
Chapter 191: Sovereign by Choice

Chapter 191: Sovereign by Choice

So are you actually going to fight that Arch Demon? Mahaila asked as she crossed her arms. 

I glanced up at the towering demon in front of me. He was this red-skinned monolith of a demon almost half a meter taller than me. I could make myself bigger but honestly, my size doesnt mean anything as far as how powerful I am. But from what I can see, the Arch Demon of Wrath was stronger than me.

However, judging by what I know about Wrath Demons, I can easily defeat this one. I already have [Infernal Flame Resistance V] which was just one step below [Infernal Flame Immunity]. That line was difficult to cross, and I honestly dont think I will get any immunity abilities soon. I only have immunities for the most basic elemental effects and certain branches of poison.

Put that with my [Curse Resistance IV] and [Physcial Damage Negation VII], and what this actually means is that I have significant resistance towards anything that demons can dish out. So at worst, it will just devolve into a slugging match which I would eventually win. The Arch Demon's heart would be more than enough to justify the effort.

I told the voice in my head to run an analysis just to be sure. I never did figure out what the hell that voice was, but it sure as hell was useful.


Strength: Slight Superiority

Tactical: Neglibile Threat

Greater Daemonia strain does not pose a significant threat

No sign of augementation

Advise engaging Greater Daemonia in combat

Huh, so there really isnt anything special about it. Well, lets see what this Arch Demon will say.

As we approach the demon camp and the Ring Gate the Arch Demon just stares at us impassively. The camp is blocking the Ring Gate and it looks like the only way through was to beat this demon.

The Lord of Wrath sends his regards. the Champion of Wrath said.

Ah, you must be the gift. I said as I approached. The nearby demons kept a respectful distance. I could tell the surrounding demons didnt think the Champion would lose. In fact, the Champion felt that way too. I guess they have no idea that the Lord of Wrath sent the Champion to die.

The gift? No I am the test, I am proof that you are worthy of my Lords favour. Defeat me and pass through the Ring Gate. By the end of the day either you or I will be dead. If you do manage to defeat me then your pact with the Lord of Wrath will be sealed. the Champion of Wrath said in a tone that betrayed he didnt expect to lose. Well the only thing right about that statement is that yes this is probably test to see if I am really worth the effort. In truth Satan knows that if I live long enough eventually I will bring the Hells to heel. So he might as well back the winnning team.

A very rational perspective all things considered, but then again you dont rule a region as chaotic as the Ring of Wrath without being as shrewd as you are cruel.

So what will it be, one on one? I asked as I flexed my claws.

Yes. A duel, one to another in honourable combat. the Champion said as he brandished his flaming great sword. 

Honour? Here? Huh, that's weird. Maybe this is why Satan served this guy up on the plate. From what I know there are other champions but I highly doubt all of them are honourable warriors.

Unless its about the glory... 

Glory was part of pride but Satans other half was Lucifer Daemon Prince of Pride. But just to be sure

Honour? Now that is surprising. I said with a grin.

Ha, you misunderstand me. None shall take my glory. My Lord has told me take your head, so I shall in his name. the Champion said as he pointed his blazing blade at me.

Sure, whatever you say. So we just fight here or? I asked and he nodded.

Alright, if you insist. I said as I summoned by Focii Great Sword and ignited it. The massive thick focii blade appeared and I saw a flicker of uncertainty cross the Champions gaze. I grinned as I stared at him. As far as he knew Focii blade were rare and energy-intensive. For me to ignite one so casually must be mark of great power. Well he was half right, yes my crystals were better but this blade in particular did drain alot power. The power draw on this sword was enough to drain Mahaila. I can only use it because I basically have a bottomless pit of ether reserves. 

Mahaila has less power reserves but she is far more skillfull than I am. That was why she was stronger than me. Her combat experience and natural talent means she can break through most of my advantages. Plus her predatory instincts was more than enough to set off a few warning bells in my head.

What? What happened to your glory? I asked with a grin at the pause from the Champion.

Hmph. the Champion huffed before simply charging at me. 

His opening strike was straightforward, a mere overhead strike that was not only parried but immediately slammed back. When the blades connected my Focii blade let out a blast of crackling red ether that scorched the air around us. I sensed one stray demon was unlucky enough to be standing too close and ended up turning into a blackened corpse.

Though the space around us was large, it apparently wasnt large enough. The other Demons immediately moved to give us more room. 

The Champion shot forward again this time with a probing stab. I calmly shifted my body to the side easily dodging it as I let out a laugh. Mahaila was ten times faster than this Champion of Wrath. As far as this demon was concerned he might as well be moving in slow motion.

The Champion struck again and again as I laughed easily parrying and dodging each strike. 

Enough games. This dance bores me. I said as I countered with a full strength slash that knocked the champion slightly off blance.

The Champion just growled as he hefted his blade.

[Infernum] the Champion intoned and his body started to glow with power. His horns ignited with infernal flame as his blade came ablaze with even greater intensity than before.

[Pillar of Wrath]! the Champion roared and a pillar of flame instantly appeared below me. No channel, no delay, nothing. The flame just emerged below me and consumed me. But of course, the damage was negligible.

I took some damage but my regeneration was out healing the damage. I shot out of the flames and my blade clashed against the Champions sword. 

The Champion slid back his feet digging into the ground as I pushed him back a metre. He shoved back mightly and I responded by firing a barrage of spines right into his chest. He growled as he countered with a slash that was blocked by on my arm blades. Turns out having four arms was really useful in melee.

I could tell the Champion was starting to feel worried. The Champion then responded with wide sweep of his blade that shot out a wave of flame. In response, I just charged through the flames and our blades met again. My entire body was flaming but it was barely damaging my armour plates. 

[Hell Fire Mantle]. the Champion intoned and his body suddenly became wreathed in sickly red flames. I could sense myself taking damage just from being near him. Well, it wouldnt be a good fight without some resistance wouldnt it?

I smashed his blade aside and just as I was about to deliver another slash I saw the Champion shift his stance. 

[Wrathful Smite]. the Champion said his voice deathly calm and then he delivered a magic enhanced punch right to my gut. I tried to move away but this punch was alot faster than his other movement. His punch connected and shattered the armour plates. I could sense internal damage as fractures appeared on my rib plate.

Detecting Internal Damage

Elevating Threat Level of Target

Threat Level Still Within Acceptable Bounds

Damage Regenerated

Proceed with Combat

[Ether Furnace]. the Champion said and his ether levels spiked and his movements quickened. Now I had to block rather than dodge. His strikes also became more precise. It was still manageable but from what I can see if I just drag it out, hell run out of steam first.

But wheres the fun in that?

I ditched the sword and brandished my arm blades. I activated [Void Enchant] and struck his sword. The force of the strike combined with the force amplification effects of [Void Enchant] shocked the Champion as the blade was nearly slammed out of his hands.

The Champion instantly recoiled and I responded with a fire breath. My new fire breath called [Aureas Flame] was a crackling conconction of gold fire. It will burn anything, even the Demons of the Searing Hells.

The Champion let out a roar of pain as his body was charred. If you were resistant to flame why would you have many measure against it? It seems over confidence will soon claim another victim.

[Greater Purge]. the Champion cried out in alarm as he attempted to purge the flame. But the flames didnt go out. Not so easy to remove these flames, the curses weaved into the fire made it exceptionally hard to cleanse.

The irony was, that the Seraphim with their powerful defensive magic would probably be able to remove the flame. However, their more fragile nature would mean if they were hit by this there wouldnt be much left to be worth cleansing.

Feel the terror of the old world. I said with a laugh as I shot forward, attacking the Champion with a flurry of strikes. To the Champions credit, he managed to defend himself even as the flames slowly flayed the flesh from his bones.

I let out a laugh as I tackled him. The Champion in a rather impressive show of skill managed to angle the blade so that it would impale me. I pinned him to the ground as the blade went clean through my chest.

Warning Tertiary Heart Ruptured

Adjusting Ether Distribution

Yeah you do that. I thought to the voice as I sank both blades into the shoulders of the Champion. The Champion reached out and grabbed me in attempt to shove me off. In response I first a another barrage of spines into his chest before torching him again with another blast of [Aureas Flame].

[Roar of the Defiant]! the Champion half roared and half wailed. I saw a flash of ether and I felt myself being blasted clean off the Champion. I ended flying backwards and smashing into the surrounding Demon camp.

I was still on fire from a combination of my own flames and his. His sword was gone, I glanced up and saw the Champion must have grabbed his sword before he blasted me off him. I looked around saw quite a few crushed demons and some were on fire thanks to my flaming body.

Urgh [Molt]. I grumbled as I shed my ruined external armour and put out the flames. 

[Immaterial]. the Champion croaked out his throat ruined from the flames and his body turned ethereal, and the flames on him went out. He instantly reappeared and cast a quick healing spell on himself. 

Tertiary Heart Regenerated 

Armour Plates Regenerated

Now At Full Combat Ability

Resume Combat

I glanced down at my body and judging by what I saw and felt. I was more or less exactly how I was at the start of the fight. As far as combat ability goes, it was as if that fight didnt even happen.

The Champion on the other hand was alot worse for wear. His chest was still covered with spines and he was obviously abit unsteady on his feet. I could sense his Ether Reserves were running low and he wouldnt be able to survive another attack like the one I just did.

Well this fight was over even if that Champion was admirably still willing to continue to battle.

[Solarite Beam] Full power

I shot a beam of white hot ether right at the Champion he didnt even have time to react as it hit him. The concussive force demolished the camp behind him in a cone and the shockwave knocked almost everyone off their feet. Regari and Renna went sprawling onto their ground and I could see that they both didnt have eardrums anymore. 

Mahaila gave them a quick healing spell as she shot a disapproving look in my direction. I just shrugged as I got to my feet and I calmly slithered over the the charred and twitching body of the Champion. He had tried to block the blast with sword and for his efforts he now had a melted mass of slag metal fused into his ruined his chest. His arms were now just charred stumps and his face was melted to the skull with his eyes just being empty eye sockets.

Nothing short of a Seraphim healing spell, or me physically reconstructing his body would save him now. He would be dead within the hour.

Well fought

The Champion croacked on the floor. Huh, so honourable after all. But I suppose that is way of the things here down in Hell. The loyal and honourable get lied to and sent to die as nothing more than an elaborate test and gift. This guy probably spent millennia loyally serving the Lord of Wrath and his reward was to be served to me on a silver platter.

I had half a mind to save him and take him under my wing. But I would pointlessly bet an arm that this guy was under contract. If he joined me his soul was forfeit. I could ask Satan to abolish the contract but Satan sent me this Champion for a reason.

This is the fate of the Loyal and the Honourable in the Searing Hells. A stark message, a message I will remember well. From a certain perspective, this was not a wise move to make considering it would make me question his loyalty. That would be true if Satan was human, but no he was a Daemon Prince. The Demons answered to strength, that was the whole reason they used contracts. Trust was worth nothing in the Searing Hells, loyalty was only strong as it could be compelled and forced.

Still in the back of my mind, in this atrophied far away part that seemed to closer a whispering echo. That part felt pity and remorse for this poor soul.

Pity, you would have made a fine servant. I said with a nod.

Well fought. May I know your name Champion? I said respectfully and in response the Champion let out a weak laugh.

Amarak. In another life I perhaps I would have served you well. Amarak replied.

Perhaps, but fear not, you will continue to serve just not in the way you imagined. I said as I lowered my head over his body and raised my claws.

I will make it quick. You earned a clean death. I said and Amarak let out another weak laugh.

You have my gratitude, I could not ask for a better death. Amarak replied softly as he went limp as if accepting his fate.

I raised my claws and expertly slashed his head open, instantly destroying the brain and I began to gorge myself on his flesh. As I bit into the sweet fruit of the heart, I couldnt help but feel a slight sense of bitterness to the taste. This victory was bittersweet in more ways than one.

Greater Daemonia Genome Assimilation Complete

Achieved [Greater Daemonia Genome] Level: 2 / 10

[Searing Flames] Acquired

[Daemonic Hide] Acquired

[Curse Resistance] Improved

[Flame Resistance] Improved

[Cursed Flame Resistance] Improved

Core Evolution Achieved Stage: 8

Note Branching Paths now available

[Primaris] Branch now available

[Destroyer] Branch now available

Huh, branches? So my evolution has branching paths

Could I have more info on this?

Primaris Branch leads to the Sovereign Stage 9

The Primaris Branch focuses on a combat style that focuses on command and control as well as magical effects to augment combat abilities.

Destroyer Branch leads to the Tyrannis Branch Stage 9

The Destroyer Branch focuses on a combat style that focuses raw destructive power both physical and magical. 

Core differences is that the Primaris Branch would be able to create a far more powerful Hive. The Destroyer Branch would yield far stronger singular power.

Any other interesting information?

Data indicates with exception all Firstborn on data have chosen the Destroyer Path. 

Huh now that I think about it, Mahaila did mention that the idea was for me to get to the Tyrannis phase of my evolution. Which means I am one stage away from it. But then again the rest chose Tyrannis and all of them dead. They were swamped by raw numbers, and it obvious that I should chose Tyrannis if I was going to be fighting other Firstborn. But there isnt any Firstborn left is there?

Which means if I go the Soveriegn path no one will have no idea what I can do 

Hang on a minute

Hey voice, any idea what the Eternal Mother chose?

The Firstborn named Eternal Mother chose the Tyrannis Branch

So if I chose the Primaris route then I would eventually be a more powerful flesh crafter than even the Eternal Mother. Also if I recall Mahaila did say that the Eternal Mothers hive was one of the largest hurdles to overcome. So much so that, the Eternal Mother was a high-priority target even amongst the Firstborn for the rebelling Humanoids.

Well I suppose the choice is easy then.

Lets go with the Primaris Branch.


[Primaris] Strain obtained

[Ether Mastery] upgraded to [Ether Ascendancy] 

[Flesh Sculpting X] upgraded to [Master of Flesh]

[Soul Sculpting I] acquired

[Gestalt Domination] upgraded to [Gestalt Ascendancy] 

[Psionic Transcendence VIII] upgraded to [Psionic Ascendancy]

[Hunger of the Undying] upgraded to [Endless Hunger]

[Gestalt Ascendancy] has unlocked Hivemind Upgrades

[One Mind One Vision] acquired

[Divided We Stand] acquired

[Ether Neural Matrix] acquired

Now this is interesting, it seems my Hive just got alot more dangerous. [One Mind One Vision] allows the lesser castes to tap into the intelligence of the greater hive. [Divided We Stand] allowed the individuals of the Hive to have less ties to the Hive Mind while still maintaining the loyalty and obedience. [Ether Neural Matrix] lets the Hive creatures draw power from other parts of the hive for a temporary boost to whatever functions they require.

As for the others it was just simple upgrades that boosted all my existing capabilities for Ether Manipulation. From what I can see I can now rip the Ether right out of weaker targets using [Ether Ascendancy]. [Psionic Ascendancy] was just a boost to memetic, cognition and reality based magic. [Endless Hunger] just increased my ability to absorb Ether which means I now have even more stamina. I could previously just eat the ether out of the air but now it seems I can do it far more effectively and ruthlessly. I might be able just jump into a crowd of weaker creatures and just suck dry everything in the vicinity.

[Master of Flesh] was just a flat-out upgrade to my Flesh Crafting abilities. The things I am going to do with this

That left one last question for the voice in my head

What the fuck is Soul Crafting?

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