Cultivating Immortality in a World of Chaos

Chapter 48: Fist Intent

Holding the ‘Heavenly Wind Secret Manual’, Fang Xi began attempting to extract its essence and incorporate it into his own ‘Primordial True Art’.

“Hmm… Refining the spinal dragon, piercing directly into Pangu’s Pith, achieving the Subtle Realm…”

As Fang Xi read about the second step for martial artists, he pondered deeply: “Subtle Realm? Pangu’s Pith? So after breaking through to Pangu’s Pith in the second step, one gains fine control over the entire body and internal visualization? Isn’t this similar to my spiritual sense capabilities?”

“In that case, I can arguably say I’ve already achieved this realm… meaning the second step holds no significance for me?”

“Cultivation truly surpasses martial arts significantly… With this understanding, once I develop fist intent, I can swiftly advance to a second-step martial artist…

“As for the third step, Steel Muscles Iron Bones, purchasing some medicinal pills to aid bone refinement should also help me quickly overcome that hurdle…

“So, the only gap left is the fourth step, merging spirit with strength?”

Drawing upon resources from another world to rapidly advance through martial arts realms was Fang Xi’s proven experience.

At this moment, he focused intently on the sections related to First Step Martial Artists within the Heavenly Wind Secret Manual.

“Fist intent, profound yet elusive… Generally speaking, it signifies reaching a pinnacle in martial arts. For someone practicing the Huang Family’s techniques from the Heavenly Wind Secret Manual, mastering a secret skill and continually refining it can lead to insights…”

“My ‘Primordial True Art’ is still in its early stages, lacking specific secret skills… Therefore, by creating unique secret techniques for the ‘Primordial True Art,’ I have a high chance of comprehending fist intent… This is truly the advantage of independently developing one’s own martial art!”

With this thought, Fang Xi set aside the manual and retrieved a jade bottle from his bag of holding.

After uncorking the bottle, he poured out a Blood and Qi Pill and promptly swallowed it.

“If we liken the realms of cultivators and martial artists to building a tower, then the inherent qualities of the individual form the foundation… The stronger the foundation, the greater the achievements!”

“Some exceptionally gifted cultivators can even defeat martial artists across higher realms! It’s all due to their incredibly robust physical attributes…”

“Thus, replenishing blood qi is crucial.”

After swallowing the Blood and Qi Pill, Fang Xi felt its potency spreading through his body. He stepped out of the room into the courtyard, beginning to practice martial arts.

It was somewhat ironic:

Initially, after killing the Huang Family’s second daughter, he faced city-wide pursuit.

But following Huang Yuanwu’s death and the severe blow dealt to the Huang Family, although his name remained on the wanted list, the frequency of citywide searches significantly decreased, almost to the point of nonexistence.

Even choosing a random abandoned residence, no one disturbed him.

Apparently… those with much to lose feared provoking this barefooted madman!

“Seize this opportunity to continue refining my skills!”

Fang Xi immersed himself in improving the Primordial True Art.

For him, this was the primary objective.

As for Baiyun Dojo and others, they were merely insignificant side matters…

“Primordial… Primordial…”

In the courtyard, Fang Xi wore only close-fitting shorts as he casually swung his fists and feet.

Each movement appeared effortless, almost like untrained farm work.

However, if a martial artist were present, they would sense profound wisdom hidden within each gesture, evoking endless contemplation.

“A secret technique emerges naturally when one’s martial skills reach their peak mastery!”

“My Primordial Art borrows from numerous sources, lacking perfect harmony, which has hindered the creation of a secret technique… But that’s no concern.”

With the aid of Blood and Qi Pills, Fang Xi’s physique continued to strengthen.

And at this moment, a glimmer of hope for developing his secret technique finally emerged!

As he focused his energy, a flash of inspiration struck him, prompting him to execute scattered moves.


“Not quite right…”

“True Force circulation is incorrect…”

“That move needs adjustment…”

The sun set, the moon rose, and then the moon fell while the sun ascended again, time slipping unnoticed bit by bit.

Fang Xi, akin to a skilled sculptor, relentlessly honed the massive block of “Primordial True Art,” gradually revealing its hidden gem to the world.


As the first rays of dawn draped over Fang Xi, his eyes flashed with realization. With his right arm raised, fingers clenched together, he formed a palm and gently pushed forward:

“Secret Technique - Limitless Primordial!”


A terrifying burst of True Force exploded before him, reducing a small hill to dust.

Rubble cascaded through the air as Fang Xi stood firmly on the ground, with the rising sun illuminating his back. “Like the ascent of the sun, akin to the beginning of the cosmos! This is my fist intent!”

After mastering the secret techniques of the Primordial True Art, Fang Xi naturally grasped the concept of fist intent, taking a significant step forward to become a first-step martial artist!

But that was not all!

His True Force permeated his spine, causing this mighty dragon to flex fluidly, controlling his entire body effortlessly. From there, it ascended smoothly along the Ren and Du meridians, breaking through to reach Pangu’s Pith at the crown of his head!

“The second step for a martial artist, the Subtle Realm, I’ve already achieved long ago. Thus, this step cannot hinder me.”

In an instant, Fang Xi had taken two steps towards becoming a Martial Dao Zongshi!

“As for the third step, Steel Sinews and Iron Bones, it builds upon the foundation of the Subtle Realm. Each day, one must temper their bones and sinews with True Force, transforming them into unparalleled resilience… It requires persistent effort over time.”

“While Great Liang lacks spirit medicines to accelerate this process, the cultivation world does offer numerous medicinal pills aiding bone and tendon refinement…”

“And finally, the fusion of spirit and force…that is a profound insight, undoubtedly the most challenging part.”

Fang Xi now held no doubts about his path ahead.

By completing these four steps, he could break through and become a Martial Dao Zongshi, a True Astral Martial Saint!

Even in Qingzhu Mountain Market, cultivators reaching the third stage of Body Refinement were considered notable figures.

In the southern wilderness’s cultivation realm,

Fang Xi, upon his arrival, immediately checked his protective charm. Relieved to find the talisman still active and no signs of tampering with its minor mechanisms, he let out a sigh.

“Indeed… Situ Qingqing’s target wasn’t me, it must be Chen Ping!”

“But how did Chen Ping attract the attention of the Situ Clan?”

“Well, never mind, it’s not my concern anyway.”

“What really excites me is fleeing Three Origins City after causing chaos - what a thrill!”

After breaking through to the second step martial artist rank in Great Liang, Fang Xi followed the intelligence obtained from the Monster Hunter Building. He hunted down a tiger spirit nearby, planning to sell its materials in the southern wilderness for spirit stones and purchase medicinal pills that aid in strengthening bones and tendons.

These types of medicinal pills were niche, primarily intended for body refinement cultivators, and thus quite expensive.

Additionally, Fang Xi had another scheme brewing.

Hunting monsters alone in Great Liang was too slow. Perhaps…he should compete with the Monster Hunter Building, or even better, absorb their influence entirely!

This way, he could leverage his strongest asset - throwing money around!

By purchasing mythical beasts with gold and silver from Great Liang, then selling them here at Qingzhu Mountain for spirit stones, he could create a beneficial cycle - using most of the proceeds for his own needs while reinvesting a small portion back into acquiring more gold and silver for future transactions.

“Unfortunately… although the Monster Hunter Union claims independence, it likely operates under the influence of the government, possibly even involving Zongshi-level masters… I can strike swiftly and leave, but cannot constantly oversee such operations…”

With a hint of regret, Fang Xi arrived at the Qingzhu Mountain Market.

This time, dressed in a purple robe, he had subtly altered his appearance beneath the veil using True Force to elongate his bones and tendons, crafting a young nobleman’s look.

A gentle breeze carried a chill, causing nearby ordinary plants to already show signs of turning dry and yellow.

“Unbelievably, it’s deep autumn now… And I’m almost eighteen…” Fang Xi caught a falling leaf, feeling somewhat contemplative.

However, considering his current situation, there was no room for leisure or pause. With a soft laugh, he crushed the dried leaf in his hand and fully entered the market formation.

At the Pill Cauldron Pavilion.

“Daoist friend, you’re interested in purchasing medicinal pills for strengthening bones and tendons?”

Zhuo Luting’s graceful demeanor remained unchanged, her every expression exuding a gentle elegance. After hearing Fang Xi’s request, she pondered briefly before introducing, “Our pavilion offers the ‘Jade Bone Pill’, ranked as high-grade first-tier, which is most effective for bone fortification… As for tendons? You can use the ‘Tiger-Leopard Muscle Enhancement Paste’. Apply it to the specific areas needing tendon training; it allows for greater flexibility and resilience…”

“Not bad, not bad…” Fang Xi responded thoughtfully. Then he asked, somewhat hesitantly, “I’m just wondering… what are the prices?”

In his mind, he had already braced himself for a hefty cost.

As expected, Zhuo Luting replied with a smile, “The Jade Bone Pill costs thirty spirit stones per bottle, and the Tiger-Leopard Muscle Enhancement Paste is twenty spirit stones per box. Daoist friend, you may wish to purchase one of each to try them out…”

“So expensive,” Fang Xi feigned surprise, appearing slightly troubled.

“Not at all expensive, considering the Jade Bone Pill is primarily used as an occasional aid by body cultivators in the third stage of Body Refinement… As for the Tiger-Leopard Muscle Enhancement Paste, its ingredients are hard to obtain, requiring precious materials from first-stage tiger and leopard spirits.” Zhuo Luting’s gentle smile remained unwavering, indicating there would be no discounts.

Fang Xi internally rolled his eyes, “I only have a few spirit stones…”

Just as Zhuo Luting’s expression began to turn icy, Fang Xi quickly added, “Do you accept materials for trade here?”

“Well… our pavilion typically doesn’t take raw materials unless they’re spirit grasses,” Zhuo Luting replied after a moment’s thought.

“What about mythical beast materials?” Fang Xi produced a tiger bone from his bag of holding. He had distinctly heard Zhuo Luting mention that some pastes required such components; surely she wouldn’t deny their value now?

“A demon tiger?” Zhuo Luting retrieved a small mirror that seemed somewhat familiar to Fang Xi and shone it on the tiger bone.

Buzzing softly, two faint rings of white light appeared.

“Daoist friend, you’ve actually slain a mid-grade first-stage tiger spirit!” Zhuo Luting’s demeanor instantly became more respectful, her red lips pursed slightly. “I can offer Daoist friend a fair price…”

Moments later, Fang Xi emerged from the Pill Cauldron Pavilion, delightedly patting his bag of holding.

Inside lay the Jade Bone Pill and Tiger-Leopard Muscle Enhancement Paste, intact as before, along with an additional thirty spirit stones.

“Selling mythical beasts is indeed lucrative for acquiring spirit stones! Unfortunately…”

Fang Xi’s gaze lowered thoughtfully. He had already sold beast meat at the Hundred Skills Pavilion, Di Qi’s shop, the rogue cultivator market, and now the Pill Cauldron Pavilion.

While it seemed uneventful so far, if someone were to connect these four places simultaneously, they might uncover suspicious patterns.

Additionally, the managers of Qingzhu Mountain Market could notice, upon careful analysis, that the frequency of mythical beast materials appearing recently was unusually high…

‘If I continue recklessly, it will become abnormal, attracting attention and potentially danger…’

As Fang Xi pondered whether he should lie low for some time, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a fleeting green figure.

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