Damn Reincarnation

Chapter 261: Jagon (1)

After sending Raimira back, Eugene hid in the shadows of the Dragon Demon Castle. He was unable to secure legitimate accommodations, so he decided to hide in the shadows of the Dragon Demon Castle, keeping a watchful eye on the situation as it developed.

As Eugene settled into his hiding spot, he realized that this was his chance to gather more information. He had already conducted a thorough investigation on the Dragon Demon Castle, so he knew that only a select few from Karabloom were privileged enough to call it home. With this in mind, Eugene kept a keen eye out for any signs of activity. He wanted to gather as much intel as possible to better understand the situation at hand and determine the best course of action moving forward.

Eugene was well aware that only the elite of Karabloom's demonfolk population was granted the privilege of living within the walls of the Dragon Demon Castle. That arrogant lizard Raizakia was known to be obsessed with privilege and exclusivity, and Eugene suspected that the group Raizakia had handpicked to call themselves the Noblesse were even more distinguished than the average resident of the castle.


Eugene's observations of the Dragon Demon Castle's residents came as a surprise to him. Despite their privileged status, they seemed far from the elite group he had expected. In fact, they appeared much like Inspector Bhud — lazy and content in their peaceful surroundings. Without Raizakia's iron-fisted rule to keep them in check, the demons of the Dragon Demon Castle had become complacent and lethargic over the centuries. Eugene could sense that they had grown fat and corrupt, relying on their status and isolation to shield them from any potential threats.

The demonfolks residing here did not have to worry about experiencing any inconveniences or having to struggle to maintain their livelihood. In their stead, the demonfolks of Karabloom were laboring hard, and they dared not rebel because of Raizakia’s lingering shadow.

As Eugene continued observing the castle’s residents, he realized that the corrupt and lazy state of the Dragon Demon Castle was not entirely their own doing. A significant factor that contributed to their downfall was the fact that it was a dukedom with no human population to provide life-force for tax collection.

However, Raizakia was still one of the Three Dukes, so Pandemonium sent more than enough life-force to the Dragon Demon Castle on a regular basis. Although Raizakia hated humans, he didn’t hate killing and eating humans. He understood that he could not reject the life-force of humans if he wanted to develop his strength as a demon and a demonic dragon. Nevertheless, Raizakia had a greater plan in mind. He sought to strengthen himself through his descendants, compromising his pride and aesthetics for the sake of his future goals.

Meanwhile, even though the mad dragon had long disappeared, Babel continued to send human life-force, which fattened up the demons of the Dragon Demon Castle.

‘Their Dark Power is great, but that’s about it…. They’re literally nothing more than fattened pigs.’

It had been the same with Bhud. Even though he had been quite absurdly weak, his regenerative power had been formidable, allowing him to survive for quite a long time in the Infinite Purgatory. It meant that Bhud had possessed quite a bit of Dark Power, but he had been limited to using it only for regeneration.

Dark Power wasn’t an absolute measure of a demon’s strength. In the end, what was more important was how they could handle the power and apply it. In this respect, the demonfolks of the Dragon Demon Castle were pigs practically waiting to be devoured by other demonfolks, if not for the protection that Raizakia’s name granted them.

"Behold!" exclaimed Raimira. "This lady is the only blood of the Black Dragon! Her name is Raimira! You humble and meek demons of the Dragon Demon Castle! Show your admiration and praise for this lady!"

So, the parade began at the gates, with Raimira standing tall on a fancy carriage and declaring her majestic presence to all. The demons on the streets cheered and clapped for Raimira. Their voices rose in a chorus of praise for the descendant of their great and powerful ruler, the Black Dragon.

Eugene's expression was one of disbelief as he watched this scene unfold from the rooftop of a nearby building.

What the hell were these idiots doing? He couldn't fathom why these individuals were acting so recklessly, given the imminent threat of war looming over them. Furthermore, why was Raimira, that demented little girl, screaming like an idiot now even though it had seemed like she understood what he had been saying earlier?

Mer let out a disgruntled sigh. Her pouty lips gave away her irritation when she poked her head out from under Eugene's cloak.

"I knew it," she grumbled. "We should've just killed her when we had the chance."

Mer found Raimira to be quite vexing and unbearable, albeit for reasons that she herself couldn't quite explain.

Was it because Raimira was the daughter of the Black Dragon, the creature responsible for attempting to kill Mer’s beloved Lady Sienna? Partially. Mer knew it wasn’t right to hold the Black Dragon’s daughter accountable for her father’s sins, but it was hard to always remain rational.

Still… that wasn’t the only reason. Mer was conscious of the fact that Raimira was similar to her in age, as well as the fact that both resembled a child in appearance. Moreover, Raimira had been confined to her palace, just like how Mer had been trapped in Akron.

Even though Eugene acted like a bully and cursed at every chance he got, Mer knew that he wasn’t a bad person at heart. That was why he was going to take Raimira without killing her.

‘An enemy.’

Mer had been convinced that Raimira would become her enemy — her rival — since their first encounter.

“Mer, didn’t I tell you not to say bad things?” said Eugene.

“Sir Eugene, I don’t think you’re the one to talk. After all, you’re the one who’s always saying fuck this, bitch that. And when did I say something bad?” retorted Mer.

“You shouldn’t recklessly say that we should kill someone. That’s bad,” said Eugene.

“But you always say things like that, Sir Eugene,” retorted Mer.

“It’s fine for me since I’m a bad person by nature,” responded Eugene.

“I don’t know if you are a bad person, but what I do know is that you are a shameless person who doesn’t want to even yield a single inch to a child in an argument.”

A hundred different rebuttals came to mind, but Eugene didn’t bother to voice any of them. Regardless of what he said, he would only become someone who refused to lose to a child, just as Mer said. Eugene couldn’t have that.

Even so, he had to say one thing in response, “But you’re older than me.”

As Eugene's words sank in, Mer fell silent, and her previously grumbling demeanor became subdued. The two of them sat in quiet contemplation, watching the noisy parade below with solemn expressions.

Hours passed by, and the march continued well into the dawn when the raucous parade finally came to a halt. As the child made her way back to the Dragon Demon Castle, the gates closed shut behind her. The once-energetic demons who had been waving and shouting with great enthusiasm fell silent at the sudden closure of the gates. Now, with expressionless faces, they dispersed and went about their own business.

Eugene saw everything from the rooftop. It seemed that most of the demonfolks who were returning to their respective homes were preparing to leave — or rather, escape.

He couldn't help but sneer in contempt as he watched the scene below. The parade had given the impression that the entire Dragon Demon Castle was united in their loyalty to their new leader, but now it was evident that they were all complicit in the conspiracy against Raimira.

“It is a little pitiful,” murmured Mer as she watched the streets undergo a rapid change.

She couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for Raimira even though she harbored a dislike for the hatchling.

Eugene silently ruffled Mer’s hair and then turned around.

“Where are we going to sleep?” asked Mer.

“The backstreet,” answered Eugene.

“Well, I actually don’t care where we sleep. After all, it’ll be you who has to sleep on the bare ground, Sir Eugene. I’ll be sleeping comfortably in your arms.”

“You mean the bed inside the cloak.”

“You got it.” Mer jumped back into the cloak with a giggle.

Eugene proceeded to find a place to sit in a deserted alley. He knew he wouldn’t have to worry about getting caught, but he wanted to be prepared for any unexpected situations before he could find any rest.

The following day arrived, and much to Eugene's mixed emotions, he remained unseen by anyone. The Helmuth he had known from three centuries ago had been a living nightmare, a place of unspeakable terror and death. In comparison, the Dragon Demon Castle seemed like a mere pigsty with no real concerns or worries. Eugene felt both relieved and disappointed by this realization.

‘Couldn’t they just break into the castle and smash the core without even having to go to war…? I don’t think anything will happen even if I kidnap Raimira right now.’

It was to the extent that Eugene seriously pondered if he should just take Raimira away. Of course, he would encounter many problems if he wanted to implement his plan right away. So, he decided to survey the situation for about a day and look for an opportunity to infiltrate the Dragon Demon Castle.

‘And if it looks like it could be easily infiltrated? Well, then I’ll give it a try. And if I manage to sneak in without anyone noticing, then… should I look for the core first? She said it was in the basement, so…. Or I could go straight to those Four Divine General bastards and fuck them up,’ Eugene pondered many possibilities while proceeding with gathering intel once again.

After some time, it was past noon, but still quite a few hours before the sun would set.


Eugene remained alert, never dropping his guard for even a moment. Despite being in a pigpen surrounded by individuals who posed no real threat to him, he knew better than to let his guard down in enemy territory. His past experiences had taught him to be cautious and not make foolish mistakes.

Consequently, he became aware of an overwhelming sense of malice looming in the distance — an intent to kill so fierce that it left no room for negotiation or diplomacy. This wasn't just hostility but an unadulterated desire to snuff out all life in its path. It was a monstrous and all-encompassing force, not born of any specific enmity or grudge but rather a pure and simple thirst for blood.

Eugene couldn't ignore it, not for a moment. He was unfamiliar with such a feeling. At least, he had never felt such a great and unconditional murderous intent during his life as Eugene Lionheart.

As soon as Eugene noticed the feeling, he unknowingly turned his gaze toward the source of the murderous intent. The sky seen from inside the Dragon Demon Castle wasn’t murky even though the castle was covered by a giant barrier. However, the barrier was definitely there. It allowed the Dragon Demon Castle to stand as an inviolable, impenetrable fortress while controlling the climate and temperature inside the barrier to make it as pleasant as possible for the castle’s residents.

The Draconic barrier had been designed and manifested by Raizakia himself, and it was maintained by the mana in the atmosphere, the Dragon Demon Castle’s core, and Raimira’s red jewel and Dragon Heart. The barrier also drew from the mana of the castle’s demons. It could well be considered one of the most formidable barriers Eugene had ever seen.

Eugene sensed the ever-increasing presence of a murderous force drawing closer, and he didn't turn a blind eye to it. Instead, he focused his attention on the direction from which the threat approached. Despite the distance between him and the source of the malevolence, Eugene could see a blurry figure hurtling through the air toward the castle. Seeing this, Eugene remained vigilant and unflinching in the face of danger.

It was an unfamiliar figure, someone Eugene was seeing for the first time. Nevertheless, Eugene recognized the figure upon seeing him — or rather, the moment Eugene felt the figure’s killing intent. There was only one existence who would launch an ambush against the Dragon Demon Castle. More importantly, Eugene could feel a barbaric, beastly energy emanating from the invader’s malice. It was Jagon.

Jagon had effortlessly launched himself from the ground below, soaring high into the air. He didn't need to rely on platforms or wings to accomplish such a feat; his strength was enough. To him, the jump was nothing out of the ordinary — a simple flex of his legs followed by a powerful launch into the sky.

He quickly reached a height overlooking the entirety of the Dragon Demon Castle. Even the residents of the Dragon Demon Castle — who were fattened pigs just waiting to be slaughtered and whose minds were blurred by the years of peace — couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming malice nearing the castle. As such, numerous demons looked up at the sky with surprised expressions.

Meanwhile, Jagon’s dark eyes only saw countless morsels of meat. He was disappointed that his prey did not reek of meat and blood, but his heart was filled with joy at the thought of the slaughter and feast that would soon take place.

Now was the time to remove the lid from the plate. It was time to unleash the full extent of his power. Jagon drew back like a taut bow, ready to unleash a devastating attack.


His arms swelled up greatly. Although Jagon was still tiny compared to the size of the Dragon Demon Castle, he looked like a giant in the eyes of those looking up at him. It seemed as if Jagon would swallow the castle in one bite.

Jagon struck the barrier with both his fists.


As soon as he made contact, the Dragon Demon Castle rumbled, and the powerful barrier failed to stand up to Jagon’s blow. The transparent appearance of the barrier became murky, and a crack began to spread from where Jagon’s fists had made contact.

“Hehe,” Jagon laughed, his lips twitching.

Then he raised his arms once more. Since the barrier was already broken, he no longer needed to concentrate all of his strength on one place. If left as it was, the barrier would surely collapse on its own. Nevertheless, Jagon did not want to wait any longer, so he struck down with all his might.


His two fists broke the barrier, and the Dragon Demon Castle lost a bit of altitude. However, it did not crash to the ground. Even though the barrier had shattered, the core of the Dragon Demon Castle was still intact.

“Crazy bastard,” Eugene commented.

He had expected Jagon to come charging in like an idiot, but he had not expected Jagon to come rushing in only a day after the beginning of the war. Eugene was astonished and dumbfounded, but he wasn’t overwhelmed by Jagon’s malice and presence.

On the contrary, Eugene was glad Jagon had chosen to invade like an idiot.

The whole of the Dragon Demon Castle was instantly thrown into chaos, and everyone started running for their lives while screaming. The first to invade was Jagon, but he wasn’t alone.

The Beastfolk mercenaries, subordinate to Jagon, and the soldiers of Count Karad appeared above the Dragon Demon Castle as well. Since they could not leap such a height like Jagon, all of them were on the backs of flying demonic beasts. There were quite a few kinds of flying demonic beasts that Eugene recognized.

A giant demon, who looked to be Count Karad, raised his hand, and the demonic beasts, who resembled clumps of bumpy flesh, spread their jaws wide.


A beam of light was released from the maws of the demonic beasts, and their attack landed exactly on their target. The tightly shut gates of the Dragon Demon Castle collapsed under the bombardment of the demonic beasts.

The creatures then proceeded to descend to the city, and the Beastfolk, who were just as short-tempered as their leader, leaped off the creatures and charged into the city on foot.

Meanwhile, Jagon had already caused several buildings to collapse. He was tearing all the demons in his vicinity to shreds and shoving their flesh, bones, and blood into his mouth. It didn’t matter whether they were trying to retaliate, running away screaming in terror, or pathetically collapsing on the spot; they were all prey.

Eugene ignored all of this. It was none of his business whether all the demons in the Dragon Demon Castle died. Moreover, he didn’t feel a need to fight against Jagon right now. His priority at the moment was to secure Raimira, the Dragon Duchess.

[Y-Y-You! What… What is going on? The Dragon Demon Castle…. What has happened to this lady’s castle?] Raimira’s voice resonated from inside Eugene’s pocket.

It was coming from the portal communication device that Eugene had given the girl yesterday.

Eugene placed the communicator in his ear before responding, “Where are you?”

[W-What… did you say?]

“Where are you? Don’t move a muscle, and wait for me there.”

Wings of flames erupted from Eugene’s back. He was using Prominence to accelerate to his limit.

[This lady… is currently at the throne of the Dragon Demon Castle, which….]

‘Should be the highest, most splendid place.’

[Waa…. Waaaaah….] Raimira began to sniffle.

Not wanting to hear her sobs, Eugene turned off the device. Then a purple bolt of lightning weaved over the ruins of the gate.

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