Devil’s Music

Chapter 123: From Jamaica

Chapter 123: From Jamaica

The world was ablaze with enthusiasm over Apple's latest release, the 'Hood Surgeon Limited Edition'. The promotional video was exclusively available on Apple's product introduction page, not on YouTube. Apple strategically minimized traffic congestion on their site by releasing the video on YouTube for public viewing only one and a half hours after announcing additional reservations for the product.

For Apple, the risk of increased traffic was negligible, given the already substantial buzz surrounding their product. Dre and Geon chuckled as they monitored the skyrocketing view count on the YouTube video, unlike the static display on Apple's website.

Observing Geon comfortably seated in the adjacent studio, Dre remarked, "You owe me big time. I won't forget, Kay."

Geon, grinning with folded arms, replied, "I'm indebted indeed. Thanks for the lessons and the rap connections."

Nodding, Dre acknowledged, "Anyone can teach, but you certainly made the rap connections. There's a line of rappers asking me to introduce you, as if I haven't already noticed."

Geon playfully wagged his finger with a smirk. "Still, don't go handing out my number. Except maybe to female rappers. Haha."

Dre chuckled, "There are female rappers. Shall I start handing out your number to them right away?"

Geon shrugged. "Haha, no thanks. Just kidding. I should head back to school anyway. Summer vacation's almost over."

Dre nodded, then suddenly looked at Geon and said, "Heard from Ice that you plan to stay in school until you graduate? I get the reasons, but wouldn't it be better to debut now when the world's watching? You could still make albums while attending school."

Geon smirked and replied, "If I debut now, I'd have to do hip-hop, right? Haha, I haven't decided what kind of music I want to do yet."

Dre sighed, crossing his arms. "Fair enough. Let's make a deal, then."

"What deal?"

"Whenever you make an album, let me handle the production. I'll do it for free."

"For free? Seriously?"

"Yeah, I believe in repaying kindness and returning favors. That's how I live. Oh, and that song you gave to Ice? It's still topping the charts. Gotta pay off that debt too."

Geon jokingly raised his arms in victory. "Wow, Dr. Dre producing for me! How much does that cost? Haha."

Dre glanced at his phone suddenly ringing, signaling for Geon's understanding before checking the call. "Ah, it's me."

"Uh-huh? Go ahead and answer."

Taking the call briefly, Dre chuckled as he accessed Apple's admin page on his PC, then turned to Geon with a wide grin. "Ten thousand reservations already, sold out. Haha."

Geon raised his thumb in excitement. "Wow! That's amazing. But are you really limiting it to just ten thousand? You could sell so much more."

Dre nodded in agreement.

"Um, limited edition should remain limited to retain its meaning. They might downgrade and produce a cheaper model with a different design. Selling more units would result in profit, after all."

Geon raised both hands as he spoke.

"Well, I don't know much about business, so I'll leave it to you, haha," Dre chuckled, watching Geon intently.

"Are you heading back to school now? There's nothing more for me to teach you."

"No, I still have some vacation left, so I'm figuring out what to do. Last summer, I couldn't even properly enjoy my trip to Seattle because I suddenly gained fame. Looks like it'll be the same this summer too, haha."

"Yeah, just stepping out of the store, you can see reporters lurking around. Aren't you worried about going back to the hotel? You'll have to push through those reporters."

"I can handle interviews, it's fine. Haha."

"Well then, at least stay until you've made some plans, so it doesn't feel like you're just passing by."

"Sure, I'll do that."

With a playful look, Dre stood up and said, "Alright, now that work's done, shall we enjoy a party? I heard Snoop's throwing one tonight."

Geon collapsed onto the table, exclaiming, "Jesus! Please, no more drinks~ Ugh."

Dre poked Geon, who was lying down. "If you don't get up, I'll have to carry you out. Snoop said he won't let you off the hook if you don't come."

"No! I'm still digesting the drinks from last time."

After a struggle lasting about ten minutes, Geon, who was being carried on Dre's broad shoulders, ended up displaying himself in front of the numerous reporters waiting outside. Refusing the reporters' questions with gestures, Dre took Geon to the party, where he once again endured Snoop and the rappers' assault of drinks for two days, unable to leave the hotel.

Finally stepping out of the hotel, Geon saw Ice Cube standing with his arms crossed in front of the hotel door. Ice Cube flashed his white teeth upon seeing Geon.

"Alright, rested up? Shall we have another drink today?"


A few days later, at Montego Bay International Airport in Jamaica.

Covering his face with a hat and mask, Geon stretched while holding his suitcase, suffocated by the hot wind.

"Escape successful! I might have died if I stayed a little longer!"

As Geon stepped out of the airport and disabled airplane mode on his smartphone, a flood of messages arrived.

"Snoop: Where are you? Shall we have a drink again today?"

"Dre: Kay, arrived safely? Enjoy your trip in Jamaica, and contact me immediately if anything happens. Oh, and as soon as the album is ready, I'll release a new single, so be sure to listen."

"Ice Cube: Kay, I owe you one. I'll drop by to hang out."

"Eminem: Kay, Snoop didn't tell me you were gone, so I went to Ice Cube's with a gun."

"James: Hey, it's me. I'm thinking of working on the next album. Give me a call."

"Shiwa: Ora bang, sign an autograph for me, Eminem."

"Mom: Geon, how are you? If there's anything you want to eat, let me know, I'll send it."

"Son Lin: Thanks to you, several musicians have been signed. Thank you. Have a good trip in Jamaica."

Seeing the messages from Snoop and Eminem, Geon, who was sweating cold, quickly hailed a taxi, put his suitcase in the trunk, and got into the taxi with Hakuman on his lap.

"Pegasus Hotel, Jamaica."

Fortunately, Jamaica was an English-speaking country, so there were no communication problems. The black taxi driver lowered the air conditioning temperature and smiled.

"Welcome to Jamaica, mon! Oh, sir! With a mask and hat on such a hot day! Is it your first time in Jamaica?"

Geon laughed while balancing the slippery Hakuman on his lap.

"Yes, it's my first time. Do you have any recommended tourist spots?"

"Jamaica is a small but diverse country. If you're here for relaxation, I recommend trying diving at Negril Cliff."

"Diving from a cliff? Isn't that dangerous?"

"It's a popular spot visited by thousands of tourists each year, so it can't be that dangerous. There are safety officers stationed there, so you can enjoy it safely. If you go in the afternoon, you can also see the sunset sinking into the sea. Oh, but be careful not to go too late, as diving is prohibited after 3 p.m."

"I see. It sounds beautiful. I'll definitely check it out."

"Ah, I see you have a guitar; seems like you're interested in music. In that case, you must visit the Bob Marley Museum. After all, he's one of Jamaica's world-renowned musicians."

"Haha, actually, that's why I came here. Thank you."

As Geon engaged in casual conversation with the taxi driver, the taxi arrived at the hotel. Stepping out, Geon quickly approached the bellboy who came forward to open the trunk and guide him to the lobby with his suitcase. After generously tipping the driver, Geon moved towards the lobby where the bellboy had disappeared. Being a luxury hotel, the Pegasus Hotel's interior was pristine. A black female staff member at the front desk smiled kindly as she took Geon's passport and hotel reservation number.

"Welcome to the Pegasus Hotel in Jamaica."

As Geon smiled with his eyes visible through the mask, the female staff member froze as she opened the passport to find herself staring at it in shock.


Her hand holding the passport trembled. Not noticing the staff member, Geon glanced around the lobby until he realized her startled expression. Quietly raising his index finger to his lips, Geon approached her as she nervously nodded and spoke.

"I'm sorry, but if a celebrity arrives, I must report to the manager. Then you can upgrade your room. Is that okay?"

Geon stared at her intently before speaking in a low voice.

"If I have to report anyway, might as well get a better room, right? Haha."

As the staff member made the call, a gray-haired manager in a black suit hurriedly came out. Extending his hand, the manager introduced himself.

"Thank you for choosing our hotel. Welcome, I'm the manager, Damien."

After shaking hands with Damien, Geon followed as Damien gestured in a direction.

"I'll guide you to your room. Kadia, get him a suite."

As a female staff member named Kadia nodded, Damien took Geon to the VIP-exclusive elevator. Inside the elevator adorned in gold, Damien spoke to Geon.

"This elevator is reserved for suite guests. Since we only have five suites in the hotel, it won't be inconvenient for you to use."

"Ah, I see. Thank you, Damien."

After Damien guided Geon to his room and briefly explained the amenities, he stood at the door and spoke.

"The bellboy who moved your luggage asked for an autograph instead of a tip, haha. Would that be alright with you?"

Geon happily signed a piece of paper inside the room and handed it over to Damien, who chuckled as he accepted it.

"Haha, thank you. Before you go, could you sign one for me too? Oh, and if you need a rental car for sightseeing, just let us know."

"Ah, I don't have a driver's license yet, so I'll just call a taxi if needed."

"Haha, understood. If you need anything, feel free to contact the front desk anytime. Have a pleasant stay."

As Damien left the room, Geon drew the curtains and admired the view. Outside the window, the vast swimming pool of the Pegasus Hotel sparkled in the warm sunlight. Marveling at the beautiful sight, Geon sat on the bed.

"Wow ~~"

With excitement, Geon exclaimed as he planned his visit to the Bob Marley Museum.


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