Daomu Biji: Restart

Book 1: Chapter 73

Book 1: Chapter 73

After thinking about it, I decided not to tell the others the bad news so as not to make them lose hope. I just didnt expect that what the leather figurine woman had given me was so crucial. Was it really a ghost in this tomb that wanted out? Did it want my help?

Fatty asked me what was going on and if I had found a way out, so I told them what I knew. Grandpa's notes said that there was a motive for everything, and it was this that was giving me such a big headache in this tomb. All the motives I had thought up werent consistent with my worldview.

I didnt know where my previous insight had gone. What puzzled me the most now was trying to figure out what this Qi familys expert really wanted to do.

This expert had set up various feng shui arrays everywhere in the ancient tomb. But this was originally a unique tomb, so even if the kings corpse did become a zombie, it definitely wouldnt be able to get out. As a result, the feng shui arrays definitely werent designed to "trap" anything here.

And if the feng shui arrays that these grave robbers set up in this tomb werent for trapping vengeful ghosts or for preventing harm, then it was possible that they were hate arrays. These kinds of arrays were full of negative energy that would harm the tomb owners descendants. But to be honest, the feng shui indicators for this tomb had been covered by mud and buried under the sea. Not to mention dragon veins, any other feng shui indicators were completely out of the question. There was a saying among feng shui masters: when the front of the tomb was like a cow trough, broken seeds could not sprout.

There was a huge ravine in front of this tomb that was big enough to fit a subway, so this tomb owner wouldnt have too many surviving descendants. As a result, there was no need to attack them again.

But it was true that a very exquisite feng shui array had been set up by later generations. If this array wasnt used to calm the energy in this ancient tombbecause the tomb had been completely trapped by its own feng shui patternthen that left only one reason. And no matter how counterintuitive and bizarre this reason was, it should be correct.

The purpose of these arrays was to break the tombs original feng shui "entrapment" pattern. But if they were breaking the entrapment pattern, was it to release something that had been trapped in the tomb?

I turned and lay down on my back so that I could rest and discuss my final theory with Fatty.

"Just tell me if we have to go further to get out, Fatty said. If I have to keep crawling, my testicles' wrinkles are all going to be smoothed out."

"We can get out." After analyzing everything just now, I became substantially calm and returned to the state of mind I had a few years ago. It had been a long time since I had been calm enough to only trust myself to think about such problems.

Although it was unbelievable, I suddenly realized that this ancient tomb was a trap.

It was a sterile tomb where no one could get in or out. It actually took a great amount of skill and luck to enter this unique kind of tomb.

The previous text message had led our group to this sterile tomb step by step. We were planning to look through a lot of places and prepare for many days, but we managed to find the South Sea Kings tomb on the very first day. And Uncle Two was the one who had accurately brought us to this mudflat.

It was as early as a few decades ago when the expert who set up the array here entered this tomb. He closed all the possible ways out except for one, which turned out to be related to this feng shui array. He expected us to enter this tomb and have no other choice but to rely on the exit that he had left behind. There was no denying the fact that we were now following the path he had previously arranged.

His purpose for doing this was that we could only leave by following the path he had designed. But the way he designed it hid his real purpose and forced us to take something from the tomb.

If I had guessed correctly, that thing was the leather figurine woman. Although I didnt know why, I was certain that we wouldnt encounter anything good when we took this leather figurine woman out. Otherwise, he would have done it a long time ago.

Why didn't he take it with him? And why make us do it for him in such a complicated way after so many years?

Maybe the leather figurine woman was brimming with evil spirits. Or maybe this Qi familys expert used this "tomb" to raise a zombie, but didnt dare take it out himself. Was he using us as guinea pigs to take it out?

Since I was absolutely calm, I realized another point even if I didnt want to. Uncle Two was the only person who could complete this plan.

I touched the word "suffering" on the wall while feeling bitter in my heart. Uncle Two never cared about these things, so why would he plot against me like this? Was he Qi Yu?

No, I thought to myself as I rubbed my face.

"Liu Sang, you must know something, I eventually said. You can either say it now or I'll break your hamstring."

Liu Sang was very calm as he answered weakly, "I can't believe you didn't realize it until now. Dont threaten me. I wouldve told you if only you had asked. But now we have to keep moving forward. Well reach a more comfortable place in another hour. Youll know when you get there."

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