Devil’s Music

Chapter 91: Visual shock

Chapter 91: Visual shock

Geon and Yeongseok arrived at Maple Flower Park, where Geon was staying, after joining the filming team at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport in Washington state. Manson had reserved a Suite Room for Geon, clearly expressing his gratitude. Sitting comfortably on the hotel sofa, Geon spoke to Yeongseok, who was setting up cameras and lights, while hugging him.

"Hyung, I read the articles before you arrived, but I never thought it would become such a sensation."

Yeongseok whistled as he searched Geon's article on his smartphone.

"Wow, impressive, isn't it? It's been just a day since the video went up, but new articles are popping up hourly. What's this? Vampire Prince?"

Geon asked with a puzzled expression, "Huh? What's that?"

Yeongseok showed Geon the video playing on his smartphone.

"This is you, right? Is it?"

Geon looked at the video on Yeongseok's smartphone, where girls were looking at something in surprise. Geon, confused, looked at Yeongseok.

"I'm not in there, but the background looks like Dante Park..."

Yeongseok took back his smartphone and played another video. This time, only the girl's face was shown, but there was the sound of someone singing. Geon, listening to the song, said, "Oh? This is my voice. It's the song I sang in Dante Park."

Yeongseok chuckled and put the smartphone in his pocket.

"Even if you hide the sharp fangs in your pocket, they still stand out. You're in trouble living so normally."

Geon pointed at Yeongseok's pocket, saying, "Is that mine? Why do people get surprised when they see me? Do I look weird?"

Yeongseok laughed and patted Geon's shoulder.

"Oh, this oblivious guy. It's because you're handsome. Didn't you record a reaction video of people being surprised by your looks?"

Geon pointed at himself in surprise.

"Me? Oh, well, I do hear people saying I look good..."

Yeongseok laughed heartily and said, "Haha! But since you studied in the U.S., you don't scratch the back of your head, blush, and act awkward like before, haha!"

Yeongseok signaled that the preparations were complete, stood up, and said, "It looks like everything's ready. Geon, sit comfortably on that sofa. There's no MC, and I'll ask the questions. I'll handle the subtitles for my questions later, so don't speak during the audio. If there's a tricky question, you can cut it since it's recorded."

Geon nodded and sat on the sofa Yeongseok pointed to. After checking the main camera, Yeongseok sat on a makeshift chair next to the camera, looked around, and shouted, "Let's go! Camera OK? Lighting good? Sound OK? Okay, let's go!"

The AD quickly came in, clapped the slate, and jumped out of the frame. Yeongseok took a deep breath, looked at the questionnaire, and started asking questions.

"Hello, Mr. Geon. Please greet the viewers first."

Geon smiled at the camera and shook his hand.

"Hello? I'm Geon Kim. It's been a while, everyone."

Yeongseok thought, 'The kid who used to bow in front of the camera and greet has really changed after drinking American water. He looks much better now, more relaxed.'

Yeongseok's questions continued.

"Where are you now, and why are you here at Maple Flower Park?"

Geon counted in his mind for a moment and replied, "Well, I'm in Seattle, the U.S., and I came here for vacation during the break."

Then the Q&A session between Yeongseok and Geon continued seamlessly.

"I see. Have you done any sightseeing during your trip?"

"Haha, no. Due to unexpectedly attracting attention, I haven't even taken a step outside the hotel since arriving in Seattle."

"Were you aware that Marilyn Manson's music video was released?"

"Well, no. Since my vacation is short, I came to Seattle right after the shoot the next day."

"According to the articles, there was a story about 'Girls meet Vampire Prince,' and you were the protagonist. Is that true?"

"Yes, I checked it a while ago. It seems to be me."

"There are about 60 videos, and some have sound of you singing. Where is this place?"

"It's a small park across from Juilliard School, where I go to school."

"Do you often visit this place?"

"Yes, I go there often. It's a park between the bakery I frequent near school, where I sit on the grass, eat sandwiches, and sometimes go when my head hurts while working on assignments."

"Well, it seems like a park that many fans will visit in the future."

"Haha, really? Well, I can't go there anymore then, haha."

"Haha, that's how it goes. Next, it's mentioned that you stood on stage with the Latin rock band Santana and Rolla Palooza. Is that true?"

"Yes, it is. I got the opportunity through Professor Sharon Isbin, who is in charge at school."

"Fans who saw the performance directly say you had a legendary live performance. Do you have plans to continue with Santana in the future?"

"While the connection will continue, I don't plan to join Santana."

"Why is that? Joining Santana, a global band, would have been a matter of time to gain fame."

Geon tapped the armrest of the sofa with his fingers, pondered for a moment, and replied.

"Someone advised me to finish my studies first."

Yeongseok, who had been looking at Geon, showed a surprised expression for a moment, then revealed it and laughed.

"I see. I don't know who it is, but it was good advice. Now, how did you get involved in the film of director Tim Burton?"

"Yes, I went on a field trip with Professor John Corigliano, who is in charge of composition, and suddenly got involved."

"Wasn't it originally discussed to participate?"

"Yes, Director Tim Burton suggested a game. We competed, created songs, and he chose one to use."

"A competition? Among John Corigliano, Hans Zimmer, and you?"

Geon shrugged and said, "Just to try it out, I think. He used the song I won in the competition."

"Anyway, Mr. Geon won one song in that competition, and it became the most talked-about song. What was the meaning behind Director Tim Burton displaying the subtitle 'K' for my persona at the end?"

"I really don't know."

"When you become the persona of director Tim Burton, it's famous for searching for it again in your later works. Did you even appear in Marilyn Manson's music video because of that?"

"No, I met Johnny Depp, who appeared in Edward Scissorhands. Through him, I met Mr. Manson. The decision to appear was made there."

"But wasn't Tim Burton the director of Marilyn Manson's music video?"

"Yes, that's right. He joined after I made the decision to appear."

"Instead, it seems like Mr. Burton will be following you around, haha."

"Haha, is that so?"

"When this interview airs, it will surely become a big topic. So, what are your plans for the future?"

Geon pondered for a moment before responding, "First, I have to go back to school. I'll think about it after finishing my studies."

"Alright, are you going back right away?"

"No, there's a short vacation left. During that time, I want to take a break, even if it's short, after focusing only on studying."

"Yes, understood. Thank you for the interview today."

"No, I'm the one who's thankful."

"Finally, please say goodbye to the viewers."

Geon adjusted his posture, shook hands again, and smiled.

"I'll study harder and come back with proper music. Until then, goodbye, everyone."

After smiling for about 3 seconds and shaking hands, when Geon glanced at Yeongseok, Yeongseok gestured and shouted, "Cut! Good, send this straight to the headquarters. Great job, Geon."

As the staff, who had been quietly watching the filming, busily moved, Yeongseok came over to Geon and said, "Thanks to you, we got a valuable interview. I should treat you to a meal. Have you eaten?"

Geon smiled and nodded. "No, not yet. Please treat me. Haha."

Yeongseok laughed and patted Geon's chest. "You've become quite bold. Alright, let's go. It's dangerous to go far, so let's go to the hotel restaurant."

Giving various instructions to the assistant director, Yeongseok took Geon to the lobby on the first floor. Yeongseok took off his hat and put it on Geon's head, saying, "Wear the hat when you go out. It's dangerous if you just walk around like this."

Geon, trying to take off the hat, hesitated for a moment, smiled, and adjusted the hat again. Yeongseok, confirming that the waiter had disappeared after placing a simple order, said, "Are you really going on a trip? How much vacation do you have left?"

"About three weeks left."

"Oh, there's still quite a bit left. Then cover your face well and be careful. Don't get into trouble just because you're free."

"Haha, yes, hyung."

Pouring water into Geon's glass, Yeongseok said, "Thanks to you, I ended up going from Indonesia to the United States and then back to Indonesia. I need to treat you to a meal. Have you eaten?"

Geon, receiving the glass from Yeongseok, took a sip and laughed. "No, not yet. Please treat me. Haha."

Yeongseok, handing Geon the menu after ordering, said, "Should I become friends with other PDs too? If it's bothersome for you."

Yeongseok looked at Geon in amazement. "What? This kid, no way! Just contact me."

Geon jokingly laughed. "Why? Was it bothersome for you?"

Yeongseok, with an incredulous expression, laughed. "Look at this guy. He changed a lot, huh? Always ready to play pranks. Looks good, this guy."

Laughing together, Yeongseok asked again, "You said you came for a trip to Seattle, right? But what's there to see here? It's not even a tourist destination."

Geon, as if asking what he meant, said, "Hey, hyung. It's Seattle! The hometown of alternative and grunge! There are so many rock houses where amazing bands like Nirvana, Alice in Chains, and Pearl Jam performed during the indie days. I want to visit the places where those bands played."

Yeongseok, enjoying his meal, said, "Well, I've heard of Nirvana, but Alice what? I don't know that. I'm almost ignorant when it comes to rock music."

Geon raised his thumb, saying, "They're extremely famous bands. Even though they were active when I was very young."

Yeongseok nodded. "Okay, then should we focus on rock houses? But is there enough to see in three weeks?"

Geon, resting his chin on his hand, said, "Well, I'll have to go back to school after a few days. I need to prepare for the second semester."

Yeongseok laughed. "Right, you have to finish your studies well, as advised by that person. Hahaha."

The two of them, enjoying a meal filled with laughter.


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