Damn, I Have to Marry the Strongest Antagonist at the Start?

Chapter 93: Chapter93-Cross the Line!

Chapter 93: Chapter93-Cross the Line!

The eagle had just fallen, its body still warm, emitting a rather peculiar scent.

At first, neither Owen nor Lana paid much attention, focused solely on searching for its beast


However, as they delved deeper into the eagle's torn abdomen, Owen noticed that the strange fragrance grew stronger. His eyes turned slightly red, and he felt his blood starting to flow inappropriately.

Lana was ahead of Owen, navigating through the massive carcass of the eagle, which was like a house made of flesh and blood.

Initially, she seemed like a child who had found a new toy. But as the peculiar scent grew stronger, her face flushed, and she subconsciously licked her lips, suddenly stopping in her tracks.

Owen, caught off guard, bumped into her back, feeling as if he had collided with soft, fragrant cotton. The scent of roses mixed with the strange fragrance filled his senses, making his vision blur.

Inside the eagle's sliced-open abdomen, Owen's gaze grew increasingly hazy. Lana appeared more and more delicate and lovely, and the disgust he had felt toward her diminished significantly.

Particularly troubling was his physiological reaction, causing him to slightly hunch his body, unable to stand straight.

Wait a minute!

That scent seemed to be an aphrodisiac!

Owen's heart sank as he suddenly realized that the pill the Penal Minister had given the eagle was likely a potion from the Sun-Moon Sect designed to enhance a spellbeast's aggressiveness.

And the essence of this substance was to enhance the spellbeast's mating desire, driving them into a frenzy and making them lose their sanity.

The Sun-Moon Sect's doctrine focused on harmonizing yin and yang, viewing the union of these forces as the ultimate natural order, making them masters of this art.

Since the potion was intended for spellbeasts, whose bodies were large and highly resistant to drugs, the dosage had to be substantial and potent, enough to overwhelm any human.

Realizing this, Owen immediately tried to suppress his desires, intending to distance himself from Lana. He was here to save Raina, not to cause her harm.

Just as Owen was about to push Lana away, he suddenly discovered that Lana had somehow handcuffed them together!

"What is the meaning of this?!"

Owen tried to break the handcuffs, but no matter how much force he applied, they didn't budge.

This shocked him deeply.

Given his current physical strength, even solid alloy would feel like clay in his hands. He could even break gold-tier staffs and weapons with sheer force.

But these seemingly silver handcuffs wouldn't move an inch.

Determined, Owen continued to try to break the handcuffs, gritting his teeth in frustration, while Lana's teasing smile grew even more pronounced.

"Weren't you very strong just now? Why can't you open a pair of handcuffs? And... it seems like you're afraid of me, trying to avoid me on purpose?"

Lana's big eyes blinked as her flushed cheeks got closer to Owen's chest, her breath hot against his skin.

Before she could continue to tease the desire-stricken Owen, Lana's expression suddenly changed, her eyebrows furrowing as something seemed to shift within her.

She had intended to keep suppressing Raina, who was trying to resurface. After being buried deep within for so many years, Lana had no intention of relinquishing control now.

But considering the current situation, she smiled faintly,

"This time, you're in luck. You'd better perform well and not disappoint me..."

As she finished speaking, she suddenly closed her eyes and then opened them again.

Owen saw the difference immediately: the madness and teasing were gone, replaced by a calm and composed demeanor.

Raina had returned.

This time, her eyes showed no trace of mockery or madness, but were filled with holiness and coldness.

Seeing this, Owen knew.

The Raina personality had emerged!

As Owen looked at Raina, she was also looking at him.

They stared at each other.

Although Raina had been controlled by Lana's personality, Lana and she were essentially one, so she roughly knew what had happened and the awkward situation they were in now.

As the dean of Luna Academy, she had never imagined being so close to a man. Moreover, she felt an unusual heat inside her, a faint spark of desire burning in her heart.

This was something she had never experienced before!

Raina's eyes flickered, her usual maturity and composure completely gone.

She didn't know what to say.

Owen also felt awkward. Raina was a renowned Celestial Leaderboard warrior and a famous beauty. Now, under the influence of the aphrodisiac, Owen found her even more alluring, with a unique charm emanating from her.

It was as if holiness and desire, ice and fire, coexisted within her.

For a moment, Owen felt hot and uncomfortable, his mouth dry.

He knew he couldn't let this continue.

But his body instinctively moved closer to Raina.

Raina's heart raced. She wanted to distance herself from Owen, to leave quickly and escape the aphrodisiac's control.

But as soon as she turned, the handcuffs on her wrist tugged Owen along, making it

impossible to break free.

Raina glanced at the handcuffs, a look of despair crossing her face. "We're doomed!"

These handcuffs were left to her by her mentor.

Once locked, they stayed on for six hours.

Only someone at the sage-tier or above could unlock them, and they also suppressed the

wearer's strength-one of her trump cards.

She hadn't expected Lana to use them against her.

Owen's gaze remained on Raina's face, and seeing her desperate expression, he realized that

these handcuffs were probably impossible to remove.

Owen's face darkened. Unable to unlock the handcuffs, breaking out was also no longer an


He closed his eyes tightly, frantically circulating mana within his body, trying to calm down.

Raina did the same, continuously channeling mana, trying to suppress the blush spreading across her skin like a ripe peach.

She had been a prodigy at the academy since childhood and eventually became the youngest

dean in the academy's history.

Dignity and purity were deeply ingrained in her.

Such things from storybooks absolutely couldn't happen!

The two of them stopped talking, each focusing on suppressing their inner turmoil.

However, the aphrodisiac's scent, intensifying with the eagle's death, became even more


The increasing mana fluctuations within them also drew the beast core closer, a round gem the size of a fist, emanating pure mana waves.

However, because the eagle had ingested an excessive amount of the aphrodisiac, its beast core had undergone a slight mutation, now radiating an intense desire for reproduction.

This seemed to be the eagle's final obsession.

Even Owen and Raina, both of strong will, found their blood boiling and their gazes growing hazy under the influence of this obsession.

Owen, being a man and of a lower tier than Raina, suddenly opened his eyes, his Fallen Angel armor disappearing instantly. His eyes, wild and beast-like, lost control and lunged toward


"You... Owen! What are you doing?!"

Recognizing Owen after he removed his armor, Raina's pupils contracted sharply. Her already

fragile resolve wavered even more.

Instead of retreating, Owen was further aroused by Raina's pure and noble voice, making his

scalp tingle and his breath heavy.

Raina, already close to Owen, now felt an overwhelming masculine presence, stirring her


"Stay away! Don't come any closer!"

Raina's body trembled slightly, her hands covering her chest as she stepped back.

However, as Owen continued to press forward, Raina slipped and fell backward in panic.

With the handcuffs linking them, Owen was pulled down as well, completely falling on top of


Owen's body was burning with heat, and Raina's felt like it was being set ablaze, the fire of desire within her flaring up intensely.

As Owen landed on Raina, he felt like he was holding onto a soft cushion, indescribably comfortable, and his hands began to roam over her body.

Even through her clothes, Owen's touch made Raina's delicate, fair skin tremble, quickly

turning a rosy shade.

"No! Stop!"

Raina's mind was assaulted by wave after wave of desire, like a small boat in a storm,

constantly on the verge of capsizing.

Her protests only made Owen more wild. He tore off her dress in one swift motion.

In an instant, her white, undulating body was left with only thin lingerie, which paradoxically

made her even more enticing.

Exposed to the air, Raina gasped, but before she could say anything more, Owen's lips were on


Shock flashed in Raina's eyes as Owen's masculine scent overwhelmed her.

Then his rough tongue began its frenzied exploration.

Raina's body instinctively responded, her own tongue emerging to guide Owen's.

A ten-minute kiss immersed them both entirely in the sea of desire.

Owen's clothes had vanished, and so had Raina's. They were now completely exposed to each


Despite being lost in desire, Raina's inherent modesty and shyness made her use the last of

her willpower to quickly channel her mana.

She created a surrounding of lush green plants, like a screen of foliage, to shield their bodies.

Among the verdant growth, fireflies flickered and danced.

Soon, the sounds of Raina's mixed pain and pleasure filled the air.

The two in the grass seemed to be engaged in an intense battle, Owen's firm thrusts


The water-like screen around them seemed to ripple, the flow unbroken.

In the air, sounds of joy, pain, and varying intensities echoed...

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