Creating Heavenly Laws

Chapter 196

Chapter 196

Help me buy a new computer :D /DavidLord


Outside the Black Mist Mountains.

As one of the top ten mountains in the Azure world, it is unknown how many monsters and beasts, as well as spiritual medicines, exist in the Black Mist Mountains. And for many cultivators, these are undoubtedly endless treasures.

Although 283 years ago, the invasion of the foreign evil gods resulted in countless evil god puppets entering the Azure world. Under the threat of life and death, many forces in the Azure world immediately formed the Azure Alliance, setting aside all grievances and gathering all their strength to resist the evil god puppets outside the world.

As a result, most cultivators went to the battlefield to fight against the evil god puppets.

There are fewer cultivators entering the Black Mist Mountains, and most of them are young cultivators with weak strength.

But even so, many cultivators still enter and exit the entrance of the Black Mist Mountains every day.

It can be foreseen how prosperous the Black Mist Mountains were before the invasion of the foreign evil gods.

"Have you noticed that in recent decades, the monsters and beasts in the Black Mist Mountains have decreased a lot?"

"Indeed, in the past when I entered the Black Mist Mountains, I had to be very careful, as I could encounter monsters and beasts at any time. But now, I rarely encounter any decent monsters and beasts."

"What could be the reason?"

"Could it be that there's a problem with the few 'kings' in the depths of the Black Mist Mountains?"

In the entrance area of the Black Mist Mountains, cultivators whispered to each other. They often enter the Black Mist Mountains and can observe changes during that time.

"The few 'kings' in the depths of the Black Mist Mountains should not have any problems. Those 'kings' come from noble bloodlines and have long lifespans. What problems could they have?"

"In the past, every few decades, the 'kings' in the Black Mist Mountains would command countless monsters and beasts, launching a beast tide. But since the invasion of the foreign evil gods, the powerful monsters and beasts in the Black Mist Mountains have become much more obedient."

"It's not that the 'kings' have problems. It's that the number of powerful monsters and beasts in the Black Mist Mountains has decreased. Could it be the doing of those 'kings'? After all, only those 'kings' can command numerous monsters."

"That makes sense."

Many cultivators discussed one after another. The decrease in the number of powerful monsters and beasts in the Black Mist Mountains also had a certain impact on them, as they couldn't hunt enough valuable monsters.

But if it really was the doing of those 'kings,' there was nothing they could do. Those 'kings' were powerful and had deep backgrounds.

Even in normal times, human cultivators could not do anything to them and could only make a 'contract' with them.

Moreover, most of humanity's strength was now focused on resisting the invasion of the foreign evil gods.

In the depths of the Black Mist Mountains.

A ancient tree, about thirty to forty meters tall, stood quietly there, with dark branches and vines hanging down, and the crown of the tree was dotted with a little green.

Although this ancient tree looked a bit strange, slightly different from normal ancient trees, this was the Black Mist Mountains, where some peculiar tree species grew, so it was nothing unusual.


Upon closer observation, it would be noticed that, centered on this ancient tree, there were no monsters or beasts within tens or hundreds of square kilometers.

Although the aura was peaceful and warm, there was a faintly eerie smell.

"Fifty years."

Lin Yuan sighed. Of course, in his current state, he couldn't really sigh, he could only sway his branches gently a few times.

These fifty years were the fifty years of rapid growth for Lin Yuan. With countless monsters and beasts in the Black Mist Mountains as nourishment, Lin Yuan lived very comfortably. After getting through the initial difficult period, he grew rapidly every day.


Lin Yuan examined himself. His height had reached thirty to forty meters.

However, this thirty to forty meters was the result of Lin Yuan's extreme suppression.

If not suppressed, he could easily break through hundreds of meters, which would be extremely conspicuous in the Black Mist Mountains.

It might even attract the attention of the leader of the Azure Alliance and several deputy leaders.

Once this happened, Lin Yuan's true identity would probably be exposed. If the leader of the Azure Alliance knew that the descendant of the ancestor demon tree from his own world had infiltrated their world...

It's very likely that he would temporarily put aside the gains and losses on the battlefield and concentrate all his strength on dealing with Lin Yuan.

One must first secure internal stability before dealing with external threats.

This principle was not difficult to understand.

Although Lin Yuan's height was only thirty to forty meters now.

But the roots of the demon tree had spread throughout the surrounding tens of thousands of miles underground.

As long as Lin Yuan was willing, he could take action at any position within tens of thousands of miles with just a thought.

The roots of plants and trees were originally much larger than their trunks. Although the demon tree was not completely a tree, he still possessed the abilities of trees.

"Within a radius of thousands of miles."

Lin Yuan carefully sensed that with the assistance of the roots, he could control everything within tens of thousands of miles.

Even with the extended perception of the roots, he could perceive information tens of thousands or even millions of miles away.

"The 'kings' in the deepest part?"

Lin Yuan's perception spread out, exploring towards the deepest part of the Black Mist Mountains.

There, it was the forbidden area of all monsters and beasts, the place where the 'kings' of the Black Mist Mountains lived.


In Lin Yuan's perception, in the deepest part of the Black Mist Mountains, there stood a towering red wutong tree.

At the top of the wutong tree, there was a huge wind nest, and a golden-red feathered bird was sleeping.

"Vermilion Bird? Or Phoenix?"

Lin Yuan didn't act rashly, silently observing for a while before slowly retreating.

"Fifty years of cultivation. In terms of strength, I should be able to match a sixth-rank evolver in the main world. The cultivation system of the demon tree is completely different from martial arts."

Lin Yuan fell into contemplation.

Of course, although he hadn't cultivated the path of martial arts evolution, this didn't affect Lin Yuan from deducing and perfecting the sixth-rank section of the martial arts evolution path with his Unrivaled Insight.

Moreover, some of the essential qualities of the demon tree have a significant reference effect on the path of martial arts evolution and can be completely integrated.

"The battlefield of the foreign evil gods."

Lin Yuan's gaze looked into the distance.

Under the instinctive perception from the demon tree, there was an abyss-like aura, which was precisely the location of the ancestor demon tree.

"The ancestor demon tree's attempt to invade this realm is not going smoothly."

Lin Yuan thought to himself. Fifty years had passed, and he hadn't sensed any movement from the ancestor demon tree, indicating that it had been blocked.

For the invaders, this was a disadvantage. On this side of the Azure world, there was a world acting as a foundation. It could continuously mobilize cultivators to resist.

As for the ancestor demon tree? Even though it was powerful in essence, it was ultimately just an individual.

With a foundation? It couldn't compete with a complete world.

"It doesn't concern me for now."

Lin Yuan shook his head slightly. He had to spend six hundred years in this world, but only fifty years had passed. There was still plenty of time for cultivation.

The Azure world and the ancestor demon tree were in a stalemate, which was good for Lin Yuan.

If the ancestor demon tree were to descend into this world before Lin Yuan grew beyond it, it would be unfavorable.

That's why, in the past fifty years, Lin Yuan had devoured countless monsters and beasts in the Black Mist Mountains but had not harmed any human cultivators.

One reason was to avoid being discovered abnormally.

The second reason was that he didn't want to weaken the strength of human cultivators.

So far, Lin Yuan still needed numerous cultivators from the Azure Alliance to resist the invasion of the ancestor demon tree and buy him time to grow.

"However, recently, I did awaken a certain ability of the ancestor demon tree."

Lin Yuan's thoughts stirred, and the branches of the demon tree swayed. A gray seed floated in front of him.

The seed of the demon tree.

The ancestor demon tree spread countless seeds across the outer realm, turning them into evil god puppets to fight against the strong of the Azure world.

As the legitimate descendant of the ancestor demon tree, once he grew to a certain extent and broke free from the suppression of the world, Lin Yuan could naturally give birth to seeds.

Lin Yuan stared at the gray seed in front of him, the seed of the demon tree.

So far, Lin Yuan had perceived three functions of the demon seed.

The first was to directly transform into a demon puppet.

This was the method currently used by the ancestor demon tree, using its massive energy to spawn demon seeds and rapidly grow them into evil god puppets.

The second was parasitism. The demon seed could parasitize a living organism and then control it.

The third was natural growth. By scattering seeds into fertile soil, the seeds could take root and sprout inside.

The previous body of Lin Yuan, the demon tree, was bred by the ancestor demon tree using the third method.

These three methods each had their advantages and disadvantages, but only the third method could be called the descendant of the ancestor demon tree, capable of inheriting some of its innate abilities.

"The first function of the demon seed is not useful to me."

Lin Yuan shook his head slightly. Using his own energy to spawn demon tree seeds and grow them was not suitable for the current Lin Yuan.

How powerful was the ancestor demon tree? It roamed the outer realm with a strong accumulation, which was why it dared to expend its massive energy to spawn demon seeds.

But how many years had Lin Yuan accumulated? Furthermore, if he had sufficient energy, Lin Yuan could directly improve himself. There was no need to cultivate puppets or the like.

And the third effect of the demon seed was unnecessary.

Even the seeds of the ancestor demon tree scattered into the Azure world mostly died, let alone the seeds of Lin Yuan, the legitimate descendant of the ancestor demon tree.


Lin Yuan contemplated the second function of the demon seed repeatedly.

It could parasitize a living being and control it.

This ability required many prerequisites, with the most crucial being that the host had no resistance.

Otherwise, the parasitism would fail.

Lin Yuan's thoughts stirred.

Thousands of miles away.

A purple-eyed rabbit cautiously poked its head out and looked at a nearby spiritual grass, its eyes showing a hint of desire.


The purple-eyed rabbit observed its surroundings, found no danger, and then swooshed towards the spiritual grass.

However, at this moment.

A black tree trunk emerged from the ground, directly binding the purple-eyed rabbit and dragging it underground.

In just a moment.

The purple-eyed rabbit appeared in front of Lin Yuan.

"Squeak squeak."

The purple-eyed rabbit made trembling sounds, looking at the colossal figure in front of it, continuously spinning in place.

"I'll use you to test the parasitic effect."

Lin Yuan stared at the purple-eyed rabbit, and a gray seed fell down, landing directly on the purple-eyed rabbit.


The purple-eyed rabbit thumped to the ground, and the gray demon seed quickly infiltrated its head.

A moment later.

The purple-eyed rabbit was completely under control. It stiffly stood up and emitted a submissive spiritual fluctuation towards Lin Yuan.

"This feeling."

Lin Yuan examined the purple-eyed rabbit. Under his control, the purple-eyed rabbit made various movements, rolling or running.

"Quite impressive," Lin Yuan nodded slightly. The purple-eyed rabbit, now under the control of the demon tree seed, was still alive, but it had been replaced by the demon seed.

"However," Lin Yuan continued, "this is too obvious."

He observed the purple-eyed rabbit, now stiff and dull-eyed, even moving with a noticeable sluggishness.

"It's no wonder the ancestor demon tree didn't use the parasitic ability of the demon seed. It's indeed somewhat impractical," Lin Yuan thought to himself.

Although the parasitic ability of the demon seed did not require the expenditure of energy to spawn, it had many limitations. The most crucial one was that the host must not resist.

Since the host couldn't resist, why bother wasting energy on parasitism when it could be killed and consumed directly?

Furthermore, after parasitism, the control was obvious, making it difficult for strong individuals in the Azure world not to notice.

"However... Can I improve this parasitic ability with my extraordinary insight?" Lin Yuan's expression sank into brief contemplation.

When he first arrived in this world, Lin Yuan used his extraordinary insight to create a method of cultivation suitable for the demon tree seed.

Now, with this demon seed, Lin Yuan could completely refine it.

Of course, the parasitic ability of the demon seed was an innate ability of the demon tree.

Improving and perfecting it would be difficult, but with Lin Yuan's extraordinary insight, it was worth a try.

In the following time, Lin Yuan mainly focused on four aspects.

Firstly, continuing to enhance his strength by devouring more monsters and beasts to promote his growth.

Secondly, perfecting the seventh-level evolution path of martial arts.

Thirdly, comprehending the remaining core spatial models.

Although he lost the environment with frequent spatial fluctuations in the alien battlefield, the speed of Lin Yuan's comprehension of the core spatial models decreased. But with more time on his hands, having spent six hundred years in this world, Lin Yuan, with his extraordinary insight, could elevate his understanding of spatial rules to an incredible level.

Fourthly, attempting to improve the demon seed.

Although the demon seed was a crucial tool for the ancestor demon tree, Lin Yuan still planned to invest some time and effort in this area.

Even if there were gains to be had, he would be delighted. And even if there were no gains in the end, he wouldn't lose anything.

Time passed once again.

In the blink of an eye, more time had passed.

Deep in the Black Mist Mountains,

Lin Yuan's figure rose again by ten meters. By now, the height of the demon tree had reached nearly fifty meters, its branches drooping, its canopy swaying, extraordinarily imposing.

This was still the effect of Lin Yuan's extreme suppression. If allowed to grow freely, the demon tree at this moment would be hundreds or even thousands of meters tall.

It was worth noting that the ancestor demon tree in the outer realm, whose height was immeasurable, had millions or even tens of millions of demon seeds growing on a single branch.

Otherwise, it wouldn't have been able to stalemate with the Azure world until now.

"My strength has temporarily reached its limit."

"Next, consuming ordinary monsters and beasts won't have much effect."

Lin Yuan's spiritual fluctuations slowly spread as he looked into the depths of the Black Mist Mountains.

That was where the supreme 'king' of the Black Mist Mountains resided.


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