Zhang Tianyu just passed like this.

"Mr. Lin."

"Mr. Lin."

Some staff members of the law firm were waiting outside for Lin Yun, each of them greeted him with a smile.

The tone was very respectful and polite.

This guy was their big customer who not only gave officials nine million dollars through them but also gave them one million in commission.

They made a fortune.

If they courted the clit now and he seeks them out again if he has a problem, they would make a significant profit.

Not to mtion, this time they helped Lin Yun deliver money to the officials, but it was through their law firm. The officials had to be grateful to them for a while. After they have more dealings in the future, things would be much smoother.

"Mr. Lin, we heard you didn't bring a car. Our firm's car is just outside. We can drop you wherever you need to go, how about it?" A man in his thirties who seemed to be the leader said with a beaming smile.

"No need, my frid is already here." Lin Yun said with a smile.

As he spoke, he looked ahead.

It was Hang Lee, who had just parted from Lin Yun not long ago, walking briskly toward him.

Upon hearing of Lin Yun's trouble, Hang Lee was quickly notified by Jiayun, so he hurried over after taking care of the three jade pieces.

Initially, Hang Lee had thought of making use of his connections to see if he could secure Lin Yun's release.

He used to work in real estate and knew some governmt officials.

Later, wh he got the news that there were lawyers already handling Lin Yun's matter, he backed off.

However, he still waited outside the Safe Road Police Station for Lin Yun.

"Brother Lin, are you alright?" Hang Lee asked worriedly as he approached.

"It's nothing serious, I didn't expect to trouble you, Brother Lee." Lin Yun said with a laugh.

"What are you talking about, Brother Lin? Wh you're in trouble and I know about it, how could I stay away? Moreover, the incidt happed at my hotel. In fact, it's my fault for not managing the hotel well..." Hang Lee replied, finishing off with an apologetic expression.

"I have a private feud with that guy. It's not your fault, Brother Lee. If you are really sorry, how about driving Qingqing and me downtown? I had planned to take her shopping, but th this happed." Lin Yun said with a smile.

As he spoke, Lin Yun turned his head to look at Xia Qingqing.

"Is this your younger sister? She's gorgeous. Brother Lin, you are indeed blessed..." Hang Lee said with a chuckle as he looked at Xia Qingqing.

"Nice to meet you, Brother Lee…" Xia Qingqing said politely.

"Ha ha, for your kind words, Miss Xia, I must give you a gift. Come. I will take you to my gold and jewelry store. We just got a bunch of new items in these shops. You can pick anything you want." Hang Lee said with a laugh.

"Brother Lin, today, let's pretd I am your free chauffeur for the day, how about that?" After that, Hang Lee turned to Lin Yun with a smile.

"That won't do; I still want to spd some time alone with Qingqing…" Lin Yun said with a smile.


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