Devil’s Music

Chapter 149: The Money Ghost and the Blues Club

Chapter 149: The Money Ghost and the Blues Club

Having received a mission from Professor Sharon, Geon sat alone in the practice room, taking out his guitar, Haku. After fiddling with the effects for a moment, he placed his hand on the strings of Haku and fell into thought.

"The blue note... lowering the third, fifth, and seventh notes of the nine-note scale by a half-step is what constitutes a blue note, but Professor Sharon's mission couldn't be that simple, could it? As expected, the fastest answer would be to listen to the music of the seniors."

Geon connected his smartphone to the amplifier and searched for blues music.

"Let's start with 'Crossroads' by Robert Johnson, called the pioneer of the blues."

After playing 'Crossroads,' with its sticky guitar sound and Robert Johnson's gritty voice, Geon closed his eyes and tapped his foot.

"The sound quality isn't great since it was recorded in the 1930s, but it has its charm. I heard the first record was made in a shower room because there were no recording studios back then. Did they not have recording studios at that time?"

As Geon listened to the music, he browsed information about Robert Johnson and raised his eyebrows.

"What's this devil's contract theory? At the time, it was rumored among black people that the devil lived at the crossroads on Mississippi's highways, and if you went there at midnight, you could meet the devil and sell your soul for a wish. There were rumors that Robert Johnson had gained his guitar skills by making a deal with the devil, and he even acknowledged these rumors by leaving songs about them. He also had a great interest in Voodoo, attending Voodoo rituals... It seems there were many ignorant people back in the day. Haha, a devil, huh."

Geon searched for more information about Robert Johnson with interest.

"Hmm.. He only made two recordings back then. Well, at that time, it was more common to roam clubs and perform than to record albums. His albums were reissued in 1961, receiving high praise from Bob Dylan and Eric Clapton, shining a light on him. Just like artists who were recognized posthumously."

Geon chuckled as he continued his search.

"What's this, a Japanese animation that depicted Robert Johnson making a deal with the devil, resulting in him having ten fingers on his right hand? Haha, the reason he played guitar facing away from the audience was to hide his fingers... That's a funny setting, it must be entertaining. Haha"

Geon then played another famous song by him, 'Me and the Devil Blues,' on his smartphone music app, immersing himself in the emotion of the music.


In the castle of the Duke of Hell, Gamagin.

Sitting on a splendid black chair with red carpets on the highest floor of the castle, Gamagin, who was resting his chin on one hand, watched Geon's image reflected on the large screen installed on the wall.

"Pyemon, that Robert something guy. Wasn't he the one Amdusias talked about before?"

Pyemon, sitting in the chair next to him and drinking wine, tilted his head.

"Hmm, I'm not sure about the human Amdusias played with. Let me ask."

Gamagin waved his hand dismissively.

"I'll just call him, Amdusias!"


As Gamagin and Pyemon turned around, they saw Amdusias standing at the door, staring blankly at them. Gamagin asked with a perplexed expression.

"If I summoned you, shouldn't you come to the summoning circle? Why are you there?"

Amdusias scratched his head as he entered the room.

"Ah, I was curious about the kid. Since he has my powers, I have a stake in this, don't I? Since you, Duke, have sealed the tracking of the kid, unless I descend directly, I have to watch from here."

"Is that so? You were coming anyway. Sit down."

"Thank you, Duke."

As Amdusias took a seat, Pyemon asked.

"We were just talking about you. The kid is researching the music of someone named Robert Johnson, and the Duke mentioned you used to play with him. Is that true?"

Amdusias comfortably sat on the sofa and sipped wine brought by a maid, watching Geon's image on the screen.

"Yes, that's correct. Wow, but to think that back in the day, we had to look down on the human world through a crystal ball, and now there's a big screen?"

Gamagin smiled contentedly.

"Yes, human technology is so advanced. I sneakily took one and had my demons modify it. Isn't it magnificent?"

"Haha, yes, Duke, it's fantastic. I'd like one in my castle too."

"Haha, alright, since Pyemon asked

first, I'll gift one to Pyemon, and I'll send one to you too."

"Thank you, Duke. I look forward to it."

"Now, shall we talk about this Robert Johnson guy?"

After taking another sip of wine, with the color of blood lingering on his lips, Amdusias spoke.

"You asked me before when I met Jimi Hendrix, right? If all those who received my powers die at 27. At that time, I told you it was a coincidence, but this guy, I did take his soul back then."

Pyemon asked.

"You made a deal with him?"

Amdusias nodded and placed his wine glass on the table.

"In human years... it would have been around 1931. I went down to the United States, where the screams of African slaves brought over and abused sounded too delicious. As I was walking down a highway in Mississippi, I heard a desperate voice."

Gamagin and Pyemon listened quietly as Amdusias savored his words.

"He offered his soul in exchange for the ability to play the guitar. It sounded fun, so I rushed over, and there was a guy kneeling at a crossroads with his guitar, praying."

Gamagin flicked his finger and asked.

"So, you gave him the ability?"

"Yes, Duke. The guy was so dumb, even after I gave him the power, he couldn't use it well, so I had to keep him for a few weeks."

"And then? What happened after that?"

"He gained immediate attention at a performance in 1932. I had given him a method of playing that was unheard of at the time."

"What was that?"

"Hmm... humans call it the blue note. I only taught him the technique, but creating the blues as a genre was due to human creativity."

"So, you gave him the power, and he made a deal to take his soul at 27?"

"That's not it."

"No? Isn't it?"

"Yes, the contract with that guy was for 5 years. He was 21 when he made the deal."

"Then... should he have been taken away at 26?"

"That's right. But he wanted to extend the period by one year in exchange for the soul of his second wife."

"His wife?"

"Yes, his first wife had already died before the contract was made. She died giving birth, he said. When I went to collect his soul, he was on his knees begging. He said he hadn't yet left his music for posterity and asked for just one more year. So, I took his wife instead."

"Uh.. A move made out of obsession with music, but as a husband, he was lacking. Selling his own wife, that's something."

"Yes, anyway, he recorded 29 songs during that one year and remained respected as a musician by posterity, so he would be satisfied."

Gamagin crossed his arms and thought for a moment before speaking.

"Anyway, if it were Amdusias' power, the child could delve into that guy's music deeply without any issues, right?"

Amdusias nodded and replied.

"That's right. If anything, the child would feel even closer. Because my power is also imbued within the child."

Gamagin smiled and said.

"I see, thanks for explaining. Then there's no need to worry, haha."

Pyemon glared at Gamagin and said.

"My lord, you've started to sound like one of those overbearing parents. You used to just watch over things, but now you seem to worry more and more? Like that incident in Jamaica."

Gamagin coughed awkwardly and changed the subject when Jamaica was mentioned.

"What's with this wine... Hey, servant! Bring me a different wine. Throw this one away."

Pyemon and Amdusias, who were watching Gamagin send off the servant with a task, looked at each other and smiled. After a moment, Amdusias spoke.

"If you're worried about watching over, I can give the child the power I gave to Robert Johnson."

Gamagin waved his hand and said.

"That's fine, he's already overflowing. I want the child to grow by discovering things on his own, so let's not interfere anymore."

Pyemon and Amdusias slightly nodded in agreement, then turned their gaze to Geon, who was immersed in music in the practice room.


Sitting in the practice room, Geon was holding Haku and trying out the basic scales of the blues.

"Um, the essence is the blue note, a minor third descending from a higher note, but the real issue is not just playing the scale, but the groove. It's not easy to replicate the unique rhythm of black musicians."

After practicing alone for a while, Geon shook his head and put Haku down.

"This isn't something I can do alone. Blues is about improvisation within repetitive rhythms. I need people to help."

Geon left the practice room intending to ask Sharon for help, but Sharon was not in the office. Picking up the phone, Geon called Sharon and waited for the call to connect.

"Professor? It's Kay."

"Yes, Kay. I saw you just now, what's up?"

"I need some help. Where are you?"

"Um.. I have an appointment and am at a nearby restaurant. Would you like to come here? We could have a meal together."

"Sure, where should I go?"

"It's 'B.B. King Blues Club' on West 42nd Street."

"Really? It's lunchtime, and you're at a club?"

"Ha-ha, they serve brunch. They only have performances at night. It's quite a popular place, so hurry over."

"Ah, Professor. But you said you had an appointment, is it alright for me to join?"

"Um... Ha-ha, you're in luck, Kay."


"No, ha-ha. Just come over."

"Alright, Professor. I'll take a taxi!"

During the call, Geon had already left the school and hurriedly caught a taxi to West 42nd Street. The taxi driver, familiar with the famous club, dropped Geon off at 'B.B. King Blues Club' in about five minutes. Grateful for the quick arrival, Geon tipped generously and ran into the club. Under the dim lighting, the club was bustling with guests seated for brunch amidst its elaborate decorations and lighting.

Looking around, Geon spotted someone waving at him. Recognizing it was Sharon, he waved back and started running over, then slowed down upon seeing a white man sitting across from Sharon and eventually stopped. The man in his 60s, smiling with his elbows on the table, had wavy blond hair and a full beard but overall looked handsome.

Geon's eyes twitched as he looked at the man smiling at him.

'Eric Patrick Clapton, a three-time inductee to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!'


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