Devil’s Music

Chapter 127: From Jamaica

Chapter 127: From Jamaica

On the Negril Cliffs, countless angels watched Geon singing. Among them were Malley and Nanael. Malley looked at Geon and said softly, "The scent of demons emanates from that child. But it's not bad. It's not an evil scent."

Nanael, still not taking his eyes off Geon, chimed in, "Right, he's worth Michael's attention. Who knows, maybe the first demon to become an angel will be because of that child."

After staring at Geon for a while, Nanael turned to a silent angel behind him and asked, "What are Gamagin and Pyemon doing?"

The angel, slightly lowering his head, replied, "They're just standing there in their original positions, not moving."

Nanael nodded and turned back to Geon. "Alright. Report to me immediately if anything special happens. I'll protect the child until he leaves this land."

A surprised angel nearby asked, "Excuse me? Did Nanael speak directly? Isn't it enough to order us to do so?"

Nanael shook his head and said firmly, "No, if something happens to that child, we don't know what will happen in the human world. It's Gamagin. Just the mention of Gamagin's name. The moment you incur Gamagin's wrath, all of you here, including me, will die. Not because of lack of power, but because of enduring it for that child. It's Gamagin."

Malley asked Nanael, "Is Gamagin such a terrifying demon?"

Nanael glanced at Malley and chuckled softly. His gaze softened as he looked at Geon singing in the distance. "We're not laughing face to face. During the time of Armageddon, thirty thousand angels lost their lives to Gamagin. Gamagin alone killed thirty thousand crusaders. That's what Gamagin means. Although Michael said that Gamagin was deceived by Lucifer, I can't forget. I can't forget the cruelty of that time."

Nanael turned slowly, focusing on his words and glanced at the angels behind him. "That's why I'm afraid. I'm afraid of losing you all here. So do your best to protect the child. It's to protect the children you love."

The angels all bowed in unison. Nanael smiled at their sight.

"Malley, or rather, Seiya, you may leave now."

With a smile at the name Malley was called, Seiya slowly disappeared.


Geon stopped singing just as it grew darker. Though the streetlights around Negril Cliffs turned on, they couldn't illuminate the vast area enough. Geon carefully moved his steps towards where taxis for tourists were available and hailed one.

As Geon arrived at the hotel and was about to enter the lobby, he felt thirsty and looked for a convenience store. Luckily, there was one nearby, and after crossing the street, Geon entered the store.

"Welcome!" greeted a young black woman, presumably the cashier, with a bright smile.

"Hello, good evening," Geon greeted back with a smile.

After selecting a few bottles of water from the fridge, Geon placed them on the counter. The young woman calculated the items Geon had placed and put them in a bag, saying, "Be careful with motorcycles in Jamaica, sir. Be sure to cross the street safely."

"Ah, really?"

"Yes, just a while ago, Jamaica's face, Usain Bolt, also had a motorcycle accident."

"Oh, really? I should be careful then. Thank you."

After expressing his gratitude to the kind employee, Geon left the convenience store. Jamaica's evening felt somewhat desolate. Holding the bag, Geon crossed the road, checking for oncoming cars. When he reached the hotel, he felt relieved and gently placed the heavy bag on the ground. As soon as he did, his phone rang.

‘Dr. Dre’

Seeing Dr. Dre's name on the screen, Geon smiled and answered the call.

"Hello? Dre?"

"Hey, Kei. How's your trip to Jamaica?"

"Oh, it's fantastic. The people here are like angels."

"Yeah, Nas bragged that Jamaica is paradise when he visited last time."

"Really? Nas has been to Jamaica?"

"Yeah, he collaborated on an album with Bob Marley's third son, Damian Marley. We shot the music video in Trench Town."

"Bob Marley's third son? He's also into music?"

"Haha, you didn't know? Bob Marley had eleven children, man. Thirty-seven when he passed away. He's got some fertility."

"Wow, that's a lot."

"Haha, right? Anyway, give me a call when you get back to the States. Snoop is causing a ruckus, demanding to bring you back again."

"Oh... is it... about drinks again?"

"Haha, probably?"

"Um... alright..."

"Hahaha, don't be scared, just come back comfortably."

"Haha, alright, Dre."

After promising himself not to contact again, Geon hung up the phone, put his phone in his pocket, and picked up the bag he had placed on the ground. He walked into the hotel. Having completed a tiring schedule for sightseeing, Geon couldn't overcome his fatigue and fell asleep.

The next morning, having slept early, Geon woke up early and went out for breakfast in front of the hotel. Jamaica's morning was filled with dusty clouds due to trucks and numerous motorcycles kicking up dust.

"Cough, cough. Ah, this is too much."

First, let's refine and enhance the clarity and fluency of the passage:

Geon quickly covered his mouth as his expression soured. At that moment, a truck passed by his side, emitting black smoke from its old exhaust pipe. Surrounded by the smoke, which felt suffocating, Geon frantically waved his hand to clear the air.

"Ugh! What's this now!"

After dispersing the smoke with wild gestures, Geon saw a motorcycle approaching in front of him. The scene unfolded in slow motion as both Geon and the motorcycle rider, locking eyes, registered surprise. Racing at a frightening speed toward Geon, the motorcycle finally skidded and toppled over, leaving skid marks on the road.

Geon managed to jump out of the way just in time, but his leg got caught in the side mirror, causing him to stumble and fall.


With a slight scratch on his elbow from the fall, Geon looked up and saw the motorcycle rider rushing over.

"Hey! Are you okay?"

The rider, who appeared to be in his early twenties, looked down at Geon with concern as he lay on the ground. Geon smiled reassuringly and waved his hand, and the slightly relieved rider spoke again.

"Phew, you shouldn't stay in the middle of the road like that. It was dangerous."

Although Geon knew it was an unavoidable situation, he scratched the back of his head apologetically, feeling responsible for being in the middle of the road.

"Oh, sorry. It's because the truck passing by emitted exhaust fumes..."

As the rider shook his head and walked away, dragging the fallen motorcycle, Geon, nursing his slightly bleeding elbow, headed towards a nearby restaurant. Sweat dripped from Nanael's forehead as she watched Geon disappear from the rooftop.

"If he had stumbled, it could have been the end of humanity!"

Nanael felt relieved that Geon was unharmed but quickly stiffened her face as she saw an angel flying towards her. The angel flew hastily and called out to Nanael.

"Nanael! Gamagin and Pyemon are causing trouble!"

"What? Why? What mistake did they make?"

"I, I don't know. They suddenly claimed there was an issue with a child's well-being and are trying to tear down the protective barrier."

"Damn it! You follow the child! I'll go myself!"

With wings spread, Nanael flew up into the sky. In a blink of an eye, she arrived at the graveyard, where she saw Gamagin and Pyemon inside the barrier, screaming and seemingly losing their minds. As Nanael descended to the ground, forgetting to fold her wings, she shouted.

"Wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lord Hogar!"

Seeing Nanael, Gamagin became even angrier and yelled at her.

"You! Nanael! You broke your promise!"

Nanael, sweating profusely, tried to wipe her forehead with her sleeve but urgently replied.

"Oh, no, Lord Hogar. There's no issue with the child's well-being!"

As Pyemon threw a black mass towards the barrier, a huge shockwave reverberated as if the barrier were about to be torn apart. Seeing the angels around him, shocked and shaken by the swaying barrier, Pyemon shouted.

"Such a flimsy barrier! I'll tear it apart in an instant!"

Nanael raised her hands, pleading for calm.

"No! No! It's just that the child stumbled a bit!"

Gamagin widened his eyes and screamed.

"What? Stumbled? How!! How badly is the child hurt!"

As Pyemon rushed over and began pounding the barrier with his fists, he demanded to know.

"Tell me quickly! How badly is the child hurt!"

Sweating profusely, Nanael raised her index finger and thumb to show a small length.

"Th... this much?"

Gamagin and Pyemon were speechless for a moment. After a while, Pyemon, coughing awkwardly, said.

"Um, is, is that so?"

Nanael wiped the sweat from her forehead with her sleeve and said.

"Y... yes. Just a slight stumble. There's no problem at all. I was personally watching over him."

Seeing the embarrassed angels embracing each other from afar and trembling, Pyemon coughed and returned to Gamagin's side. Pyemon, already in the same position as before, with his eyes closed and arms crossed, sighed. Seeing Pyemon in the same pose as before, Nanael, feeling perplexed by their actions, still pretended not to notice.


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