Cultivation Struggles of a Lowly Fox

Chapter 179 – Sharp Tongue and Master Impaler

Chapter 179 – Sharp Tongue and Master Impaler

In total, there were 3 main dancers, which were also the most appealing, and 15 supporting dancers who were clothed more teasingly.

As they moved, their clothes would shift. This didn't reveal much other than their cleavage and thighs, but that was more than enough to drive the Human Cultivators mad from 'needs'.

"No good." Aiko shook her head again, breaking the nice atmosphere.

"Which ones are not good?" Lady Liu already noticed the blatant disregard for quality and etiquette, which meant she didn't need to humour the Emperor.

"That one and this one are injured and reek of blood." Aiko said while munching on another piece of chicken.

The Dancers blushed, since they were at that time of the month...

"And?" Lady Liu suppressed her laughter. She didn't mean it in that way, but Aiko was completely ruthless!

"That one doesn't know the second part of the dance, she is also slower by a heartbeat, breaking the immersion. That one displaced her clothing so much, you can totally see her nipples." Aiko blatantly stared at them and continued talking.

They all stiffened their bodies or blushed, since this was the greatest shame they ever experienced.

The main dancers glared at the Emperor to stop them, but the Emperor could only swallow. Lady Liu was under the protection of Inscription Saint. There were even rumours that he became a Runic Cultivator.

Although the emperor was arrogant, he wasn't stupid. His glorious Empire was nothing in front of such a powerhouse that could possibly turn his well-built cities into dust with just a mere wave of his hand!

And the majority of his larger cities can even endure a Stampede!

The Emperor could only smile wryly, unable to stop the 'public execution' from happening.

"Yes, yes." Chen Shi agreed with Aiko wholeheartedly, dancers were supposed to present art and not sell themselves.

He scoffed at them. "Don't forget the blatant visuals."

Aiko stared at them...

"What do you mean by that?" Aiko tilted her head. "They aren't even as beautiful as me or Lady Liu." Aiko munched on another meat, saying that narcissistic remark on purpose.

The Human Cultivator's lips twitched, likewise, the Emperor's lips twitched.

They were not really interested in small and petite women, she would need to grow a pair and at least double in height!

"Not to mention, they are totally soggy!" Aiko glanced at them. They had clothes that supported their breasts, which upset Aiko.

Since she barely had any herself, so there was no way she could use such nice things since hers were just too small!

Aiko pouted. "Ah, right, they are just a sorry copy of Lady Liu." Aiko sighed, clearly tired.

"They don't know how to dance, don't know the basic etiquette. They are also easily swayed by the words of other." Aiko counted on her greasy fingers, which she licked clean each time she raised a new one.

"I don't understand what you mean by visuals." Aiko shook her hand and stared at Chen Shi.

Chen Shi smiled, this was one of the few times he liked this little Fox.

Aiko and Chen Shi raised their cups and they drank tea slowly.

"Don't forget about their clothing, they can't even dress themselves properly." The Blood Fox said with a gentle smirk on her lips.


Aiko spilt her tea and coughed. She glared at her team that betrayed her, but they promptly ignored her! How could they betray her like that and play innocent?!

Lady Liu laughed loudly, this group of Foxes were so odd, yet unique, that it warmed her heart.

The Emperor's face hardened. He saw Lady Liu laugh and felt a bit of shame in his heart, since he couldn't refute their disdain... he truly only made sorry copies of Lady Liu.

They were not as pretty or graceful, but he still believed those young, pure maidens would attract the Inscription Saint's attention...

Aiko kept glancing over the dancers.

There was hostility from one of them, so Aiko kept discreetly kept an eye on her.

The Emperor tried to smooth out the situation, but Aiko wasn't paying any attention to him

The dancer inconspicuously grabbed for her hidden knife, but Aiko was faster.

She jerked her hands and pieces of sharpened chicken bones struck the dancer, forcing her to drop the half drawn knife.

Instantly everyone turned, toward the small Fox ready to scold her for attacking a mortal without reason, but then...

*Ding Ding*

The knife fell down onto the floor, the metal ringing, announcing its presence.

Everyone visibly stiffened, except Aiko, who had returned to casually consuming her meat.

She smelled something familiar and her ears picked up something from behind.

She picked up more bones from her bone pile and used them as weapons, placing them between her fingers.

Aiko abruptly stood up and turned around with more sharpened bones in her hands.

She met the eyes of the assassins. They were shocked that they were found out so soon and that the first sacrificial catalyst for the Grand Array Formation was disrupted!

Aiko stared at them with a wicked smile, she raised her hands with the bones, but was briefly shocked.

She had accidentally picked up another chicken legs with her bones, so she had one less weapon in her hand! That wouldn't do! Aiko quickly bit into the meat and tore it off. Devouring the chicken leg in the blink of an eye, leaving her with an unsharpened bone, which was better than nothing.

This chasm of action and reaction stunned everyone present, especially the team and Inscription Saint. They had their lips twitching from Aiko's demeanour, but that didn't end there...

"Rawr!" Aiko made a cute sound and sprinted towards them.

Some assassins immediately ran away, while others challenged her... which was a mistake.

Aiko threw those bones like she trained it her whole life, incapacitating some of them, while injuring others. Now fear spread throughout the room, and the remaining assassins dispersed. They had to kill that dancer to activate the first phase of the Array!

Aiko ran out of bones. But she noticed that the Emperor loved to show of the flag of his Empire, which was a good thing for Aiko.

She picked a nearby flag and threw it like a trained Immortal!

The Human Cultivators stared at the little Fox oddly.

The Flag soared through the air, impaling a fleeing assassin from behind.

"Should we help her?" The Umbra Fox asked.

"No." The Blood Fox dismissed that motion. She knew that Aiko needed a good stretch...

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA." A heart-wrenching scream spread throughout the main Palace, making everyone clench their cheeks.

The Human Cultivators had their cheeks especially clenched.

Aiko nailed the bullseye(?) or was it bullsass?

But she wasn't finished there! She picked another nearby flag and smiled like a devil, her hair turning black paired with a very sadistic smile on her lips.

The assassins visibly quivered, they no longer wanted to approach that dancer, they kept glancing around for the shortest path of escape!

Aiko gently shook her head. The meaning was obvious 'There was no escape!'.

They shivered and dispersed, yet...


More and more flags were planted, impaling the assassins' asses.

A few moments ago the rescue Beast team arrived, just in time to see that little Fox's cruelty, naturally, they thought wrongly about this situation and assumed that that little Fox was into that kind of play...

Fortunately, they didn't say it out loud, otherwise, yet another flag would be planted, but could that be considered friendly fire when your supposed friends are so mean?

Aiko spotted eyes on her, different to what she was experiencing.

She briefly paused her pursuit and stared in that direction.

Black Panther eyes were staring at her. There was confusion in that Panther's eyes.

Aiko felt a sense of danger and her [Intention Perception] also warned her, but that thing that threatened her was too quick.

The Blood Fox formed a shield around Aiko that shattered near instantly, but it bought enough time for Chen Shi and his Runes.

The Runes shone brightly, blasting the assailant away and injuring them badly.

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAIT!" The Lion snapped out of it and stopped everyone. "Only those guys are enemies!" He pointed at the other black-clothed figures.

"These 3 are allies!" He pointed at Aiko and her team.

There was confusion with the panther team, but still shifted their focus on the assassins that were running away!

"Are you alright?!" Lady Liu was worried about Aiko and grabbed her to drag her back.

"I'm fine." Aiko didn't try to run away or protest and let Lady Liu drag her away.

Aiko's team was likewise concerned, if not for the Blood Fox's abnormally fast reaction, Aiko would have been badly injured.

However, they couldn't interfere with Lady Liu since their goal was the same. Aiko's safety.

Chen Shi clicked his tongue, he will give these brainless Beasts an earful for their shitty conduct! They were obviously allies, yet they were attacked before the actual assassins!

Chen Shi had a stern expression and kept staring at the new Beasts that just appeared, there were even some flying Beasts which was unusual.

"I better get an explanation for this." Chen Shi said sternly towards the Beasts. They ignored him, causing his Rune to flash and displayed its pressure. They nodded obediently after that.

Chen Shi snorted disdainfully. Aiko can't die in front of Lady Liu, he would protect her for the time being, at least until they went their separate ways!

He sat down and sipped his tea. The powerful Rune formed a dome around Chen Shi, Lady Liu, Aiko and her team. They would be protected as long as they were inside.

Aiko sat quietly and let herself be smothered by Lady Liu's worry and oversized peaks. (For Aiko's taste.)

One assassin escaped the new Beasts. The new Beasts were not as threatening as that little Devil! He slid on the polished marble floor near the Dancer. The Human Cultivators were confused.

'Does he want to rescue her?' They were pretty dumb...


The Dancer was stabbed and an Array lit up.

The Human Cultivators went on high alert, except for Chen Shi's group.

He calmly sipped his tea.

"Blood for our Sect!" He roared as the Array activated and then lit up the Grand Array Formation.

The Human Sect Leaders felt a shiver down their spine. They pulled out their treasure and waited for the effect of the Array... but nothing happened.

Chen Shi gently sipped the tea. "So it's the Blood Sect." He nodded slowly in understanding.

The assassins were confused. The Grand Array Formation was supposed to light up already!

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