Devil’s Music

Chapter 87: Visual shock

Chapter 87: Visual shock

The next day,

Geon visited the studio where Manson's band was filming a scene singing. Since Tim Burton, who had been invited to his house, had to go for shooting, Geon had no other choice but to stay alone in the empty house. Tim Burton sat in the director's seat with his chin resting on his hand, watching the band members getting their makeup done. Geon sat next to Tim, holding a guitar and playing the sheet music of Manson's new song, 'Sad Devil Gamagin.'

As Geon read through the lyrics at the front of the sheet music, he thought to himself.

"The feeling of the lyrics and the feeling of the song are different. What was the inspiration behind it?"

Geon read the lyrics on the first page of the sheet music.

There was a boy so beautiful

The day when the curse was darker than darkness

Lucifer reached out to the boy.

The boy went to heaven with Lucifer

The angel boy wanted to be happy for everyone

One day, the fallen Lucifer said, Let's go with me

Come with me, let them fall

lead them out of His light

now is the time to forget him

Geon took out a pen and checked the sheet music while pondering.

"The lyrics seem to talk about the boy's sadness in the A part, and in the Savi part, it seems like Lucifer is speaking to the boy. But why are the notes marked on the sheet music all gray? What emotions does this unclear and confusing piece aim to evoke in the listener?"

As Geon focused intensely on the sheet music, Tim Burton, who was sitting beside him, watched him intently.

Tim subtly gestured and called Manson, who was getting his makeup done quietly. When Manson saw Tim, he pointed at Geon with his finger. Manson then called Twiggy, who was doing makeup next to him, with a slightly surprised expression.

"Twiggy, look over there. Kay is looking at the sheet music and seems to be planning something, judging by the pen in his hand."

Twiggy Ramirez, with long, dreadlock-permed hair, looked at Geon with an even more eerie expression. He might have felt a blow to his pride as the composer, but Twiggy's expression seemed oddly pleased.

"Manson, what if Kay arranges this? Shall we not re-record it?"

Manson nodded emphatically, as if it was obvious.

"Sure, why not redo it if he allows."

Manson expressed his gratitude to Twiggy for making this tough choice. In the past, Twiggy had left the band in 2000 due to musical conflicts with Manson. Even after Twiggy returned to the band in 2009 following Manson's commercial failure, their success wasn't impressive. However, Manson was grateful for Twiggy's return as a solid ally, always treading carefully with him.

As Manson received makeup while chatting with other members, he discreetly put his index finger on his lips. Tim gestured to the assistant director, pausing the playback of the new song inside the set. As Geon continued modifying the sheet music, the set grew eerily quiet, with all eyes fixed on Geon's pen movements.

Unaware of this change, Geon continued with his thoughts.

"To convey the emotions suggested by the lyrics, besides the characteristic chaos of demons, black representing gloom, and blue signifying sadness should mix in. If it were me, I'd create a beautiful arpeggio at the start of the A part, leading into the sadness in the lyrics, followed by chaos in the first Savi. How would it turn out if I make these changes?"

Geon continued to amend the sheet music as he envisioned. Slowly, the sheet music transformed from all gray to a blend of black and blue, depicting gloom and sadness. He turned to the next page to see the lyrics for the B part.

The boy wandered through the bounds of death, on the earth full of sin, with the soul expelled.

The endless battle and the unstoppable boredom of immortality have made the boy oblivious.

The boy told Lucifer, is this right?

"This part seems to truly capture the blend of sadness and chaos."

Geon's pen moved again. With these revisions, the sheet music evolved from start to finish. Though he didn't sing, Geon played the guitar riff. Twiggy, who had been fixated on Geon's chord-strumming fingers, whispered to Manson, looking slightly surprised.

"Manson, Kay seems to just be adding one more finger to our chord. Will a single note change anything? It sounds heavily distorted."

Manson, still fixated on Geon, nodded with a hint of honesty.

"It seems like it, you know? He's a genius. Looks like we're almost done, let's join in."

As Manson and Twiggy approached, Geon, playing the guitar, looked up.

"Oh, Mr. Manson, Mr. Ramirez."

Manson laughed and extended his hand.

"Haha, why so focused? Mind if I join?"

Geon looked apologetic seeing Manson's hand.

"Oh, that's... I'm sorry, I got carried away, didn't I?"

Twiggy stepped forward, tilting his head toward the sheet music.

"Nah, just curious, really. Let's have a look, okay?"

Geon seemed to push the music sheet as if admitting defeat, catching Tim Burton's eye, who chuckled softly before speaking.

"You're still clueless, huh? Who you really are."

Glancing at Tim Burton, Geon raised his chin as Manson, lost in the music sheet, looked back and forth between Twiggy and himself.

"Manson, Twiggy. You guys planning to shoot in this makeup and set?"

Manson, glued to the music sheet, looked up at Tim Burton.

"Huh? Isn't that the plan?"

Tim Burton maintained his chin-resting pose and continued, "What do you think is the reason for your underwhelming success? Is it the music? That might be part of it, sure. It's quite different from your early days."

Twiggy asked Tim Burton, "Is there something else bothering you, Tim?"

Tim Burton, still resting his chin, withdrew his hand and raised his index finger.

"Know what your issue is? Your cliché."

Twiggy responded with a slightly saddened face, "I know, it's the unoriginal, typical stuff. We're trying to break away from Marilyn Manson's cliché too."

Tim Burton tapped the camera monitor with his finger, saying, "Those trying to break clichés are in this set with this makeup?"

Geon withdrew, looking around the set. Gray, dim lights spread across the floor like a snowfield, odd, leafless trees stood sporadically. He turned to see Manson and Twiggy, both sporting Manson's signature makeup of purple lipstick and heavy eyeliner on their pale faces.

Manson, wearing an unjust look, shrugged his shoulders, saying, "This is our Marilyn Manson style, Tim. Devilish and decadent vibes. You know the origin of our band's name, right?"

Tim Burton rested his chin again, stating, "Yeah, a combination of sex symbol Marilyn Monroe and serial killer Charles Manson. It's about decadence and violence, your band's essence. So?"

Manson gestured to his attire and makeup, saying, "That's our essence. That's why we dress like this."

Tim Burton glared at Manson, "I might not understand music, but I know your music videos. This set, that makeup. How different is it from the 'The Nobodies' music video released in 2000?"

Twiggy nodded, saying, "Similar. So, what do we do? Dress up as angels?"

Tim Burton clicked his tongue, teasingly saying, "Angels? Quite fresh. Those who dressed as demons, if they dress as angels, who'd find that fresh?"

Manson, with a displeased look, asked, "Then what?"

Tim Burton leaned back comfortably in his chair, saying, "Cliché. You really want to break it? Not in music, that's your pride. Visually."

As Manson and Twiggy nodded simultaneously, Tim Burton leaned forward, saying, "Try being ordinary. No makeup. Wear a neat suit."

Initially surprised, Manson and Twiggy exchanged looks before nodding in agreement.

"Is that okay?"

Tim Burton snapped his finger, saying, "If it is, let's get to it. Redo your makeup. I'll take care of the set."

As Tim Burton stood up, Manson grabbed his shoulder, "Wait, Tim. Give us a moment."

Tim Burton, with a creased brow, watched Manson sitting still and said, "Kay. Can we use the song you arranged?"

Geon, slightly surprised, looked between Twiggy and Manson. Twiggy nodded, supporting Manson's request.

"Yeah, it felt better than the original as soon as I saw the sheet. If we release the album as it is, we'll fail again. You'll regret this moment."

Manson leaned in, locking eyes with Geon, who was taken aback.

"If we fail this time, we might not get another chance. If you allow, let Tim remake the set while we re-record. We need the MR for the music video shoot."

Geon looked to Tim Burton, who nodded and squinted his eyes.

Finally, as Geon signaled his approval, Tim Burton grinned and said, "Alright, let's go for the recordings! I'll smash and rebuild the set."


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