Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 307 - The Football of the Demon Realm Version that Was Modified in the Midst of Laughters

Chapter 307: The Football of the Demon Realm Version that Was Modified in the Midst of Laughters

Most of the barrack problems were caused by those guys with excess energy resulting from too much male hormone secretion. There had been several conflicts with the imperial guards who always had a tense relationship. They ended with severe injuries each time. Kaguron, Athena, and Arux still had considerable prestige, so no one was killed yet.

Vitality and vigour were also a kind of courage. It could be channelled but not blocked. Demons were inherently belligerent. If they could be strangled to death, they would not be called demons. Chen Rui’s method was inspired by the method in the novel he read previously ~ competitive sports.

In terms of team sports, nothing was more attractive than football. This was known as the world’s most popular sports. He believed that the confrontation and teamwork would also be recognized by this world.

So, two days later.

Except for the squad responsible for guarding the city gates and patrolling, the rest of the guards were all gathered in the barrack.

In the barrack, the representative sheriff, Athena, and the chief instructor, Arux, stood on the stage. After a period of intensive training, the garrison guards had completely submitted to the two supreme controllers. Their eyes were full of respect.

Athena said, “Those who clashed with the imperial guards 3 days ago, step forward!”

Those people did not hesitate; they stood out from the team together. Athena’s sharp eyes swept across these dozens of people. These guys bow their heads with guilt.

“Are you aware of your mistakes?”

These people knew that they were in trouble, so they were all mentally prepared to answer “yes” in unison.

Athena pointed to a minotaur, “You, tell me what is the biggest mistake?”

“Yes!” The minotaur replied, “We shouldn’t fight against the imperial guards. This violates the regulations of Madam Athena!”

Athena looked at the guards who were standing straight, “Tell me, is he correct?”

When everyone answered “Yes” simultaneously, Athena shouted, “No!”

“Their biggest mistake was not violating my regulations. It was the fact that 15 people failed to defeat 10 imperial guards. This is a humiliation of our garrison guards! Everyone tell me, should they be punished?”

Athena’s words made the garrison guards look at each other. Then, there was a hint of strange excitement on their face. Even the guys who stepped forward were of no exception. They exclaimed in unison, “Should!”

In fact, the progress of the guards had been very fast. In this fight incident, there were injuries to both parties. If it was in the past, 30 men couldn’t even fight against the imperial guards.

“After the dismissal, everyone will go to the military judge to get 20 strokes!” Athena asked again, “Everyone tell me, should we earn our reputation back?”

The voices of two thousand people off the stage sounded out in unison, “We should!”

“The garrison guards and imperial guards are the two sharpest scythes and the closest comrades in Princess Royal’s hands. The scythes should be stained by the enemy’s blood, not our own people!” Athena’s tone changed, “However, Demon Realm advocates the supremacy of the stronger ones. Even among our guards, there is a competition for survival of the fittest. If the leader can’t beat the soldiers, he will revert to an ordinary soldier too! I have obtained Princess Royal’s permission through magic communication. We will have a fierce battle competition with the imperial guards to decide the victory and defeat! Do you want to teach the imperial guards a hard lesson in front of everyone in the Dark Moon City? Do you want to be above the imperial guards in the future?”

Battle competition? This instigated the enthusiasm of the guards. All their faces showed excitement. They answered loudly and unanimously, “Yes!”

Athena nodded, “Next, Instructor Arux will explain the rules of this battle competition in detail.”

Arux bowed to Athena, stepped forward, took out a bizarre ball object, and began to explain. It was not easy to accept a new thing. He said a lot, but the people off-stage still didn’t quite understand. You can only step or hit this ball with your feet or head? And you still have to get it into the opponent’s box?

Too much theory was useless. The best way was to practice. Arux selected 22 soldiers and started the demonstration.

Then, accidents started to happen frequently.

Everyone chased the ball together without differentiating teams. Even the goalkeeper was no exception...

Fists, claws, horns and even teeth were used, but not feet...

The goalkeeper kicked the ball directly to the opponent’s goalkeeper at a distance of 100 meters due to the excessive strength. The opponent’s goalkeeper held the ball and threw it back to the opposing goal. The players in the middle could only stare at the ball in the air. Their head turned neatly to the left and right repeatedly...

The poor ball finally couldn’t stand the violent torture and burst on the spot...

The first football trial failed completely. It seemed that outright imitation would not work. It must be improved according to local conditions. It must have something unique to Demon Realm.

After thinking about it, Chen Rui improved the football. He greatly weakened the elasticity and engraved a magic circle that increased its weight and power consumption. It required considerable strength to be kicked.

A few days later, it finally seemed a bit plausible, but there were still accidents as usual.

An accidental header caused the ball to be penetrated, and it hung on the sharp horn. The minotaur was simple-minded. He thought since it was not a foul to use the head and feet, he just pierced the ball with his horn and charged rampantly. After knocking down all the people who were blocking him, including the goalkeeper, he “threw” himself into the goal and scored...

The opponent’s minotaur imitated that method. As a result, it turned into a rugby game. A minotaur who was piercing the football rushed toward the goal. Behind him was a large group of people who were pulling his arms, tripping his legs and grabbing his pants. In the end, this powerful minotaur charged into the goal with his bare butt...

In this case, a variety of weird and frivolous battle tactics emerged endlessly. For example, after kick-off, a group of strong men formed a circle and protected the ball in the center. Whoever came forward would get kicked away. Finally, this circle of men walked into the goal unstoppably...

A disgusting guy actually swallowed the ball with his talent. While others were not paying attention and were looking for the ball, he rushed all the way into the opponent’s goal and vomited out again. Fortunately, it was not by pulling...

The goalkeepers were not lacking in tricks either. When the opponent rushed toward him, he simply grabbed the crossbar of the goal and pulled hard. The whole goal was completely submerged into the land. Even the goal was gone.Lets see how you can score now?

In the end, Chen Rui, who was watching the competition on the sidelines burst into an enormous belly laugh. He couldn’t stand it anymore. He went back to continue improving it...

After numerous reforms, the first-generation exhilarating football of the Demon Realm version was finally officially created.

This ball was made by Chen Rui using Super System’s refine function and his mechanics. The texture, elasticity and sturdiness was extraordinary. It could be regarded as a master-level work.

This ball would absorb power. It required a lot of effort to kick it. When it crossed the goal line, it would also emit a flame-like light, representing victory.

The stadium was widened, and a simple magic circle was added to increase the gravity accordingly. The goal was also reinforced.

Even though they still encountered many problems after that, they were solved one at a time. The garrison guards who adapted to rule and the venue gradually fell in love with this aggressive battle ball sport.

Not only the garrison guards, but the imperial guards also began to try this sport under the lead of Commander Kaguron.

Under Chen Rui’s proposal, the garrison guard team and the imperial guard team had a competition that was not open to the public in the arena. The audience was only Old Gauss, Athena, Kaguron, others and some soldiers from both sides.

Since they had not been in contact with this sport for a long time, in addition to the exciting scenes, there were also many jokes made in the competition. Eventually, they were able to abide by the rules and played to the end. Finally, the garrison guards team won 10-6. The seemingly proud garrison guards held their heads high. At this time, Old Gauss took the opportunity to represent Princess Royal Highness to announce that there would be an open tournament in the arena a month later. At that time, tens of thousands of spectators would come to watch. The winning team would receive a generous prize of 50 high-quality armor sets.

When the fully confident garrison guards and the imperial guards who were unwilling to accept defeat heard the news, they were all high-spirited. They were determined to beat each other in front of all the Dark Moon spectators and show their pride once and for all.

The garrison guards who returned to the barrack looked unusually excited. The players were welcomed like heroes, and their morale was unprecedentedly high. More people began to actively study and participate in this sport. Even when the wide-sized barrack was divided into three football fields, it could hardly meet the increasing enthusiasm and needs of the guards.

Of course, this sport couldn’t completely replace the military training. With Chen Rui’s suggestion, Athena made corresponding adjustments to the training content and arrangements on normal days. Those with excellent performance and fastest progress could prioritize participating in battle ball activities.

Outstanding performers would serve as the garrison guards representatives. They would participate in the open competition with the guards in the arena a month later. As a result, the soldiers were more motivated. The results were remarkable.

The arena controlled by Arux had been inactive since the heroic deeds of No. 64 “Aguile”. Chen Rui launched the “battle ball” with the purpose of killing two birds with a stone. Besides solving the conflicts between the guards, it would also be the arena’s main profitable project in the future.

Old Gauss greatly admired Chen Rui’s mind. From the perspective of training, this sport includes strength, speed, stamina and gravity-adaptability training. More importantly, it will build teamwork; From an entertainment perspective, it is an exhilarating battle that can attract many enthusiasts for a long time; From the economic benefits perspective, this is a project that can promote the development of the surrounding economy and bring huge benefits. Not only that, this kind of activity is likely to cause all residents to follow and imitate in the long run. This can further improve Dark Moon’s combat strength and cohesion, which is more conducive to the Princess Royal’s ruling.

Since coming to the Dark Moon, this human has introduced so many innovations, and many of them are incredible. This time, he created this wonderful “battle ball”. Old Gauss felt fortunate that such a talent was on his side rather than his enemy. He was also thankful that Chen Rui had returned to the Dark Moon Estate after acquiring a series of promising genius titles. Why won’t the Princess Royal consider the marriage proposal?

After the success of the arena trial, the follow-up work was assigned to Old Gauss and Arux. Chen Rui did not focus on this aspect. After all, compared with the real plan, this was only a brief interlude.

Before rushing to Town Moling, he must explain to Shea face-to-face regarding some of the necessary affairs. The cooperation in the plan could possibly have some changes. He also had to somehow tell Kia about Freya.

At this time, unexpected news came from the Town Yankou at the south of the Dark Moon. Something strange happened in the cemetery of Town Yankou.

Cemetary... ghouls🧟‍♂️?

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