D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1155 1155 Low Roller Marigold

Nixilei chapter. Quick recap:

Blue – Left Leg Yellow, Left Hand Red, Right Leg Blue (Top right corner)

Cyan – Right Hand Green (Stuck between Stan and Marigold in top left corner)

Nixilei – Right leg Green, Lef Hand red, (Laying sideways across bottom of mat)

Marigold – Right Leg Green (Top left corner)

Stan – Right Hand Green (Top left corner)


Thyme spun the wheel, ready to see what was going to happen to Cyan. "Left leg red!" said Thyme. Cyan's stomach dropped. Not only was Marigold in the way, with Stan on the other side, but Blue was taking up a good chunk of space on the other side of the mat, directly across from him. 

"Fuck it, can I just forfeit?" asked Cyan. 

"I'd allow it, but are you asking me or your team?" asked Thyme. 

Cyan his head to his group, looking over them all with a glare. "Are you guys going to make me do this?" 

"No," answered Romilda and Carl. 

"Yes," answered Borgick. 

Asteodia, the elf, thought about it for a few seconds before saying, "I feel as though you should appreciate your… close proximity with royalty a bit more. Could you really be happy with yourself if you forfeited right now, and lost this chance to be close to elven royalty?" 

Cyan grit his teeth. While he didn't care at all for 'elven royalty' and especially not Marigold at this moment in time… he did have to admit that just giving up left a bad taste in his mouth. "Could you two like… get out of the way?" asked Cyan. 

Stand and Marigold shared a glance before answering with a combined, "Nope," 

Cyan looked to Thyme who just shrugged, "They aren't attacking you, and while you might consider it bad sportsmanship, it's definitely within the rules. I'll confirm your forfeit if you want that still?" offered Thyme. 

Cyan shook his head, deciding to at least give it a try. Marigold and Stan had made it almost impossible to move… but he still had options. Cyan stretched himself out then started to bounce a bit on one foot… before kicking off the ground and sending his body flying towards the other side of the mat...

Cyan couldn't really see but the angle was good and he was trying his best… but ultimately he was just a bit short. His foot came down, just a few millimetres from Nixilei's face, hitting the mat just shy of the red dot he needed. "Cyan is out!" declared Thyme and Cyan vanished from the map. 

Cyan clicked his tongue and asked, "How close was I?" 

"Real close," answered Thyme. "If you were just a bit taller you could have made it… but you also might have kicked Nixilei in the face, which would've necessitated you being eliminated anyway. Still, good effort, I'm honestly surprised you even went for it," 

Cyan shrugged and plodded over to his team that gave him their own motions of assurance, Borgick and Carl slapping Cyan hard, while Romilda gave a grateful nod, pleased that he even attempted it. Asteodia patted him on the head. Which was more annoying than anything else… but alongside the rest of the group? He didn't feel quite so bad about losing then and there. 

Of course the show must go on, so while that was happening Thyme spun the wheel for Nixilei, "Left hand blue!"  I think you should take a look at

Nixilei nodded, testing her weight a little by doing a few push-ups one handed. Then, with a motion that looked practiced, because it partially was, Nixilei pushed herself up, brought her legs in and landed her left hand easily on the blue square. *Nothing to it. An easy ask for me, and with everyone over the other half of the board things are looking quite good for me.*

"Left leg red for Marigold" said Thyme. Marigold nodded, a bit of a stretch but she knew she could do it. Marigold first stood, resting all her weight on one foot over the map, then she dropped downwards, letting her leg extend out as she placed her hands outside of the mat. Marigold was basically doing the splits, her legs just barely reaching across the two sides of the mat. Her shoulder was pushing into Blue a bit, and her hands were providing stability. 

A part of Marigold screamed at her to just complete the dam split, to rest her aching muscles… of course, two much larger sections of her mind just egged her on. The part of her that loved training, loved pushing her limits? It was loving this. A good stretch to start of the day. The other part? The part of her that loved pain. It was practically frothing at the mouth just at the idea of how much pain this would cause in a few moments. 

Marigold licked her lips, then noticed just how close Blue's leg was, and started to lick that instead. Blue flinched, but not quite enough to leave any of the dots. "M-Marigold… w-what are you doing?" asked Blue confused and slightly flustered. 

"Enjoying myself," answered Marigold. 

"Um… can you not? That's… um… vey distracting…" said Blue as Marigold did her best to lick higher and higher up Blue's leg and towards her backside. Sadly for Marigold, if she wanted to keep her arms on the floor, she couldn't get high enough for 'the good stuff'. 

"But I'm enjoying myself… and you can't say this is an attack can you?" explained Marigold with great mirth. 

Blue looked over at Thyme for confirmation, but already knowing the answer, "It is not an attack… yet. I will be perfectly happy to call it one if Marigold goes anywhere too inappropriate,"

"Are you sure Thyme?" asked Marigold with a husky voice. "I would say the experience would be… rather enjoyable," 

Thyme just glared back, "No. It would be a step too far. Sexually harassing your competition is one thing, especially when this is an important tournament. Using all of your… talents is understandable, but I will not allow it to escalate further. I have some standards, and this isn't an excuse for an orgy," 

Marigold's eyes gleamed as Thyme's words gave her great ideas for the future. Sure this time it wouldn't lead to one… but she could dream. In fact, her dream was so intense, as she imagined half a dozen girls all naked and breathing heavily, attempting to play this game with her in the centre that she stopped licking Blue. Too lost in her own mind. Blue breathed a silent sigh of relief, and gave Thyme a nod. 

Thyme gave a 'who me' look, exaggerating it with their clown makeup. Blue just narrowed her eyes. Certain Thyme knew exactly what they'd just done. Regardless though… it was time to SPIN THAT WHEEL. "Stan you're on left hand green," said Thyme. 

Stan plonked his left hand down, just above his right, crossing his hands over. "Righto… and then it's… right hand red for Blue… which huh… alright," said Thyme awkwardly. Blue changed positions ever so slightly by moving her right hand from just off the mat, to on the red dot next to her left hand. 

"Nixilei! Give us something interesting!" shouted Thyme spinning the wheel once more. The wheels stopped. Thyme stared. The wheels stared back. No really, they grew a set of eyes and glared back at Thyme. "Really? That's what we're going with?" The wheels nodded. "We're going to have complaints about this not being random you know?" The wheels shrugged. "Fine then… left hand red, Nixilei…" 

Nixilei, having done this one before, simply repeated the motion she'd used last time to move her hand back to where it was. *Welp. That was easy. I wonder if it truly is random? Well it would have to be for the sake of fairness… but yeah I'm doing much better then the others now. Marigold is lucky she's so flexible and poor Blue is completely on the mat now. At least she has an easy position to maintain.*

"Come on Marigold, give us something interesting!" said Thyme as the wheels spun. 

"Hey I was trying to keep it interesting before, but no, apparently I'm only allowed to lick people in safe for work places," retorted Marigold. 

Thyme didn't respond, just stating, "Right hand Green!" 

Marigold winced. This one was going to be a tad difficult. Luckily, Stan had been lazy and picked crossing his arms over instead of going for the corner. Marigold knew she needed to be careful though. She carefully 'walked' her hands over to the side. The muscles in her legs burning deliciously as she leaned over to the green dot in the top left corner, eventually making it. 

If you were listening to Marigold's breathing, you might think it was requiring a lot of effort… but the sound of heavy breathing was for… other reasons right now. Only technically pain related. 

*Oooh… that might actually take Marigold out of this race. If she gets left hand red there's almost no way to recover from that. Perhaps she should've leant backwards and tried to hit one of the other green dots? Spread herself out a bit? Then again… that might've been too much of a risk for her. She's just barely keeping herself off the floor. It might have been too risky to flip backwards, risking her feet sliding a bit and hitting the ground. Guess we'll see if she gets lucky or not…*

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