Devil’s Music

Chapter 99: The Leopard That Lost Its Fangs

Chapter 99: The Leopard That Lost Its Fangs

Phil was outside the studio, tearing his hair out while listening to Pantera's old album. With the 1992 album 'VULGAR DISPLAY OF POWER' playing through his headphones, Phil stuck out his tongue and tried to imitate the resonating sound. Inside the studio, Geon, along with Vinnie and Rex, was practicing when he noticed Phil's peculiar behavior.

Phil , wearing headphones, listened to the song for a while, then took off the headphones and tried singing. He even resorted to strange actions like grabbing his own head. Geon observed Phil's antics and chuckled. After a moment of contemplation, Phil threw his headphones and yelled.

"Ughhh!!!! I can't remember how I did it!!!"

Geon gestured to Vinnie, who nodded, signaling a pause in the rehearsal. Putting down his guitar, Geon spoke.

"It seems like Phil needs some help. I'll step out for a moment. You two keep practicing."

As Geon opened the studio door and left, he found Phil banging his head against the wall. Geon approached Phil, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Phil, having trouble?"

Continuing to bang his head against the wall, Phil replied, "It feels like it was not a chest voice but a pharyngeal voice. Now, I've practiced producing all sounds as chest voice, so I can't remember how to produce pharyngeal voice."

Geon calmly took Phil's arm and led him to the couch. As Geon seated Phil, he spoke reassuringly.

"Phil, even though you haven't received systematic music education, you're an outstanding vocalist who will be remembered in history. You can do this."

After glancing at Geon, Phil shook his head nervously. Geon swept his hand over Phil's shoulder and spoke.

"Phil, do you know that the terms 'chest voice' and 'pharyngeal voice' themselves are fictional?"

Phil raised an eyebrow as if asking, "What are you talking about?"

"What does that mean? There's no such thing as chest voice or pharyngeal voice? Then, what am I doing?"

Geon took out a notebook and drew a picture of a person's head and neck.

"Look. With the development of vocal science, it's been revealed that the sounds people use when singing are divided into F1 and F2. The terms chest voice and pharyngeal voice were used before. From the upper part of the vocal folds to the root of the tongue is F1, usually called the 'pharynx.' When you sing with a low pitch, this part resonates, making the chest vibrate, and that's why it's called chest voice."

Pointing to the upper part of the drawing, Geon continued, "And from the root of the tongue to the lips is F2, called the 'oral cavity.' When you sing with a high pitch, this part resonates, making the head vibrate, and that's why it's called pharyngeal voice."

Geon pointed to the lower part of the drawing.

"Vocal trainers usually refer to chest voice and pharyngeal voice using these F1 and F2 terms. The sounds produced in the chest or head are not real; it's just the sensation caused by resonance. Most trainers are aware of this, but using the terms chest voice and pharyngeal voice makes it easier for students to feel the resonance due to the familiarity of the words."

Phil scrutinized the drawing and said, "So, are vocal trainers talking about F1 and F2? The sounds produced in the head or chest don't actually exist?"

Geon nodded and said, "It's the sensation caused by resonance due to the vibration. Trainers know this, but teaching with the terms chest voice and pharyngeal voice makes it easier for students to feel the resonance."

Phil nodded in agreement.

"But why are you telling me this theory?"

Geon held up the CD case Phil was playing.

"It's because of your voice, Phil. In the lower range, you produced a perfect F1 sound, and in the higher range, it wasn't exactly an F2 sound but rather a scratching sound in your throat."

Phil raised his eyebrows, asking, "Scratching my throat? Does that mean I sang with my throat?"

Geon shook his head and said, "It seems more accurate to say that you added the characteristic scratching sound of F2. Your throat must have been quite sore after live performances. Isn't that right?"

At that moment, Vinnie entered the studio and said, "That's right. So, he drank heavily even during breaks to soothe his throat."

Phil looked at Vinnie and said, "Drinking made my singing better."

Geon tapped his thigh and said, "That's right. Scratching your throat naturally puts a strain on your vocal cords. Cooling it with cold alcohol improved it, Phil."

Phil massaged his throat and said, "My throat..."

Approaching Phil, Geon said, "Phil, do you remember the part in 'Cemetery Gate' where you change the rhythm and scream? Would you like to try making that sound?"

After clearing his throat, Phil leaned back and then leaned forward, letting out a sharp scream.


Geon waited for Phil's scream to stop and asked, "Does your throat hurt?"

Phil shook his head and said, "No? It doesn't hurt."

Geon removed the headphones from the CD player and said, "Listen to your old voice again."

As Geon played the CD, Phil's sharp voice burst out.

"Kkuaaaaaahhh! Ddalk!"

Geon stopped the CD playback after only hearing Phil's voice.

"Listen carefully. It's 'Kkuaaaaaahhh!' not 'Uwaaaaahhh!'"

When Geon played the CD again, there was indeed a noticeable difference in pronunciation. Phil, seemingly accepting it, nodded.

"It seems right."

Approaching Phil, Geon said, "Think of it as adding the scratching sound characteristic of F2 in the oral cavity. Your throat should hurt."

After sighing, Phil leaned back and then leaned forward, letting out a scream. A sharp scream erupted from Phil's throat.


For a moment, the studio fell silent. Vinnie looked at Phil with surprised eyes, and Phil, too, stared at his own throat in astonishment. Phil widened his eyes and touched his throat, then turned to Geon.

"My... my throat hurts. It really hurts!"

Vinnie approached with a surprised look, alternating between Geon and Phil.

"Isn't it the same as your old voice?"

Rex, sticking to the studio window, raised his thumb. Phil, with a bright voice, said,

"This is it! This is it! Kay!"

Geon just smiled when Phil hurriedly ran out of the studio, shouting, "I'll be practicing separately! Let's meet again tomorrow!"

Geon shouted after Phil, who was rushing out, "Phil! F2 is for bridges and passages, not for the entire song! If you sing it like that from start to finish, you'll ruin your vocal cords, and you'll get nodules!"

Phil, understanding, quickly waved his hands and rushed out. With a bewildered look, Vinnie asked Geon, "What's with him?"


"No, even we who've been together since the early days couldn't find a solution. How did you manage to solve it after practicing for such a short time? I know he's called a genius, but this is outrageous!"

Geon laughed subtly, sensing Vinnie's praise. "Haha, I was originally a Pantera fan. I liked Phil's vocals as much as Dimebag's guitar. Now, let's focus on our practice. The tour is just around the corner."

Vinnie threw drumsticks into the air and caught them, asking, "Oh, by the way, about the promotional video. I saw the concept, and it didn't impress me much. What about you?"

Entering the studio, Geon replied, "Hmm, just judging by the concept, it's hard to say. Something feels off?"

Rex, inside the studio, raised his head, saying, "It lacks impact. It's like Pantera's back, when's the concert, what's the big deal?"

Vinnie also agreed, raising both hands, "Yeah, the concept seems a bit bland."

Geon nodded in agreement, and Vinnie continued, "Hey, K. Phil told me to check out a video, and I happened to see it. You did a variety show in Korea, right? You shot the preview video when you went to China, remember? It was killing it. Was it produced by a Korean PD?"

Geon thought for a moment, then shrugged. "No, I sent them the shooting footage, but I heard the production was done in China."

With an uncertain tone, Vinnie asked, "Do you know who made it? It would be nice if our side could come up with a concept too."

Geon shrugged again. "Did you see it yesterday?"

Rex and Vinnie exchanged puzzled glances, looking at Geon. "Huh? Yesterday? When?"

Geon widened his eyes and said, "Yesterday, you saw it, right? The contract in Northeast Asia. Director Yan'an."

Rex hit Geon's back, his eyes full of surprise. "That sexy woman from Dong Bei? The one with the killer body? When she walked in, it was like a wave... uh!"

Vinnie hit Rex's head, saying, "There's nothing you can't say to the kid!"

Rex, rubbing his head, added, "No, don't you know what sexy is? I had my first experience when I was 16...!"

Vinnie raised his hand again, making a slicing motion. Geon found it amusing, covering his mouth with his hand. When Vinnie raised his hand again, Geon laughed.

"Doesn't he know what sexy is? I had my first experience when I was 16...!"

Vinnie, gesturing to Geon, said, "Wasn't that person the business director? Does she also do production?"

Geon shrugged, saying, "I don't know the details, but I heard that Director Lin conceptualized the entire preview video."

Vinnie, tapping his thigh with a drumstick, said in thought, "Since they've already signed a contract with us, how about leaving the promotional video to them? Let them handle the production, and we can take care of distribution through our American company. I don't think the American company would have any major complaints."

Geon pondered for a moment before saying, "Well, okay. But are we sure there won't be any issues with the company we contracted with in the U.S.?"

Vinnie drummed his thigh with a drumstick, saying, "Hey, we're the masters, and they're the servants. They're the B, and we're the A. Remember, we're Pantera! Panthers!"

Rex, next to Vinnie, wagged his finger and made a roaring sound. Geon laughed and said, "Yes, Pantera it is. Haha. But is Pantera in German or Spanish?"

Vinnie, stroking his beard, said, "It's Spanish. I heard many people mistakenly think it's German. It means panther in Spanish. After Dime left, there were stories about losing fangs, but you know."

Geon chuckled and said, "Lost fangs. Let's find them, shall we?"

Vinnie and Rex exchanged glances, then turned to Geon, nodding simultaneously. "Of course!"

Geon, carrying Haku on his shoulder, said, "Shall we go find the fangs then? Let's start practicing!"


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