
Chapter 189: The Gaze of the Prince

Chapter 189: The Gaze of the Prince

I stabbed my fork into the Hell Gore steak and took a bite. Mmm spicy. It's not bad honestly, I can see some of the more adventurous eaters in the Empire enjoying it. The Church of Order would most likely lose its shit since they do have a line in their scripture that says Thou shalt not take evil into yourself. I mean yes I get that metaphorically it means not to let evil temptations worm themselves into your mind or you should not utilise dark powers. 

However, eating some Hell beast would no doubt be considered a more literal interpretation.

I glanced up at the mutt from before who was mutely eating his food like a robot. He was as pale as a red-skinned demon could be. I gave him his balls back afterwards, such is my mercy.

Renna and Regari were tentatively enjoying the food. Renna in particular was much more subdued after watching me shoot that mutt balls off. Regari of course was not that happy with that state of affairs but then again you cant keep someone sheltered forever. Especially here of all places.

So tell me mutt, how does it feel to be Lord of the Vermin? I said as I looked up at him, and he visibly flinched.

My lord? the mutt stammered, his hands shaking as he held his knife and fork.

I am curious, were you once part of this cesspit? Did you claw your way to the top of this trash heap? I asked and he glanced up at me his eyes filled with terror.

Do I need to shoot your tongue off and grow it back before you reply? I asked dryly and he visibly jumped.

Stop torturing him, it serves no purpose. Mahaila replied as she calmly cut up another piece of steak.

Im bored. I replied as I stabbed the steak again.

Then we can leave. Mahaila said.

Gotta put some meat on those bones. I said as I glanced at Regari and Renna.

We can always take the food back to the tavern. Mahaila replied.

Then I would be bored. I deadpanned, and Mahaila just shook her head and went back to her food.

Besides our guest will be here soon. The Ars Goetia wont let us blunder through the city. It might cause them problems. I said as I grinned and Mahaila calmly nodded. This wasnt that complex of a guess so Mahaila predicting it as well wasnt that hard to conceive.

That is certainly true. Mahaila mused as she took another bite of her steak.

When I was talking to the transmission amulet I managed to launch a quick Ping Trace. Its a little trick Serchax taught me. It was a little trick that was impossible for Humanoids to do which put it squarely in the same realm of Flesh Crafting. It demanded a level ether manipulation that was beyond the realm of humanoids. Which was also ironically how the Firstborn of old seemed to know everything that the humanoids were doing all the time. The funny thing was that the humanoids never figured out that Firstborn and the ancients could do that. It was a rather well guarded secret.

As if on cue I sensed a burst of ether from another room. Judging by how Mahaila froze I could tell she sensed it as well. Hmm this ether signature, I know this one

The doors burst open revealing none other than Alastor himself. I could see that the guards at the door were dead with their heads no longer attached to their bodies. He calmly strode in and the mutt instantly tried to rise to his feet. Alastor simply flicked his wrist and an invisible ether blade swiftly decapitated the mutt and his body crumpled to the floor.

My apologies for the poor hospitality. Alastor said with a grin as he sat down next to me.

I assure you that the underperforming pawns will be disposed of. Alastor said as he snapped his fingers and more demons appeared. They surged around the room killing all the servants and I could hear screams echoing out across the manor.

A suitable replacement will be chosen to rule over this area. I find it absolutely appaling that my first gift to you in this city would amount to this defective pawn. Alastor said with a wide smile.

Oh, hes good, I have been doing nothing but trying to cause trouble and he has deflected it masterfully. I would bet an arm that by doing all of this, the Ars Goetia would see I am not someone who likes crappy things. This isnt strictly true, crappy things are rather funny for a time. 

As for the Gangs you may have them of course. That is a none issue, but would you prefer if I brought you somewhere more appropriate for someone of your station? Alastor asked. 

Sure, this place was getting old anyway. I replied with a shrug.

I am happy to hear it. Also if I may, what is the nature of these two. Alastor asked as he cast a curious glance at Regari and Renna.

I like them, they can carry stuff too. I replied with a shrug.

Ah I see, then I shall have some fine equipment granted to them to help them better serve you. Alastor said with a graceful smile.

Well, at least he is smart enough to realise that I have no intention of telling him whats going on with these two. The fewer people who know Regari is an Heir of the Firstborn the better. Good thing I found him too, what a waste for someone with that much potential to die on the street.

So what now? I asked as I glanced at the fresh corpses now scattered around the room. 

For now would you like to finish your meal? After that, we can have transportation arranged to a small meeting. No need for us to enter the inner city at least for now. You have impressed the Ars Goetia with your brazeness. So much so that they have deigned to arrange a reception in the middle ring so as to symbolicly, come to you, as they say. Alastor said with a smile.

Hmm, I sense fear, I wonder if Alastor was not able to cover things up as much as he would like to. 

You seem nervous Alastor. I said with a grin, at those words I saw Regari flinch. Oh yeah, he has no idea I know Alastor. I guess an Arch Demon of Greed would be rather famous. After all, Alastor was part of the Daemon Prince of Greeds inner circle.

Regari was giving me and Alastor furtive glances as he stared down at his plate, his entire body shaking with fear.

Oh come now boy, no need to be afraid. Despite what the horrible rumours say I am quite amicable. Alastor said with a smile that was only just a bit ominous. I must say he must be in a foul mood because that was a really bad attempt at trying to be nice. Even Renna was looking scared and she barely knew what was happening.

Alright lets go meet those Ars Goetia, messing with you is only fun for so long. I said with a laugh as I stood up.

Turns out an opulent carriage was waiting for us at the door of the manor. This one was interesting, it bore this interesting sigil that I recognised from some of the ancient tomes. It was none other than the sigil of the Ars Goetia.

<img /9sBmSpW.png" alt="9sBmSpW.png" />

Well, this will be interesting, the Ars Goetias sigil was named the Morning Star after the founder of the demon race. Every prime evil has taken the name Morningstar as symbol of power. It is said that each of the Deamon Princes have the Morning Star branded on their bodies and this rune grants immense power. The sigil was a form of old magic that granted power but if you just carved it yourself the spell would activate. If you cant handle the power then it is a very good way for you to make yourself dissappear in a fiery explosion.

When the door I opened immediately knew this was a step up from the previous carriage. For starters the carriage was bigger on the inside that it was on the outside. There was even an entire lounge area with couches and servants waiting within.

From the outside, the carriage looked like it could fit maybe six people, but you could probably cram twenty people in here. It looked closer to a large hotel room than the interior of a carriage.

This was a neat trick, I should probably figure out how to do this.

The entire area was opulent and lavish to an absurd degree. I guess demons knowing how to enjoy themselves was par for the course. The trip was rather uneventful, I just spent my time examining the carriage as I emptied their fridge of wine. Regari and Renna were in awe of the whole thing but they were still nervous since Alastor was sitting in the room. As for Mahaila she was just silently judging me as I drank bottle after bottle of wine. Although I will say this wine is really quite good, I should get some of it from Hell as a kind of tithe.

So what exactly do all of you want to talk about? I asked as I glanced at Alastor.

Nothing in particular, I just felt it would be good for you to meet your allies. The Plains of Eternal Conflict are about to open again. The Blood War will be starting in earnest in a week. My compatriots naturally hope to profit the coming conflict. War is a very profitable venture of course. Alastor said with a smile.

And what of the Deamon Prince of Wrath? Does he have any idea Im here? I asked. 

No, I have been very careful, Lord Satan is none the wiser. Alastor said with a smile.

At the exact moment I sensed a powerful ether reaction around the carriage. At the same time at my main body I sensed a powerful teleporation spell being activated nearby. Azatharine, Serchax and Rosa all sprang to action but there wasnt any point. Looks like Alastor was wrong and I was about to be evicted. Looks like the Grand Game was more fun than I thought.

In a flash the entire carriage shook, sure enough when I opened the door I found myself right infront of my main body. Well then no sense using this humanoid form anymore.

On cue a portal opened up next to us, and a group of well dressed demons were shoved out by a group of red armoured demons. Ah so these are the Wrath Guard, the disciplined section of Wraths forces. Their armour were all master-crafted pieces of equipment and interestingly the armour had the design motiffs of it being half melted.

One particular demon stood out, this one was sporting flowing red cloak made of the hide of some kind of Hell Beast and it was holding this red orb.

The well dressed demons who I could only assume were the Ars Goetia, looked abit worse for wear. Several of them looked like they have been punched in the face by a very hard armoured fist.

Looks like you arent as smart as you think you are. I said to Alastor who merely grimaced as he glared at the caped demon.

Alastor, scheming as per usual. Lord Satan does not take kindly to insults. Nor does he like rats running around his back. the caped demon said in a voice that sounded like grating glass.

So what does this mean? Are your demons going to jump me? You should remember I dont take kindly to threats. I said with a feral grin. Im not an idiot, even if the Lord of Wrath himself dropped in to fight me, with Mahaila around we could most definately take him on. Mahaila herself said she once dueled the Lord of Wrath himself to a draw.

It is no threat, perhaps my lord could explain better. the caped demon said as he raised the orb. Then a massive projection of this great horned demon appeared. He was crowned with horns that gleam like polished onyx, his expression bear the mark of ancient nobility, with eyes ablaze with the flames of hell. His skin black as coal and lines of red ether course across his scarred body like blood vessels. But what drew the eyes the most was the sigil that floated between his horns, it was the Morning Star sigil, the symbol of his status as Daemon Prince.

Greetings, Firstborn. Satan said in a bestial voice.

Hi, you wanted to speak? I asked with a grin. The projection was about as tall as I was which I could only assume was his actual height. Which made him the size of the small building.

Of course, I thought I would spare you the machinations of lowly creatures. As a Firstborn I am sure you will prefer a more expedient option. Satan said his tone cold and grating.

Then your hospitality is appreciated. I replied with a smile of my own. You know I think I like this guy, he gets it. 

Yes, I felt you would also tire of this turncoat. Satan said as he cast a disdainful gaze at Alastor.

This fool once served Mammon Lord of Greed, but now he is a turncoat serving Asmodeus Lord of Lust even if he is still officially an Archdemon of Greed. Both Princes are aware of this of course, but they allow him to play his silly inconsequential games.

But at times, there must be a reminder to these wretched creatures. Satan said as he nodded at his soldiers and they all drew their blades. As one they slashed opened the backs of the all the Ars Goetia present. Alastor was spared this but he was no less threatened. The demons would survive but judging by those wounds and their jumping vitals, those weapons really hurt.

So who knows what I am. I asked curiously.

Thus far, only me, Beezlebub and Asmodeus. Mammon is none the wiser thanks to Beezlebubs careful manipulations. You should drop by her palace when you get the chance, she is most eager to meet you.

As for Asmodeus he would also like to welcome you to his perfumed halls. This fool thinks he has been stoking the flames of a Blood War. Satan said as he glanced down at Alastor.

As if he even has the capability to do so. No, Asmodeus and I have been stoking it. There is a reason that this wretchs agents consist of a large number of succubi. They are not discontent with their master; they are acting on orders, Satan said, and Alastor visibly flinched at those words.

Well, thats pretty embarrassing

The master of manipulation was the puppet all along. Funny how things like this go.

So I can assume I have Wrath, Gluttony and Lust on my side? I asked and Satan nodded.

You can potentially get Mammon Lord of Greed and Belphegor Lord of Sloth as well, but that remains to be seen. Lucifer Lord of Pride has been pulling Mammon to his side. Belphegor is undecided but with the right incentive, he may be swayed. Satan said and I nodded in understanding.

So what do you want out of all of this? I asked as I let my gaze bore into him.

Lucifers head, he has acted the superior long enough. And of course when the great change comes I hope you will remember those who aided you. Or perhaps I should say those who successfully aided you. Satan said as he glanced at Alastor.

I will remember. I said with a grin.

I trust that you will, every ring must have a prince. When you claim the mantle of Prime Evil you will need rulers, I am sure you will make the right decision. Replacing all the Princes would work against you. Especially me. Satan said as he leaned forward to gaze into my eyes.

And why is that? I challenged with a grin. I knew the answer of course and yes he was right. Wrath is one of the rings I hoped I could keep relatively intact.

You war with the Seraphim, when the time comes you will need a general and my armies. Satan said simply.

True, very well if you prove yourself useful you may stay as you are, and perhaps reap a little something more I said with a grin and Satan nodded.

Then the pact is made. For now, I suggest you pretend as if this conversation never happened. If the other princes become desperate they may seek the inform the Seraphim. Your presence here is already compromised thanks to this fool. 

Beezlebub expended a great many of her own and my resources to maintain the seal of secrecy. You would have been detected the moment you entered the slums if not for the fact I was forwarned. Stay close to the ground and be wary amongst the Ars Goetia. They are not to be trusted. Satan said with another snort.

And you can be trusted? I asked with a laugh.

Of course not, but seeing as your pretty little kingdom is still standing I trust that alone is a sign of trust. Satan said and I nodded conceding the point.

One last thing, at the gate to the Ring of Treachery, I left a gift for you. I know what you Firstborn like and I would like to see what you can do. I give you one of my champions, for you to battle, to slaughter and to devour. Satan said with a slight incline of his head.

Very well, I thank you for the gift. I replied with a hungry laugh. A champion of Wrath, that had to be an Arch Demon. Oh what a delicious prey, I havent had a good meal in ages.

I hope you enjoy it. But please remember pride was the undoing of the Firstborn. I would prefer you not expire too soon. Satan said.

Remember Firstborn

Your kin fell to mortals unnamed

Mortals slayed the old gods

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