Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 255 - Probe and Assassination

Chapter 255 Probe and Assassination

Outer city of the Dark Shadow’s capital, the most luxurious south block.

Chen Rui and Kia strolled leisurely. Chen Rui was still in his mechanic attire, but many people had already recognized that he was “Arthur”, a mechanic who became popular in the mechanic contest and won a bet on the capital genius, Savice’s hands. Regardless of the field, Demon Realm respected the strongest and the loser wasn’t worthy of sympathy, especially Savice, who had always been arrogant. Many people had shown considerable respect for Chen Rui.

Certainly, the people in the capital were mostly nobles and the royal family. In the eyes of these people, it was still just a mechanic contest but not a master contest. Chen Rui, who had no background, could be regarded as a genius with a little potential, but that was all of it. Therefore, they didn’t show any special enthusiasm. Instead, the Master Xhosa from the Mechanical Association offered Chen Rui to be his disciple. Chen Rui didn’t directly reject his kindness. Instead, he said politely that he would reply after the final.

Kia, who was beside Chen Rui, attracted a lot of amazed looks. The succubus in a long dress showed amazing temperament and beauty. With a confident smile on her face, she was like a noble lady. Her charm as a succubus was fully shown. It was undoubtedly a different aesthetic as compared to her usual maid attire.

“We’ve been walking for quite long and I’m hungry already. This is not bad. You can fill your stomach with this first, and we’ll find a restaurant later.” Chen Rui took a stick of tanghulu [1] which was a kind of street snack in the capital.

Compared to the other two empires, the royal family of the Dark Shadow Empire paid more attention to lifestyle and enjoyment. Driven by this hobby, the types of goods and food in the capital were plentiful, and there were many entertainments.

Kia took the stick of tanghulu, took a bite and nodded with a smile. The two then went to a high-end restaurant, asked for a quiet room, ordered a few dishes and a bottle of wine, and slowly enjoyed their meal.

After he was full with food and alcohol, Chen Rui patted his stomach with satisfaction, “It’s such a pleasant life...”

Kia covered her mouth and smiled, “I think everything has become easier since Sir Arthur came. As your assistant, I am merely extra. If only future tasks can be as easy as this now, then it will be good.”

“If you really want to, I can ask Princess Royal to let you follow me after this.” Chen Rui said indifferently, “Since I don’t belong to the Dark Moon anyway. Besides, for making such a request at this critical time, I don’t think she’ll refuse.”

Kia was startled, “Sir Arthur isn’t from the Dark Moon?”

She surely began to probe! Chen Rui intended to lead Kia into that train of thought to ease himself in probing her secrets.

“Of course not.” Chen Rui replied without hesitation, “She used three amazing things in exchange for my action. Once the Custer Family’s affairs were over, there will be no more relationship between me and her.”

Kia didn’t have much doubt about that statement because she had been in the Dark Moon for several years, and she had learned a lot of information. Yet, she had never heard of Princess Royal having such a superb mechanic.

If his level truly exceeds that of Robert, then he is likely to be only a slight distance from the master-level.

“I dare not to have such unreasonable hopes.” Kia hesitated slightly and shook her head, “Not to mention that my current ownership is under the sheriff of Dark Moon.”

“That trash human who has been in a coma due to some disease?” Chen Rui said with disdain deliberately. In reality, he, with the mentality of a submissive man, hoped that Kia would say something nice to defend the human a little.

“He’s not trash.” Kia objected unexpectedly and looked like she was recalling, “He’s just a... little silly kind man...”

Fine. At least, I’m in the “kind-man” zone. I’m so pitiful.

Chen Rui deliberately changed his words to go along, “I admit my words were too much. Princess Royal showed me some of the ideas he designed, and they are not bad. Let’s not talk about him anymore. As long as you are willing to follow me, you can leave the rest to me.”

“Why do you treat me so well?” Kia looked pitiful and charming, “Actually, you know that my physique is special, and I cannot serve any man.”

“I’m an opinionated person who could be a little domineering. I like those who are pleasant to my eyes; whereas those that aren’t pleasant my eyes, I’ll find a way to make them suffer no matter how great they are. Savice is the best example.”

Based on those words, Kia believed that “Arthur” wasn’t fascinated by her, then he dealt with Savice due to her charm. Instead, he was rather unreasonably dealing with Savice directly and pulled her out of danger. Not only that, in this mechanic contest, he also set a trap to lure the capital genius with a master as his backer to completely destroy Savice’s future. Rumors said that Savice’s body was found in the suburbs shortly after the contest.

As “Arthur” said, domineering, defensive, vicious, belonged to an opinionated type.

“If I really want a woman to serve me, as long as I ask Dior now, he can get me even women that are prettier than you.” Chen Rui said openly, “I simply find you pleasant to the eyes, and I like you. I don’t need you to serve me or anything. It’s that simple.”

Kia was stunned. She looked down. Then, she smiled charmingly again, “Then, what does sir want me to do?”

“I don’t like that smile of yours. It’s too fake.” Chen Rui shook his head, “I heard from Shea that you are forced to wear an anti-magic hoop. Don’t worry. I hate using that way to control women. I’m a mechanic. and I can try to help you get rid of that anti-magic hoop. If you don’t like me, you can also leave me and live freely. That’s the type of person I am.”

That was actually a strategy of retreating in order to advance. If he really wanted to understand Kia’s intention, letting her free wasn’t entirely a lie. Although this succubus was very attractive, he didn’t like to keep a time bomb with him.

“Free?” It seemed to be Kia’s first time meeting such a man. It was solely for liking instead of any other intentions. He was just willing to help her.

The succubus was stunned for a while, and her smile suddenly became a bit bitter. Including the days at Dark Moon, Chen Rui and her had spent considerable time together. Yet, it was the first time that Chen Rui saw such a bitter smile.

Maybe there is an unspeakable bitterness under the usual flattery?

Chen Rui thought of something, stood up, walked over and held her hands. There weren’t any overstepping moves. but he simply held onto the black bracelet which was the anti-magic hoop that suppressed magic power.

Chen Rui said affirmatively, “I will help you remove this imprisonment now.”

“No!” Kia retracted her hands in astonishment, “Don’t remove it!”

“Why don’t you want to remove the imprisonment?” Chen Rui exclaimed with dissatisfaction. Fortunately, there was a special magic sound barrier in this expensive room. Otherwise, many people around would hear her roaring voice, “Do you still want to return to the Dark Moon? You’d rather go back to be a lowly maid than take the freedom I give?”

“Kia is originally a lowly maid...” A hint of pain flashed past Kia’s eyes, but she smiled even more temptingly, “Sir’s kindness is simply a waste.”

Although he couldn’t make her reveal everything, Chen Rui had obtained three relevant pieces of information.

1. Kia couldn’t control her own actions. She must keep the anti-magic hoop as she returned to the Dark Moon.

2. Kia definitely had a certain mission at Dark Moon which hadn’t completed. There must be other contacts.

3. Kia was likely to have some reasons, but it couldn’t be easily revealed.

If he could use this emotional tactic to slowly find out Kia’s objective, it wasn’t bad either. If it was really excusable, Chen Rui wouldn’t hesitate to help.

At that moment, he suddenly looked alerted. Although the room’s soundproofing was good, it couldn’t block the detection range of [Analytical Eyes].

Kia noticed that Chen Rui’s expression was different, so she kept quiet cleverly. Chen Rui stood in front of her. At that moment, the door was knocked open with a bang and a figure pounced toward them like lightning.

With a wave of Chen Rui’s hand, the dark elf felt that his speed had suddenly slowed down. Before he could respond, the dagger in his hand suddenly fell into his opponent’s hand. Almost at the same time, he felt a pain in his heart. It was pierced by his own dagger.

After Chen Rui killed the dark elf with lightning speed, his right hand grabbed to the side and caught a Great Demon’s figure who had just teleported. He immediately lifted the Great Demon. At the same time, he punched with his left fist. Under the flash of yellow light, the Great Demon that was charging toward him had a punch mark on his chest, and he was knocked out.

In the blink of an eye, among the three assassins at the peak of Higher Demon, two died and one was injured. No, all three were dead. Seeing that the situation was bad, the Great Demon that Chen Rui caught bit the poison sac in his mouth and died of poison before he was interrogated.

It seemed that these were rigorously trained suicide attackers. The person who sent these suicide attackers might be the Master Leo who he had grudges from the contest or other contestents. It could also be the Falamo couple.

Kia was an expert in magic. In her eyes, the two earth magic “Arthur” just used, [Decelerate] and [Magic Flying Fist], were both launched without chanting. Besides, he had a strong close-combat ability. He settled three assassins instantly.

One has to know that even if both are at their peak of Higher Demon, the combat power of the two professions, mechanic and assassin are definitely distinctive. Yet, the assassin is dead now while the mechanic is safe and sound. “Arthur’s” true strength has likely reached Demon King, and he is proficient in both physical and magic.

A mechanic at its peak with Demon King-level strength, and he is only a step away from becoming a mechanic master. Unfortunately, these are still far from enough. Kia sighed slightly. Suddenly, her hands were warmed as they were held by Chen Rui.

“This place isn’t safe. Let’s go. You don’t have any strength right now. If there are more troublesome assassins, I’m afraid it will affect you.”

The phrase was actually “fear of assassin and wanted to leave”, but there was a touch of warmth in Kia’s heart. She didn’t let go of his hand and let him lead her out.

The assassination must be someone’s intentional plan. Chen Rui didn’t blame the restaurant, but je informed them to clean up the mess. He didn’t stop with Kia and went all the way back to Dior’s alternative residence.

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