Devil’s Music

Chapter 118: Break the Wall

Chapter 118: Break the Wall

On the rooftop of a 12-story building at the entrance of the Fashion District in Los Angeles, Geon Kim peered down below, holding a walkie-talkie in hand, having crossed over to the U.S. just a month ago.

"Is the security team ready?"

"Affirmative, we're ready," came the response.

Observing the crowd below, interspersed amidst the many shoppers enjoying themselves, Geon Kim, dressed in a sleek black suit, checked the monitors again.

"Is the camera team ready?"

"Yes, all set."

As he scanned below, he noticed about thirty individuals, each clutching an AVC HD camcorder, stealthily blending into the crowd.

"Are the stationary cameras confirmed?"

"Yes, all systems are go."

Turning his attention to the monitors stationed at one corner of the rooftop, displaying various angles of the Fashion District, Geon nodded in satisfaction.

"Actors, descend and blend in with the crowd," he instructed over the walkie-talkie.

Responding to his command, men wearing various animal masks emerged from the black vans parked at the entrance of the Fashion District. Gorillas, rabbits, lions, tigers, elephants, eagles, leopards, and pigs stepped into the Fashion District, eliciting surprised gazes from the shoppers.

"What's happening? Is there an event?"

"Mom! Look, it's a rabbit!"

"The gorilla mask is scary, Mom!"

"Aww, how cute!"

While the shoppers initially showed interest in the masked figures, particularly delighting the children, the masked group seemed indifferent, either sitting at sidewalk cafes or leaning against lampposts, engrossed in their own activities. Young women attempted to engage with the masked individuals, poking them or taking pictures, only to be met with silence. Eventually, the crowd lost interest and resumed their shopping routines.

Geon Kim waited approximately ten minutes on the rooftop until the crowd's attention was fully captured by the masked individuals.

"Commencing in 30 seconds. Sound team, perform a final check."

"Roger, all systems checked. Speakers across all buildings in the Fashion District are linked."

"Excellent. Full staff, all ready! Countdown from 10."

As Geon's command echoed, security personnel rushed out from the buildings, positioning themselves amidst the crowd. Shoppers, curious about the commotion, turned their attention toward them. Suddenly, music began emanating from the speakers of all buildings in the Fashion District simultaneously. Heads turned, and smiles spread across faces.

A group of men, each wielding an AVC HD camcorder, emerged from the crowd and began filming the masked individuals. The resounding bass guitar reverberated, joined soon after by electric guitar and drums, causing some to grimace at the increasing volume.

Amidst the clamor, the rabbit-masked individual seated at the outdoor café suddenly stood up, removing his mask. Onlookers erupted in excitement.

"It's Snoop Dogg! Snoop Dogg!"

"Woah! No way!"

"Quick, take a photo! Actually, let's record a video!"

Snoop Dogg, now unmasked, adjusted his sunglasses and began to rap.

"Six million ways to die, choose one"

"It's time to escape, but I don't know where the fuck I'm headed"

"Up or down, right or left, life or death"

"Uhh~ Doctor, I do not think that's the way it is"

Concluding his verse with a flick of his fingers, Snoop Dogg pointed in a direction, and the camera lens followed his hand, revealing a gorilla-masked individual leaning against a lamppost. With a grin, the gorilla removed its mask and slammed it on the ground.

"Ahhhh! It's 50 Cent!"

"Wow! Incredible!"

Tearing his shirt to reveal his muscular torso adorned with bullet scars from past altercations, 50 Cent stepped forward.

"My name is Curtis, if I hear this name, will somebody think?"

"Sorry, I'm 50 cent, Curtis Young is Doctor's son"

"Ahhhh, Your somewhat brain boggled"

"So You look to the microphone and slowly start to wobble"

"Are you scared, Doctor?"

At the rooftop of a 12-story building at the entrance of Los Angeles' Fashion District.

Looking down from the rooftop, Geon Kim stood with a walkie-talkie in hand, his gaze piercing through the bustling crowd below.

"Is the security team ready?"

"Roger that, all set."

Geon raised the walkie-talkie again, scanning the crowd with black-suited African Americans spaced roughly two meters apart.

"Is the camera team ready?"

"Yes, we're all set."

As Geon scanned below once more, he spotted around thirty individuals discreetly holding AVC HD camcorders amidst the crowd.

"Are the stationary cameras confirmed?"

"Yes, all systems checked and functional."

Turning his head, Geon glanced at the ten monitors set up in one corner of the rooftop. They displayed various views of the Fashion District, divided into screens showing different angles and perspectives, capturing both high and low views, as well as eye-level shots of passing individuals.

After ensuring everything was in order, Geon picked up the walkie-talkie again.

"Actors, start blending in with the crowd."

Upon Geon's command, men wearing various animal masks emerged from the black van parked at the Fashion District entrance. Gorillas, rabbits, lions, tigers, elephants, eagles, leopards, and pigs—all part of a sequence—entered the Fashion District, surprising onlookers who were engaged in shopping.

"What's happening? Is this some kind of event?"

"Mom! Look, it's a rabbit!"

"I'm scared of the gorilla, Mom!"

"Aww, it's so cute!"

While the crowd initially focused on the group wearing animal masks, expecting some event for the children, the masked individuals paid no attention to the kids. Instead, they began taking their positions, either sitting in outdoor cafes or leaning against lampposts, crossing their arms, immersed in their own activities. Although some young women teased them or took pictures, the masked individuals remained unresponsive. People soon lost interest and resumed their shopping routines. Geon waited for about ten minutes until people were completely engrossed in the animal-masked group before speaking into the walkie-talkie again.

"Commencing in 30 seconds. Sound team, final check."

"Confirmed, all external speakers across Fashion District buildings are connected."

"Good. All staff, all ready! Countdown from 10."

As Geon's instructions echoed, security guards stationed near the buildings rushed out and positioned themselves among the crowd. Shoppers turned their attention, curious about the sudden activity. Then, simultaneously, music began blaring from all the external speakers of the Fashion District buildings. People looked up, baffled, as the cameras rapidly shifted focus, capturing a man wearing a pig mask dining at a nearby restaurant, his face buried in a plate of spaghetti.

As the camera director approached for a close-up, the man slowly removed his pig mask.

"Oh my God! It's Ice Cube!"

"What the...? What's happening?"

"Are they filming a music video?"

After wiping his mouth with a napkin and placing the spaghetti bowl on the floor, Ice Cube stood up, walked towards the camera, and began rapping with his trademark intense expression.

Hey, Doctor, don't waste your time on others, you're not like them

"You don't care about investors. Hey, Doctor! You're Dr. Dre!"

"Speak to the damn asshole!"

"I don't even have the right to mourn my son who died of drug addiction!"

As Ice Cube, in his imposing stature, delivered his rap, he suddenly stopped, bowed his head, and clasped his hands together. The camera angle shifted to capture Ice Cube, Snoop Dogg, and 50 Cent simultaneously. All three stood frozen in the same pose, and as the audience observed their sudden stillness, they too paused in their movements.

While the upper camera seemed to freeze the Fashion District like a still frame, the movement of the seated bench caught the eye. As the person wearing a leopard mask stood up, people's attention shifted. When the leopard mask was removed, the women in the audience burst into screams.

"Oh my gosh! It's Kay!"

"He's so handsome!"

"Kay, we love you!"

With a gangster-like swagger, Geon stared directly into the camera and began singing, not rapping.

"Break the wall, Doctor, there's no wall in front of you."

"Give me your hand, one step closer."

"You'll find that what's in front of you is not a wall."

As Geon's voice resonated, the audience's jaws dropped in awe. From the mouth of such a beautiful boy came a voice so hauntingly powerful that the crowd, forgetting to cheer, simply gazed at him in a daze. After Geon's singing part ended, Eminem, who removed the lion mask, and DMX, who removed the eagle mask, followed suit, each delivering their rap performance. When Eminem stepped forward, the Fashion District erupted into thunderous cheers.

After Geon's song resumed, Master P, who removed the tiger mask, and Warren G, who removed the elephant mask, ended the rap. As the audience watched, each swayed in their seats, dancing, and suddenly, the camera above captured people dancing and genuinely enjoying the impromptu performance.

As the music faded and the stars waved to the crowd, fans surged forward. Upon seeing this, Geon quickly instructed the security team, and the burly African American guards pushed the crowd back with imposing expressions. As the guards cleared the area, the rappers' cars, which had quickly retreated during the commotion, sped off, and the Fashion District fell quiet as if the performance had never happened.

The next day.

The guerrilla performance at the Fashion District was filmed and uploaded to YouTube under the title 'Break the Wall, Doctor.' The video quickly gained views and climbed to the top of the popular videos list. Alongside the singles released the same day, the song sparked immense interest and discussions among countless fans. As word spread, YouTube views skyrocketed, and all seven of their songs entered the top 10 of the latest hot charts on streaming sites.

And then, with the buzz surrounding 'Break the Wall,' other American rappers began to take notice.


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