Devouring Is Evolving: My Reincarnation As An Arctic Wolf

Chapter 15: Father Wolf was angry.

Night on the Arctic continent.


The sound of vehicles driving on the ice and snow not far away made Su Lin look over with a pair of faint green eyes.

This off-road vehicle was about a hundred meters away from him.

He didn't move.

Just quietly watching the off-road vehicle leave.

Although the Arctic continent is covered with ice and snow, there are also some explorers or researchers.

Nowadays, humans and animals mostly live in harmony.

Many nature reserves have even been planned to protect the living environment of animals.

Therefore, as long as it is not some vicious poachers, it is fine.

Su Lin was a human being in his previous life, and he still retains a bit of kindness in his heart towards human beings.


After watching the off-road vehicle leave, Su Lin howled in a low voice and motioned for Xiaohui, who had been hiding in the bushes and grass, to eat.

Xiaohui, who had been lying on the snow for two or three hours, was numb from the cold.

After hearing Surin's call, he moved the wolf's body, and then came to the musk ox carcass and began to eat it.

Howling while eating,

Expresses awe of the heroic boss and excitement of being fed.

And Su Lin found two round bushes from all around, and prepared to bring the hunted musk ox back to the cave by relying on the method of consigning the arctic reindeer last time.

One musk ox is enough to feed the entire wolf pack for several days.

Although the wolves are fine if they don’t eat for ten days and half a month,

But if there is enough food, I still think that I can eat enough every day.

Especially the wolf girl, who is still in a period of rapid growth,

Daily food is very important to her who is still in her infancy.

Now Su Lin has been promoted to level 5,

The power is also much greater than before.

The speed reached nearly thirty meters per second,

The slapping power of the wolf claws, the bite force of the wolf teeth, and the run-up attack power have all been significantly improved.

The wolf's body also reached 1.6 meters, including the wolf's tail, and its body length exceeded two meters.

With such a body shape, even if it is compared with the wolf father, it is not much different.

After inspecting the surrounding area and seeing that there was no danger, he planned to leave with the musk ox he had hunted.

And Xiao Hui was still eating voraciously, his stomach visibly grew from eating.

In the icy and snowy field, it is enough to eat six to seven full, otherwise it will slow down one's actions.

So this made Su Lin pat it on the head with a paw in the past.

It rolled around twice before getting up, howling in grievance.

Su Lin didn't explain it, because it was too complicated to understand with Xiaohui's simple IQ.

Only through **** reality and force can it be remembered in my heart.


Sulin howled impatiently, signaling Xiao Hui to drag the prey.

Although Xiao Hui was wronged, she ran over diligently.

After all, in its thinking, whatever the boss does is right and has unquestionable authority.

Xiao Hui is about to break through to level 3, and as a different species, it has a lot of strength.

With it helping to drag, Su Linfei didn't have much strength.

On the way back, I also met other hunters who smelled blood.

This is a pack of arctic wolves with one male and two females,

On the Arctic Continent, the pack of wolves led by the wolf father has eight adult arctic wolves, which are considered very strong.

Most wolves are scattered in three or four.

The strongest male arctic wolf in the pack of wolves currently blocking the way is only a level 5 attribute.

The other two females are level 4 and one level 3.

Su Lin didn't take such strength seriously.

As long as they dare to attack, Surin doesn't mind teaching this wolf pack a painful lesson.

But obviously, the leading male arctic wolf also felt that Su Lin was not easy to mess with.

Howled twice, and after a confrontation, he retreated knowingly.

Next, Su Lin and Xiao Hui dragged the musk ox carcass back to the cave.

When I first arrived near the cave, I saw the wolf father who was patrolling.

As the alpha wolf, father wolf is very responsible and often patrols the territory.

At this moment, Su Lin let go of his prey, and the wolf jumped onto a boulder and howled, signaling that Father Wolf had come back by himself.

The father wolf who was on patrol heard the howl, and looked over instantly with a pair of green eyes.

"The boy is back?"

It has been hanging in the heart, and finally slowly let go.

After waking up, he found that there were no Su Lin and Xiao Hui in the cave, so he was always worried.

After all, in today's Arctic continent, food is scarce, and many hunters eat almost everything.

It is worried about the safety of the cub.

Of course, besides

Father Wolf is the undisputed leader among wolves.

He was also very annoyed at Su Lin and Xiao Hui's leaving without permission.

The two cubs just started not to listen to it, how could it control the whole pack of wolves in the future.

Father Wolf felt depressed,

Now when it sees the little boy coming back, it is ready to give the little boy a hard lesson.

But soon, father wolf's keen sense of smell smelled a strong smell of blood.

In the middle of the night, the wolf's eyes reflected a faint green light,

Let it vaguely see that there are large bloodstains on the pristine white fur of its own cub.

This made father wolf show his fangs!

Is this kid hurt?


It roared angrily and ran over quickly.

And Su Lin, of course, also saw Father Wolf rushing towards him.


He howled at Father Wolf.

After running over, Father Wolf came directly to Su Lin, sticking out his tongue and licking Su Lin's hair.

Although it doesn't look as good as the wolf mother to Su Lin, but it cares for its own cub in the bottom of its heart.

Seeing Su Lin covered in blood and his green wolf eyes, UU reading www.uukanshu. com became full of viciousness and murderous intent.

"Huh? Is this **** smell wrong? It's not from the brat."

Father Wolf's sense of smell is very sensitive, and he can quickly distinguish the smell of blood.

Su Lin also howled low at this time, signaling Father Wolf to look behind him.

Father Wolf turned his head, and soon saw Xiao Hui still holding his prey.

Xiao Hui was still dragging the musk ox with great effort.

It's a pity that without Su Lin's help, even if there are shrubs to reduce friction,

It could only drag a short distance, so it stuck out its tongue on the spot tiredly, panting.

A picture of Xiao Hui with a naive appearance, so Dad Wolf just skipped it after looking at it.

The line of sight finally stayed on the dragged carcass of the musk ox.


Father Wolf jumped off the boulder, walked over, sniffed,

Some couldn't believe it was a musk ox,

Last time the cub hunted a few arctic rabbits, it could barely accept it.

After all, Arctic rabbits are not aggressive.

Apart from sensitive hearing and fast speed, there is nothing to pay attention to at all.

As long as you have enough experience and patience, you can hunt it.

But this is a musk ox!

Even a musk ox of this size would not dare to provoke it.

If one is accidentally pushed by a bull's horn, it will be considered useless.

Therefore, the wolf father who originally wanted to teach the cub a lesson,

After seeing the musk ox carcass, he fell silent.

Afterwards, he turned his head again, only to realize that the little cub had grown a lot bigger, and his body was already faintly comparable to it.

Strength, size, hunting, food.

The scene in front of him seemed to be telling silently that this little brat seemed to have surpassed it.

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