D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1244 1244 Aerial Relaxation

Chapter 1244 Chapter 1244 Aerial Relaxation

--- Kat --- (Before First Jump)

Thyme had set up a nice area for everyone to watch the jumps. They'd provided five large couches, one for each of the teams. You might think that would still be a bit cramped with four people per couch, but that simply wasn't the couch. There was so much space on each of them, that three people could lay down and still not be touching each other. Four was a bit too much though.

The room, while floating in the air, was set up a bit like a cinema, with two of the couches in the front, one in the very middle, and two at the back. Kat's team ended up on the back right couch. Kress picked one of the sides and was leaning against the arm rest. Green had insisted Nixilei grab the other one… then lay down across Nixilei's lap, using the arm rest as a bedhead and Nixilei's thighs as a pillow. Kat was in the centre and awkwardly wondering if she should move to one of the sides or not. There was still plenty of space, even with Green laying down.

Sure Kat could stretch her wings… but Thyme had clearly worked out a similar enchantment to demon furniture so her wings could comfortably sit inside the couch… somehow. *Perhaps finding out how exactly the furniture works would be useful in the future. It's obviously not just empty space. Not only does the couch still work as if it was stuffed properly, but my wings feel supported but not… surrounded? Probably the best way to describe it.*

[I do sort of know what you're talking about Kat. They work with my tail as well. Though… yes it is a bit strange. I prefer just having my tail resting on my stomach or something though.]

*Yes it's the same for me. It might be nice for my wings but leaving my tail… wherever it is my wings go just isn't all that comfortable. My tail is a lot longer than yours though, so I just have to put up with it. Enough about that though. Did you want to lay on my lap like Green is doing?*

[I don't really mind. I'm perfectly happy to stay on your lap like this. It's quite comfortable. Sure it's nice when I'm human… but it also becomes inherently more sexual. Like… it's not something I usually think about, and just something like a lap pillow really isn't going to force my thoughts down that road quickly…]

[But this is just nice. I don't have to worry about doing anything inappropriate, or being embarrassed. Even if people know I'm not just a cat, they don't think twice about the fact that there is a cat on your lap. It's just… less embarrassing I guess.]

*You know I don't care about that at all Lily. I'll happily kiss you in public if that's what you want. I don't mind one bit.*

[I know… but I do mind. Sort of. I mean, I'm never going to complain if you were to kiss me. I love your kisses. Just… don't expect me to be terribly coherent if you do. Still… the experience is… I don't want to say tainted really because that implies the kiss isn't good. Um… I suppose it's just not as good as it could be. I know it's all in my head really, but it does spoil the experience knowing I'm being watched by people who aren't you. Maybe it would be better if I was used to it, or if I'm not thinking about it.]

[Just… it's hard to stop thinking about it once it gets in your head. I don't think you can properly understand… well you can see my memories so you've got a better chance then most. It's… it's almost like quantum physics. Knowing that I'm being observed changes the experience. Even if logically I know I'm being observed by someone, most of the time, it's the thinking and knowing about it that causes problems.]

*Not to say that you've lost me, because I am still following the conversation… but I really can't understand that. It just doesn't quite… line up for me. I'm not embarrassed about my affection for you, and I don't care if people know that. Which… now that I'm saying that 'aloud' sounds kind of like I'm implying you do care, which I'm not exactly trying to… hmm…*

[No, no. It's… it's odd. I have no problems claiming you as my girlfriend, or even having you claim me as your girlfriend. Even just announcing that sort of thing implies… quite a lot. I'm perfectly comfortable with people knowing and understanding that we get up to that sort of thing… so I'm really not sure why I'm so embarrassed about it sometimes.]

*I really can't say.*

While this was happening Nixilei sighed and looked down at Green. "Is this really necessary? Not only is there enough space for you to use the couch, but there are extra cushions here for you to use if you want. Surely my legs can't be the most comfortable option here,"

"No, but it annoys you, and that pleases me greatly," said Green with a smug grin.

Nixilei sighed and said, "I'm your bodyguard, not your made or your girlfriend. Theoretically I don't have to put up with this nonsense. You do know this is going to cause my legs to fall asleep right?"

"Ah, but you love me anyway so you're going to put up with it. Plus, you're a super smart healer. I'm sure you can keep the circulation in your legs going even with my big head," retorted Green.

Nixilei rolled her eyes and looked over to Kress before saying, "And what are you doing over there…" Nixilei paused, "And where the heck did you get popcorn from?"

"Storage ring," answered Kress, "As for what I'm doing… sitting down? I don't really want to get involved with…" Kress waved his hand towards Green and Nixilei, "whatever that is. I'm sure it would only be trouble for me. Plus, Kat and Lily are having couple time, even if it doesn't look like it. You can tell they're talking to each other right now,"

"Yes, I'm aware of that much," said Nixilei. "They're not exactly subtle about it. Lily's ears stand up straight and tend to flick towards Kat occasionally even though they aren't saying anything, while Kat always looks somewhat dazed while talking to Lily. Hmm… that's not quite the right word, but it's close enough for you to get the picture. Though now I want to know why you brought your storage ring with you, and where the popcorn was from before that,"

"Well I don't have to worry about it getting damaged because I'm not competing today," explained Kress, "and I do remember how board everyone got yesterday during the volleyball tournament. I'm hoping it won't be that bad today, but I thought I'd bring my ring just in case. This way I've got something to mess around with. I performance some maintenance on my gear, or play dice games. Got a whole bag full of them in here,"

"I probably should've done the same," mumbled Nixilei. "I could've gotten a start on my reports, or perhaps studied some medical text while sitting here. That still doesn't explain the popcorn though,"

"Oh… well you see, I asked if Thyme could supply me with just… a ridiculous amount of popcorn. It was at the end of the first day, and I sort of forgot I asked for it you know? Anyway I tucked it all away in my storage ring and, as I said before, forgot about it. I'm not even sure what I was thinking when I asked for it if I'm honest. I think I was going to use it to prank Gareth? Maybe? I really don't remember so it can't have been that funny,"

"I was under the impression your memory was a bit better then that," sneered Nixilei.

Kress just shrugged at the question. Not really sure what else to say, and not willing to let things turn into a fight. After doing so well the day before, and getting to make an awesome sandcastle Kress was feeling quite chill. Well, that and he was still tired. He had a bit of trouble getting to sleep and this couch was awfully comfortable.

Seeing that Kress wasn't rising to the bait, Nixilei turned her gaze back to the 'screen' in front of them. It was just a big white square at the moment. Apparently Thyme didn't want to display the practice runs. Nixilei thought that was a bit of shame. It would've been a great source of material for teasing people, and perhaps blackmailing if the scene was particularly embarrassing.

Despite it being a shame from a work standpoint, Nixilei did think it was probably for the best. Thyme had managed to keep things rather casual… somehow. She didn't feel the pressure to win like she had in the previous rounds. Then again, her team was quite solidly in the lead. So perhaps that had more to do with it. As Nixilei gazed around at the people all sitting together on couches, mostly with smiles… well she couldn't help but doubt her conclusion.

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