Cultivation Starts From Simplifying the Exercises

Chapter 1236: Feng Tian Cheng Yun

Chapter 1236: Feng Tian Cheng Yun

Chapter 1236: Destiny

The depth is bottomless, and you can't see where the bottom of the abyss is at all. On the contrary, the weird power of forbidden air just disappeared.

Otherwise, except for the ninth-level supreme realm, all other practitioners will fall into the abyss at this moment.

Ji Zhongzhong and several Supreme Realms came to the abyss and looked down with solemn expressions.

The ninth-level Supreme Realm is the strongest power in the Guixu Realm, but even the Supreme Realm is not omniscient and omnipotent. There are no omniscient and omnipotent creatures in the entire Guixu Realm.

But the power of the ninth level is powerful enough to allow them to see through the essence of most things within their sight.

But facing this abyss at this moment, even Ji Zhongzhong and a few others couldn't tell how deep the abyss was and what was hidden in it.

Chen Fei stood in the middle and rear of the cultivator. Now facing the ninth-level supreme realm at close range, Chen Fei did not use the power of suppressing the sky from the beginning.

Purely use Yuanli to prevent Zhen Cangqiong from being recognized.

Fortunately, there was no need to use all his strength just now. Chen Fei hid his aura very well and didn't pay any attention to him.

Chen Fei, like other practitioners, is also observing the drowning abyss below.

The darkness below the drowning abyss is a force stronger than ordinary psychological power, blocking all observation.

Chen Fei's [Extreme] is said to be capable of defeating all means, but there is nothing he can do to drown him in the abyss at this moment. Of course, this is because Chen Fei's own strength level is not enough.

Logically speaking, the power of the mind is the superposition of various negative emotions, full of madness and pollution, but at this moment, the drowning abyss seems extremely calm, and no pollution can be sensed.

But the more this happens, the more the practitioners present become wary.

When things are abnormal, they are monsters. This drowning abyss is too calm, but it looks more and more weird.

You guys, go down and take a look.

Ji Zhongzhong turned to look at the practitioners in the distance and randomly clicked on a few, ranging from the early stage of the Open Heaven Realm to the peak of the Open Heaven Realm.

Before those in the Open Heaven realm could react, their bodies had already flown out involuntarily and directly arrived in front of the drowning abyss.

There are practitioners from three major realms here at this moment, not just the Xuanling realm. The Kaitian realm that was drawn at this moment is the Taihang realm that Ji Zhongzhong was responsible for guarding before.

Its not that Ji Zhongzhong felt that Taihang Territory was guarded by him and he was familiar with it, so he chose the Kaitian realm of Taihang Territory. He was purely a practitioner of Taihang Territory and was closest to Ji Zhongzhong at the moment.

He was drawn to the fifteenth level of Open Heaven, and his face was pale at the moment.

If you dare to retreat, you will definitely die.

But looking at the calm abyss below, they had no idea what would happen in the end if this continued.

Originally, they were asked to kill resentful spirits, one per month. Although they were forced, at least they were still alive, and those in the Supreme Realm did not care about them at all.

But now, when the chess pieces are needed to explore the path, the indifference of the Supreme Realm suddenly appears.

There is no need to ask you, I just need you to handle this matter. It's okay not to do it, but the consequences are simply unbearable.

Chen Fei stood behind the practitioner and looked at the scene in front of him.

The law of the jungle is the same no matter where it is, it has not changed.


Ji Zhongzhong frowned slightly when he saw that these fifteen Open Heaven realms had not moved.

Hearing Ji Zhongzhong's voice, the fifteen Open Heaven Realm bodies couldn't help but stiffen. They didn't dare to delay any longer. Each one of them activated their strongest power, and then flew into the depths of the drowning abyss.

All the practitioners eyes followed these fifteen Open Heaven Realms, wanting to see what would happen.

If the exploration of the fifteen Open Heaven Realm goes well, then everything will be easy, but if it doesn't go well, they must see clearly where the danger comes from.

Because it is very likely that the next person randomly drawn will be you.

Fifteen Open Heaven Realm flying speeds are not very fast, but after all, they have the cultivation level of Open Heaven Realm. No matter how slow they are, the distance is already a hundred miles in a moment.

At this moment, these Open Heaven realms are still flying and are not in danger. Many practitioners above can clearly see their backs.

A moment later, the backs of the fifteen practitioners could no longer be seen in the Kaitian Realm. Only in the Creation Realm could one rely on one's own realm to capture the positions of the fifteen practitioners.

Chen Fei can still see it, but seeing it now, Chen Fei can't help but have a trace of doubt in his eyes.

The backs of the fifteen Open Heaven Realm figures below felt inexplicably familiar to Chen Fei. The next moment, Chen Fei's eyes couldn't help but widen slightly.

Chen Fei remembered where this sense of familiarity lies, in the spatial grid.

Everything put into the space grid will directly enter a state of time stasis.

Chen Fei used to think that time does not stand still in the space grid, but that time moves very slowly. But now, Chen Fei can be sure that time has indeed stopped in the space grid.

At this moment, the situation of the fifteen Open Heaven realms in the drowning abyss is just like when Chen Fei looked at the items in the space grid.

They are not exactly the same, but they are somewhat similar.

More importantly, Chen Fei felt that the distance between the fifteen Open Heaven realms had not changed for a moment.

"Something's happened." Qi Anxiao's eyes flashed slightly and he whispered.

Ji Zhongzhong nodded, stretched out his right hand and reached forward, and the majestic energy was instantly poured into the abyss.

Ji Zhongzhong's original intention was to capture the fifteen Open Heaven realms, but when such a majestic Yuan Power entered the abyss, it was like a stone sinking into the ocean. Except for the movement in the first half, Ji Zhongzhong lost his sense of this Yuan Power later on. .

Ji Zhongzhong frowned, and the expressions of the Supreme Realm people beside him also moved slightly.

Ji Zhongzhong is the strongest among them. The Yuan Power he exerted will lose its effect in this abyss.

Ji Zhongzhong did not try again, but with a wave of his hand, dozens of Open Heaven Realms were pulled to the drowning abyss. "Go in and pull them out." Ji Zhongzhong said calmly.

These dozens of Open Heaven Realm people looked pale and had no idea what was going on, so they just stood here.

Based on their perception, they didn't know that something happened in the drowning abyss. It wasn't until Ji Zhongzhong took action that they realized it.

Just now, among the fifteen Open Heaven realms, there were even those at the peak of the Open Heaven realm, but in the end, they didnt even make any movement and were trapped inside. What kind of devils cave is this?

Before they had time to think, dozens of Open Heaven realm rushed into the drowning abyss. The cold eyes behind them reminded them that if they don't enter, they will die.

One ripple after another rippled from the bodies of these Open Heaven realms, and the practitioners above looked at this scene with some surprise.

Because when the first wave of Open Heaven Realm entered the Drowning Abyss just now, there was no such scene.

At this moment, this second wave of the Open Heaven Realm is like diving into the water, leaving traces around the body.

Ji Zhongzhong and the others frowned slightly. Even they were a little confused by the movement in Yanyuan this time.

Suddenly, the faces of Ji Zhongzhong and others changed slightly, and their figures disappeared instantly. When they reappeared, they were already above the original swamp.

Majestic power bloomed in the hands of Ji Zhongzhong and several Supreme Realms, and together they slashed at a black stone thousands of miles in size that appeared in the sky.

It is said to be a black stone, but it is not a real stone, but an extremely strange substance.

The power displayed by the black stone at this moment has already reached the ninth level. If Ji Zhongzhong and the others did not intercept it, most of the Kaitian and Creation realms in the drowning abyss would be killed or injured.

Ji Zhongzhong and the others dont care much about these practitioners of other races, but below are the Kaitian and Creation realms within their own race.

Moreover, even if you dont care much about practitioners of other races, it would be extremely wasteful to catch them all like this.

They still need these practitioners to do a lot of dirty work, instead of letting them do everything themselves.


There was a sound like the sky was shattering, but it was only in the sky. The entire abyss was always calm, eerily calm.

All the cultivators in the drowning abyss knew that something was wrong when they saw Ji Zhongzhong and the others disappearing, and began to fly upward.

The distance is only a few hundred miles, and for the Open Heaven Realm, it can be reached in a matter of seconds.

Just as they moved, the drowning abyss below, which had always been calm, suddenly became rippled like water. Not only the bottomless bottom, but also the stone walls that had been dug along the way were floating like water ripples at this moment.

An extremely distant feeling appeared in the bodies of all practitioners in the Abyss.


Since entering cultivation, even for warriors in the body refining realm, water is no longer a threat, and drowning is even less likely.

But at this moment, this feeling appeared.

Can't breathe, but in the Kaitian realm, there is no need to breathe, so I can't understand where this feeling of drowning comes from.

The practitioners present could not understand. They only knew that they desperately wanted to breathe at this moment, because their entire souls had begun to feel lost.

The water patterns in the drowning abyss became more and more dense, and in the end they resembled a stormy sea.


Crazy laughter came from the sky, and the ninth-level wraiths stared at the scene below.

These resentful spirits don't care about the Open Heaven Realm and Creation Realm in the Drowning Abyss. What they want to kill is the Supreme Realm.

At this moment, with the sudden change in the drowning abyss, the power of the drowning abyss directly wrapped around the bodies of Ji Zhongzhong and others, trying to drag them into the drowning abyss together.

Ji Zhongzhong and the others looked solemn. The violent power swept across all directions, and the power of drowning was forcibly blocked by them.

I dont know enough about the world of mind and deceit, and now I am being tricked.

"Break the drowning abyss, no need to see what's going on." Ji Zhongzhong turned to look at Qi Anxiao.


Qi Anxiao nodded, and a seed appeared in his hand.

Qi Anxiao looked down and pushed out with his right hand. The seed appeared in the depths of the abyss like teleportation.

The seed trembled slightly, then cracked, and in the blink of an eye, a light red flower appeared in the abyss.


All the practitioners felt a tremor in their souls, and endless light poured out from below the abyss.

Chen Fei appeared in front of Li Song and others, blocking the heavy hammer in his hand in front of him.

The next moment, the light drowned all the practitioners.

"Road to Road, very Avenue"

Sir, do you want to stay or stay?

It is destined to be carried by heaven, the emperor decreed...

Countless strange sounds poured into Chen Fei's ears. Xuanyuan Sword, which had been silent for who knows how many years, suddenly fluctuated, and then fell into silence again.

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