D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1256 1256 *Slaps Basket* This Baby will stay in the sky…

Chapter 1256 1256 *Slaps Basket* This Baby will stay in the sky…

--- Nixilei ---

"Next, for all your long duration needs…" Thyme said as the glider vanished back into the ground. "Is this wonderful contraption right here," Thyme then pulled out a basked and a large section of treated leather. From context, Nixilei was able to work out what it was. "This is a state of the art hot-air balloon. You might have seen them around already. They are quite popular with dwarven surveyors  and certain beastkin tourist spots. It's got a number of nifty features…

"But it's primary purpose is to ensure that the person riding it WILL make it to two hours. While all of the flying vehicles on display can make it to that vaunted two hour mark… not all of them can do so regularly. With this, you will have no problems at all. The balloon itself will be filled with hot air before you take off, saving you the mana you'd need to do it yourself, and once in the air it can stay that way with just a few occasional blasts of mana. 

"It works much like the surveyor versions do. The basket here has an enchantment tied to the metal box which spouts out flames into the air bag to keep the air inside warm and the balloon floating for as long as you require! It takes barely any mana to send up a burst of flame, and the flame is only necessary every minute or so. Dependant on your current altitude. 

"Which of course, though it pains my heart, means I must admit to the imperfection of this wonderful design! It is quite limited in its capacity to manoeuvre through the air. It does have its ways, and when I explain all the bonus features, I will cover how you can help mitigate this downside… but a downside it is. The balloon itself creates a lot of drag. Which is good for being carried along by the wind… not so much if you want to go anywhere else. 

"Now, there are some strong winds around this area, especially so high up. If you manage to pick a good direction, there is a decent chance for you to make it quite far with the balloon. It's just a risk, rather then a matter of skill, mana control or mana capacity. 

"Now, onto some of the defensive details. This balloon has been greatly strengthened against slashing attacks and moderately against bludgeoning attacks… but it's a giant balloon so bludgeoning attacks won't do anything anyway. The basket itself is warded against fire and the elements so it will remain sturdy. The only real weak point, are these," Thyme smacked the support frame for the enchanted fire release that held the balloon and basket together. "They have been strengthened a good deal… 

"But conceptually they are weak. They are a point of connection and rather separate from the frame itself. Strengthening it too much would increase the amount of mana it takes for the fire system. As such, while they have been strengthened, it is weaker then the basket made out of wood. As such, it is recommended you defend attacks against the metal in this area quite fervently," 

"With that being said… this little baby happens to have all sorts of little gadgets to help in that fight!" Thyme excitedly flipped the basket over to show the inside. There was a number of glowing circles all lining the inside surface of the basket. "Each and every one of these contains something useful. Just… a word of warning. 

"While sealed, they weigh nothing. The basket can have all these neat gadgets for niche contingencies… but you can't return them to the seal. Once broken, the item will come out, and you'll be stuck with it in your basket unless you simply want to throw it overboard. So be careful what you use when, otherwise it will increase the weight on the basket, and the mana it takes to keep it up in the sky!" 

*That's… that's not how those sorts of enchantments are supposed to work at all! Thyme must have done this intentionally to make sure that the balloon isn't just the obviously best option. The problem isn't even the weight, like Thyme is saying, but the space. Sure the basket is a decent size and you could probably fit a few people into it… but depending on what the 'gadgets' are, and how large… it might be barely any space at all.*

"The first gadget is a set of engines!" said Thyme as they pulled out too large jet-engine looking devices Nixilei didn't recognise. "These things are massive mana hogs, but they will get you out of trouble in a pinch… just don't keep them around too long once they're turned off because they're as heavy as they look!" 

Something you could've easily mitigated if you wanted Thyme. Though I think I understand the game here. Each of the devices are powerful, but the less niche ones are problems. Those at least look like they clip to the outside of the basket, but the weight… depending on what it truly is? That could be a problem. 

"Next is much less high-tech," said Thyme as they returned the engines to the seal, confirming rather soundly that Nixilei's thoughts were correct, the only reason you couldn't return them was because Thyme made it so. Thyme pushed down on another seal and pulled out a rope with a hook on it. "Pretty simple, just throw and the grab. The hook is enchanted to stick to whatever it lands on, so even if your throw isn't perfect you might still grab something," 

*Hmm… I assume that works on other contestants? If so that might be a good way to attack, or to save yourself on mana?*

Thyme then tossed the rope and hook over their shoulder letting it vanish. Once that was done they pushed another seal and pulled out a large pot on top of a hotplate. "This one is just in case you get peckish. It's a nice roast that's already cooked and is being kept at temperature by this hotplate underneath. It's good stuff," Thyme then proceeded to take a bite… out of the entire ensemble, hot plate and metal pot included. "Crunchy," 

*Right… I see Thyme is just having fun with us now. There's still at least three seals from what I can see. Are the rest of them jokes as well?*

The next seal held a bow with no arrows, Nixilei was pretty sure she knew where this one was going. "This here bow can summon up magical arrows, either attuned to kinetic force, or your own personal element. Just be careful... it's a bit weak," Thyme said as they pulled the string back too far and the whole thing snapped in half. 

*That's probably another intentional limitation. The bow's effective range is drastically reduced by the looks of things. Sure it might be powerful… if it's already right in your face.*

Next Thyme pulled out a sword and waved it around a bit. "This here is just a good sword. I mean, nothing more to say about it really," said Thyme with a shrug. Nixilei agreed. It was rather self-evident what that was for. Though she did wonder what trick Thyme had in-store for whoever tried to use it. 

Thyme then pulled a large net with a set of heavy stones on the edges. "This here is a net with rocks on the end. Betta throw it fast because it weighs a lot. The stones are enchanted with gravity magic to try and mitigate that a bit… for all of five seconds. Then it takes whatever its caught down with itself. Including your balloon if you're not careful." When Thyme finished speaking their hands were ripped off as the net fell through the ground leaving a massive hole in the stage. 

*So, a one use weapon that's very short range but practically certain to kill any monsters. Not other competitors though. They can potentially escape from the net before they hit the ground, or they can just let the harness save them before taking off a second time. It would prevent them getting the full 2 hours though… so it's still somewhat useful against competitors in its own right.* 

"The final bit of kit sure is an interesting one…" said Thyme. "So last but not least," Thyme pulled out a package that was soaked through at the bottom and dripping a blackish liquid. The smell then hit everyone on the platform full on. Nixilei, and many others, recognised it instantly. "Monster bait," Thyme confirmed their suspicions. 

"Of course, one should be very careful with monster bait here. Why, it's already leaking onto the ground as I speak. You can throw it at a competitor to attract monsters… but if those same monsters come from the wrong direction they just might pay you a visit first," Thyme finished with that too wide smile that now had a much more sinister look to it. Sharp jagged teeth included. 

*That seems more like a suicide tactic. It's not going to result in a death, but it IS likely to kill your chance at winning. Monsters will come for you just as surely as they come for your target.*

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