Dark Blood Path

Chapter 14: The Barbecue

Chapter 14: The Barbecue

Clap clap!

Xiao Yu softly clapped his hands, walked over, and said, Good job Xiaowen, your stab was pretty accurate!

Jiang Xiaowen blushed and was a bit embarrassed as she grinned sheepishly: I actually closed my eyes before stabbing; it was a fluke. But this wild boars essence is huge. I acquired double the rotten zombies energy!

Xiao Yu explained: Thats a giving. It is an elementary beast after all. Even when split amongst a group of individuals, thats still a lot of energy.

What? Jiang Xiaowen pointed at the dead boar in the pit, opened her small mouth in surprise, and exclaimed, Really? Thats an elementary-level monster?!

Xiao Yu nodded his head, It is one, like I said. This wild boars charge force is enough to flip a car. Under normal conditions, none of you can be its opponent. However, with the most basic of traps and simple cooperation, it became much easier to deal with. A qualified hunter does not need to be physically strong, but he does need to be wise and use his wits on occasion, any powerful creature can be dealt with; this is the difference between a man and a beast.

Everyone silently nodded after hearing his words since they had previously realized this point. However, this successful real-life hunt actually set an example and instilled confidence in everybody here, which gave an impactful meaning to his speech.

Xiao Yu said: Stone, fatty, go lift up the wild boar; today, we have meat to eat!

Meat! The eyes of the people around brightened up when they heard those magic words. Jin Shi and Wang Chao exchanged joyful looks and dashed inside the pit, where they lifted up the massive wild boar. Xiao Yu stretched out his hands and grabbed the wild boar weighing hundreds of kilograms. He picked it up and threw it casually as it dropped down on the ground with a bang.

Clean up the blood; its too dangerous to start a fire here. Well go up that short mountain. After those words, Xiao Yu walked over, picked up the dead boar, and slowly marched toward the mountain. At this time, Du Tao had already called out more than one hundred people from the underground space. They all gathered up in front of the cave, Some of them emerged for the first time since entering it, and when they saw the forest again, they felt terrified.

They could all clearly hear the roaring and combat sounds made by that wild boar just now. And so, they couldnt help but admire Xiao Yu when he lifted it up with just one hand.

The cave was placed on a low mountain that was barely over a hundred meters high. It was mostly made up of gray and red rocks, the plants and vegetation were scarce, and when you get to the top of the small mountain, your vision will expand by thousands of kilometers.

It was evening, and the sun was already setting while the brilliant sunlight illuminated half of the sky in crimson. The entire landscape was a deep green, like a green ocean stretching towards the sky, boundless, creating the impression of sheer immensity. A river shuttles between the forest and the sea. The river was fairly wide, and on both sides of its banks, there was a special grassland. Even though they were so far away, they could still feel the shimmering water on the river when the sun set.

A burst of wind blew from afar, causing layers of waves to form on the green landscape. The wind blasted across the dirty youthful faces with their unkempt hair. Everyone was overwhelmed by natures great beauty at this moment, and they couldnt help but feel emotional how big was this forest? Unimaginably big, unbelievably big!

Jiang Xiaowen murmured: This forest is really huge. Can we really get out?

Definitely. The faintly visible mountains fatigued Xiao Yus vision as he clasped his hands and gazed into the distance, There are other forests just like this one; in fact, here is known as the greenhorn Forest, and its only a small part of the chaos Continent.

There were quite a few large trees growing on the short mountain, which could fully shade it. The wind was really strong near the mountains summit, and the bloody stench was quickly blown away. Even if certain creatures with acute senses could detect it, they would still be unable to pinpoint their exact location.

Everyone could now safely look for piles of dry firewood, leaves, and stones to create a bonfire, ready to ignite the flames with a peace of mind. Xiao Yu scrapped the wild boars body with his bone blade, took off its fur, and then grabbed a small kitchen knife, skinned it with exceptional dexterity, removed the intestines and internal organs, and quickly chopped the wild boar into pieces.

At this point, the fire was kindled, and more than a dozen people gathered around the flames, where the wild boar meat was placed and carefully roasted. Xiao Yu was not only adept at handling wild animal carcasses, but he was also an expert at twisting and roasting animal meat. He attempted to regulate it as much as possible so that every portion of the meat could be uniformly cooked. After a while, the delightful aroma of barbecue pervaded, making everyone swallow their saliva.

Xiao Yu stopped rotating the barbecue and said to everyone: it is almost ready. We only have some salt and no other seasonings, so it can barely be eaten, but lets make do with it.

Ill be first!

Wang Chao was the first to stand up; he chose the largest piece of meat and took a big bite without caring about the heat, as he exclaimed: The outside is charred, and the inside is tender, so delicious. Hah, boss, I really couldnt tell you had this kind of skill. Does your family specialize in kebabs?

Xiao Yu also picked up a meat skewer and ate it unhurriedly, and the others also picked up a skewer of barbecued meat by turns.

Han Kevin sat opposite of him, her plump and slender figure full of temptation under the firelight, making the few men there distracted. Her garments were torn in many places with some scratches here and there, and a huge piece of clothing was ripped above her chest, displaying her creamy white skin; she stood up and bent down to take a meat skewer, The two mountain peaks in her chest swayed seductively, which grew more evident under the action of gravity, and a bottomless milky white gully loomed, which was enough to fire any mans imagination. In contrast, her round buttocks were shaped like a peach under that slim waist.

Wang Chao nudged Xiao Yu with his arm and said to him secretly: Hey, didnt everyone try to guess teacher Hans size before? At that time, many people thought she might not have an E cup. Now it seems that everyone has greatly underestimated this teacher of ours. According to my experience, she definitely has an E cup. She is not fat at all, but how could there be so much flesh on her breasts? Damn it, thats a deadly weapon! Boss, Teacher Han got high standards. I think that amongst us all, the only one she can take a fancy to is you; how lucky! You can experience amazing sex in the future!

Jiang Xiaowen, who was sitting not too far away, clearly heard Wang Chaos statements and exclaimed with disgust. Dirty fatty!

Wang Chao paused, stared at her, and said, You can call me fat man or fatty, but please dont add the word dirty, okay? Im a pure boy with a pure heart, I only spoke objective facts, and no one here did compare you with teacher Han, so you dont have to feel so sensitive and inferior.

Jiang Xiaowens face turned red immediately, and she shouted angrily: youre inferior; your whole family is inferior!

After Jiang Xiaowen finished speaking, she subconsciously looked at her breasts. Her figure was not bad, her body was petite but exquisite, and her breasts were also bulging and plump, but compared with Han Kexin, she was obviously far behind, and she felt discouraged.

Wang Chao laughed loudly, Hahaha, everyone, look, she got angry from embarrassment!

No! Jiang Xiaowen was enraged to death, You are the one who has become angry from embarrassment!

Just as Wang Chao was about to speak, a ball of hot barbecue meat was stuffed into his mouth all of a sudden, and he immediately yelled loudly. However, he was reluctant to spit out the meat, so he could only fan himself while screaming strangely and swallowed the meat after a while. He took a deep breath and said, Boss, why did you stuff meat into my mouth?

Xiao Yu looked at the bonfire; the dancing flames were reflected in his pitch-black eyes as he said lightly, You cant shut your mouth even when you have something to eat?

Jin Shi smiled and spoke instead: Boss, if you want to shut fatty up, the best way is to sew his mouth up with wires!

Wow, stone, I thought of you as a nice guy. I didnt expect you to be so cruel! Wang Chao shouted loudly, shrugged his shoulders, and said, heh, this is really boring! Shouldnt we celebrate having our first meal today? Look at you guys; more boring than unmovable gourds. I have a suggestion, lets hold hands and dance around the bonfire together!

Everyone looked at him like he was a monster.

Xiao Yu couldnt help showing a smile and shook his head helplessly. He knew this guy; no matter how miserable the situation was, Fatty could always find some joy in it, making fun of suffering. This was Wang Chaos style, and in the current environment, this kind of personality was indeed worth learning from. This friend of theirs that was known for being too hot-headed, was actually a good mood regulator.

Everyone in the area was laughing and joking, and there was a rare smile on the corner of their mouths. Han Kexin quietly sat on a stone, her eyes, as clear as a pool of autumn water, were calmly staring at Xiao Yu, who seemed to be bowing his head in thought, his eyes extremely calm.

Jiang Xiaowen couldnt argue with Wang Chao, so she simply ignored him, hugged her legs, rested her chin on her knees, and stared at the dancing flames with her big bright eyes. She had a gorgeous face, even Han Kexin was slightly inferior in terms of appearance, a pair of silky legs that were very attractive, as if carved, with a thin coating of fluorescence, and under the firelight, her slim and slender pair of feet appeared even rounder and smoother. However, there were some scratches and cuts on her feet, and they were somewhat red and swollen from running and walking for so long, making others feel pity for the girl.

I dont know how Mom and Dad are doing right now. Are they both safe? Jiang Xiaowen sighed suddenly.

Xiao Yu fiddled with the fire with a wooden stick, If you live on, you may see them one day.


Jiang Xiaowen wasnt sure if Xiao Yus statements were serious or just meant to comfort her. She turned to gaze at Xiao Yus figure, his messy black hair, his handsome, calm face, and his dark eyes that were full of wisdom. She felt silly all of a sudden, as she had no idea this unremarkable boy would be so attractive right now.

Ah, a snake!

At this time, a group of people not far away seemed to be alarmed by something, and several girls screamed in unison to attract everyones attention.

Xiao Yu sprung to his feet and dashed over there. From a distance, he noticed a two-meter-long black snake not far from the bonfire. It had already lifted its head and swelled up its body, giving the impression that it was preparing to strike.

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