Cultivating Immortality in a World of Chaos

Chapter 45: The Eight Great Monster Kings

In the Great Liang World,

Three Origins City.

After confirming that Situ Qingqing was indeed focused on Chen Ping, Fang Xi waited patiently for some time until his magical artifact was completed. Finally, using a protective charm to seal the cellar once more, he crossed over again into the Great Liang World.

Standing by the roadside, Fang Xi observed the passing merchants and travelers.

Strangely, these people walked by without noticing him at all. Even when Fang Xi deliberately faced close to a young woman, she didn’t utter a single word of rebuke like “pervert.”

The culprit behind this phenomenon was naturally the leather armor Fang Xi wore - a low-grade magical item known as the Camouflage Robe.

As per Fang Xi’s request, the artificers at Hundred Refinements Shop had crafted it within just a few days.

This camouflage robe featured several small formations inscribed upon it, providing dust-repelling properties, temperature regulation for warmth in winter and coolness in summer, and even the ability to slightly adjust its fit based on the wearer’s size for maximum comfort.

Beyond these features, its most significant function was - Mind Confusion!

As Master Gu explained during delivery, by channeling magical energy and remaining passive, ordinary mortals would absolutely fail to detect the hidden wearer.

This claim was verified with the laborers assisting at the Hundred Refinements Shop’s backyard. Despite their extraordinary physical prowess that would make them exceptional martial experts in the secular world, not a single one noticed Fang Xi using the magical artifact’s effect.

However, for Master Gu, this artifact was far from ideal due to its missing high-level formation - the Spirit Concealment Formation!

Without it, even a cultivator at the first layer of Qi Refinement, using basic spells like Heavenly Eye or Spirit Sight, could easily detect the user.

In his slightly obsessive pursuit of perfection, Master Gu offered to enhance the artifact further and achieve an impeccable result, even suggesting a discount.

But Fang Xi politely declined.

After all, the chameleon beast was only low-tier first rank, making the precious Spirit Concealment Formation too costly to justify.

More importantly… this formation was significantly more expensive than any dust-repelling or water-resistant enchantments!

Fang Xi’s current supply of spirit stones was limited, and he couldn’t afford such expenditures.

Fang Xi decided to save the substantial amount of spirit stones by exchanging them for Blood and Qi Pills, beneficial for body cultivation, intending to significantly enhance his abilities in Great Liang.

Based on previous experiences, the strategy of improving martial skills first and then leveraging those skills to acquire resources for cultivation seemed viable.

‘If my martial arts could reach the third stage of Body Refinement, Qingzhu Mountain Market would pose little danger to me…’

Dressed casually in his camouflage robe, Fang Xi strolled towards the city gate. The soldiers responsible for questioning and collecting taxes acted as if blind, not hindering him at all, allowing him easy entry into Three Origins City.

Finding a secluded spot, Fang Xi ceased inputting magical energy into the camouflage robe, disabling its disguise effect. Instantaneously, his clothing changed color, transforming into a simple blue scholar’s attire, making him appear like an ordinary literati as he walked along the wide, eight-lane official road.

‘I wonder how Baiyun Dojo and Fatty Han have been doing… But it’s been nearly two months; they should have settled well in Three Origins City by now, right?’

As Fang Xi continued walking, occasionally pausing, he eventually stopped in front of a massive building.

The building stood tall and imposing, almost overshadowing the nearby official residence with its grandeur.

On each side of the structure, there were public notices adorned with vivid red markings.

“Eight Great Monster Kings of Ding Province!”

“Hunting Beast Rankings!”

“Rare Treasures List!”

“Hidden Dragons and Young Phoenixes List!”

Fang Xi identified them one by one, immediately skipping the “Hidden Dragons and Young Phoenixes List,” which primarily ranked young martial artists and was subject to frequent changes. Instead, he focused on the mythical beasts list, starting with the top Eight Great Monster Kings.

“Dragonfish at Old Dragon Pool… Ranked first among the Eight Great Monster Kings of Ding Province. Once annihilated a thousand-man army, killing thirteen True Strength Martial Artists… Any brave warrior who slays the Dragonfish will be rewarded with 100,000 taels of gold, appointed as a military commander by the imperial court, granted a large estate in Ding Province, and awarded ten Red Blood Orchids…”

“Great Peng King of Gale Ravine… One of the Eight Great Monster Kings of Ding Province, known for unparalleled flight speed… Reward amount…”

“Cloudlink Mountain’s Old Cyclops Wolf… A wolf monster, ranked among the Eight Great Monster Kings of Ding Province, cunning by nature…”

“Large monster bear, spotted near Daqing Village three months ago; injured seventeen and killed five… Reward: Three thousand taels of silver…”

Unlike devils, monsters could be slain outright.

Thus, Ding Province only ranked mythical beasts, not demonic entities!

The so-called ‘Eight Great Monster Kings’ were notorious beasts that had long terrorized Ding Province but remained unpunished due to their formidable nature. The bounty rewards for these creatures were exceptionally generous.

Based on Fang Xi’s understanding, a Monster King likely possessed strength equivalent to Late Stage or even Full Circle Qi Refinement.

On the other hand, major monsters generally corresponded to Mid Qi Refining capabilities.

The snake and chameleon beasts he encountered earlier would at most count as minor monsters, while the Great Peng King, Dragonfish… if compared to human warriors, they’d be revered as Zongshi, True Astral Martial Saints! Possibly even more challenging than some humans.

‘The Eight Great Monster Kings are persistent problems, beyond the reach of ordinary individuals… But for me, they represent untold treasures.’

Fang Xi gazed at the list of the Eight Great Monster Kings, his eyes flickering slightly.

Of course, he was well aware of his own limitations; even without considering the abilities of cultivators, these monster kings were not easy adversaries for him currently.

However, once his power increases in the future, things might change…

“Old Dragon Pool’s Dragonfish? Is there such a thing as a tier-1 dragonfish? Pure-blooded dragonfish species are at least tier-2 mythical beasts… equivalent to great Foundation Establishment cultivators! This must be just a snake with awakened dragon blood? Even then… damn, it would still fetch an astronomical number of spirit stones…”

As Fang Xi read the descriptions of the Eight Great Monster Kings, he envisioned mountains of spirit stones before his eyes!

Unfortunately, given his current strength, he could only consider challenging lesser monsters.

“No… even tackling them isn’t urgent. Three Origins City controls most resources and manpower in Ding Province; they likely have more detailed intelligence. I should advance my Hun Yuan True Art further before making any plans…”

“And perhaps… in such a large provincial city, there might be other Grandmaster Martial Arts available!”

Fang Xi gently stroked his camouflage robe, wearing an innocent smile.

While deep in thought, sudden commotion erupted on the street.

“The Street Sweeper Huang is coming!”

“Everyone, run fast!”

Fang Xi looked over to see someone recklessly riding a horse through the crowded street, causing panic among vendors and pedestrians who struggled to dodge, ending up disheveled and frightened.

The radiant maiden atop the horse, instead of showing restraint, burst out laughing loudly.

“Who is this?”

Fang Xi casually grabbed someone nearby and asked, “What’s happening?”

Initially, the person tried to break free but found Fang Xi’s grip like an iron clamp, compelling them to respond, “It’s Huang Ximei, the second daughter of the Huang Family!”

“The Huang Family from Three Origins City’s prominent clans?”

Fang Xi understood now. It seemed that everywhere had individuals who exploited their family’s influence, acting with impunity.

“Ah well, best not to provoke them!” Waiting until Miss Huang grandly paraded through the city streets, Fang Xi then avoided the cursing vendors hastily packing up their stalls, and entered the Beast Hunter’s Pavilion.

The first two floors of the Beast Hunter’s Pavilion served as a large inn. Many martial practitioners favored staying here due to its access to the latest information on mythical beasts.

As soon as Fang Xi sat down, a waiter approached to serve tea.

“Sir, are you a cultivator? Would you like the latest comprehensive listings we offer?” the waiter asked with a smile.

“Oh? How do these differ from the lists posted outside?” Intrigued, Fang Xi casually tossed a small silver coin towards the waiter.

The waiter’s eyes immediately lit up. “Sir, what you may not know is that our sold listings provide much more detail… Especially regarding gains and losses in past expeditions against mythical beasts, all meticulously recorded.”

“Sounds intriguing. Give me one, and make it the most comprehensive version,” Fang Xi responded with a smile, unconcerned about the cost.


Just as the waiter enthusiastically agreed and turned to leave, a sudden shriek pierced the air.


A horsewhip lashed from behind him, sending the waiter sprawling. Revealed behind was a vibrant young woman dressed in pale yellow attire.

“Huang Ximei?” Fang Xi frowned slightly, unsure why this second daughter seemed intent on causing trouble.

“Well, well, you certainly have a striking appearance!” Huang Ximei scanned Fang Xi, nodding approvingly. “There’s even a hint of heroic aura, much better than those effeminate types… I fancy you.”

Fang Xi touched his cheek, momentarily speechless. He had deliberately adjusted his features through cultivation techniques to appear less attractive than usual, yet still managed to draw such attention.

‘However… if this could help me infiltrate the Yellow Mansion, it might not be so bad?’

An idea flashed through Fang Xi’s mind, and he asked, “What does the second miss intend by saying that?”

“Haha!” Huang Ximei laughed wildly. “I’m going to capture you and make you my eighty-second paramour!”

“Cough cough!” Fang Xi seemed caught off guard, choking slightly.

As he looked at Huang Ximei, a hint of regret surfaced in his expression.

Fang Xi appreciated fine tea, but this kind of low-quality offer held no appeal for him. “What if I don’t want that?”

“If you don’t want it…” Huang Ximei leaned closer, her breath fragrant like orchids. “Then I’ll resort to force - capturing your parents, friends, even wife and children… letting you watch as I torment them… Ha ha… isn’t that brilliant?”

“This woman… is insane!” Studying her lovely face across from him, Fang Xi internally concluded, and his tone grew chilling. “Aren’t you afraid… of provoking someone beyond your reach?”

“Chuckle… The thrill lies in seeking novelty, after all. As for being beyond my reach? I am the second daughter of the Huang Family, with my uncle being the Commander of Dingzhou Army. In all of Ding Province, there’s no one I cannot provoke…” Huang Ximei’s expression turned dreamy as she gazed at Fang Xi. “With such a handsome face, adding a few cuts would undoubtedly create an even more striking image…”

“Oh no, oh no… Miss Huang is about to snatch another handsome man,” observed a group nearby, their expressions eager for drama.

“The Huang Family’s young lady isn’t bad-looking herself; being taken by her might not be so terrible…” mused a young man thoughtfully.

“Hey, don’t be foolish… This Miss Huang is notoriously deranged! She has a penchant for torturing and killing her male playthings after she’s done with them!” An older cultivator swiftly pulled his ear, admonishing him.

Just as everyone expected Miss Huang to once again unleash brutal violence,



Huang Ximei’s expression froze, her gaze dropping down to Fang Xi’s hand.

Fang Xi’s hand was fair, slender… almost imbued with a demonic allure.

At that moment, two fingers of this hand were lodged deeply into her throat!

“How fragile…” Fang Xi withdrew his fingers, gazing coldly at the fallen woman on the ground. “Do you understand what it means when a common man’s fury spills blood five steps away?” he asked icily.

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