Dice In The Darkness: Cthulhu Calls

Chapter 254: Cross-Module

Chapter 254: Cross-Module

Upon entering the Private Room, Liu Xing spotted a young man leisurely sipping coffee.

"Young master, I've brought the person," said the man in black before leaving the Private Room.

Liu Xing raised an eyebrow and unceremoniously took a seat across from the young man. He then picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip.

It was bitter.

But to maintain his composure, Liu Xing forced himself to act unfazed.

"It seems like you have a liking for bitter coffee," the young man remarked with a smile.

Liu Xing nodded, setting down his coffee. "Of course, bitter coffee sharpens the mind. However, I still don't understand why you've sought me out. We don't seem to know each other, do we?"

Liu Xing had assumed that the person looking for him would be someone known to Watanabe Ryusei, but upon seeing this young man, he realized that there was no recollection of him in Watanabe Ryusei's memory.

"Heh, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Zhang Jingxu, a Chinese," Zhang Jingxu extended his hand and continued to smile.

What intrigued Liu Xing even more was the peculiar tattoo on Zhang Jingxu's wristtwo crossed long spears emitting an eerie green glow.

A marker tattoo!

Liu Xing raised an eyebrow, surprised to discover that Zhang Jingxu was also a player. Marker tattoos were a customary way for players to identify each other and were the most convenient method of meeting in some modules. In scenarios where players and NPCs mingled, these tattoos helped distinguish players from non-players.

Furthermore, there was an advanced version of marker tattoos, allowing players to add any color with an additional 10 points, which only other players could see.

However, Liu Xing now knew for sure that Ming Hanxing and Yin En were players, as the ongoing module he was involved in specifically stated that there were only three players. So, where had this player in front of him suddenly appeared from?

"Heh heh, congratulations, Liu Xing, you've encountered one of the key features of the Cthulhu Role-Playing Game Hallcross-module interactions. After all, our Cthulhu Role-Playing Game Hall has always emphasized being the truest of all, which often results in multiple simultaneous Cthulhu RPG Games in the same parallel world. Most modules, however, are set in distant locations, so many players may never experience cross-module encounters." KP Fangs said with a smile.

Liu Xing furrowed his brow, surprised that he had come into contact with players from other modules. It had to be destiny. Of course, this was largely due to the small size of the Island Nation's territory. When multiple modules ran concurrently, if a player from one module could move freely, it was highly likely to encounter players from other modules.

Wait, the name Zhang Jingxu sounded somewhat familiar.

Liu Xing raised an eyebrow, finally recalling that Zhang Jingxu was his companion from the temporary recruitment module when he had just advanced to the Shoggoth Region. However, at that time, Zhang Jingxu had been transformed into the appearance of a schoolboy due to the module's requirements. Now, he had returned to his original form, so Liu Xing hadn't recognized him right away, as the name and the previous image didn't match.

At this point, KP Fangs continued, "Well, since it's cross-module, the two of you players can enjoy ten minutes of Private Room time for free to catch up. After that, you can continue on your separate paths. Let's begin the countdown now."

As soon as KP Fangs finished speaking, Zhang Jingxu spoke up, "Wow, I didn't expect to encounter players from other modules. I thought you were an important NPC in my module."

Liu Xing chuckled and feigned mystery, "Zhang Jingxu, do you still remember me?"

Zhang Jingxu furrowed his brow and replied with some confusion, "Uh, do we know each other? Did you create a new character card? Let me think, the only player who could call me a classmate should be someone I met in the Ghoul area. After all, I graduated from school after advancing to the Shoggoth Region."

Liu Xing shook his head and smiled, "You're mistaken there. I'm Liu Xing, the doctor from the Internet Addiction Treatment Center."

At first, Zhang Jingxu looked puzzled, but then he slapped his thigh and said, "Ah, it's you! No wonder you can call me a classmate. It's unexpected to meet here. It seems we're quite fated. But speaking of which, Liu Xing, did you tear up your character card? I remember reading a news article about two Chinese tourists on the Yueshihao cruise ship who fell into a coma while trying to stop a cult ritual. One of them was named Liu Xing, and it was quite clear that the Yueshihao incident was a module. You were the player, but I never thought it would be you."

Liu Xing nodded and sighed, "Yes, that module was a competitive one. The two players on the fanatic side were a Ghoul and a Deep One hybrid. It was quite challenging, but in the end, we managed to overcome it. I didn't come out too badly."

Zhang Jingxu chuckled and asked with interest, "By the way, do you know anything about the specialty store you just entered? Any background information?"

Liu Xing raised an eyebrow. It seemed that Zhang Jingxu was aware that the store belonged to Mi Ge, and this module involved a confrontation with Mi Ge. However, Liu Xing couldn't reveal too much to Zhang Jingxu.

After careful consideration, Liu Xing smiled and replied, "I do know that the specialty store belongs to Mi Ge. However, I'm not entirely sure about the specifics. I encountered an NPC modified by Mi Ge in my module, and this NPC is crucial for my module's storyline, so I came here for a special purpose."

Zhang Jingxu naturally understood that Liu Xing hadn't been entirely truthful with him. Nevertheless, he chose not to press the issue. "I see. It seems, Liu Xing, you've been quite lucky. This specialty store is a trap set by Mi Ge to capture unsuspecting tourists from out of town. I'm sure you can imagine the fate that befalls those tourists, so when I saw you safely leaving the store, I assumed you were an NPC associated with Mi Ge."

Liu Xing nodded and inquired, "Indeed, without prior preparation, I might have fallen into the trap of this specialty store. But come to think of it, your module, Zhang Jingxu, seems quite challenging, involving Mi Ge."

Zhang Jingxu smiled and shook his head. "Not too bad, actually. My character card's profession is Taoist, and the main quest of this module involves assisting a local Kobe tycoon in dealing with a supernatural incident. The central character in this incident is a Void Spirit. Mi Ge's involvement, on the other hand, is a high-reward side quest. If we can locate Mi Ge's hideout, we'll earn 1000 points. That's why I've been here, keeping watch."

Liu Xing nodded in understanding. He hadn't expected Zhang Jingxu to be a Taoist, and a Void Spirit made for an intriguing focal point in a supernatural story. Void Spirits were lower-level mythical creatures with the ability to traverse dimensions. They possessed tough, leathery skin, covered in fur, and sported large claws. Their faces were flat, devoid of distinct features, and had empty eye sockets.

Despite their menacing appearance, Void Spirits were not particularly formidable in combat. However, they excelled at dimension-hopping, allowing them to move freely between higher and lower dimensional planes. By expending MP, they could transport objects or creatures to other dimensions. As a result, Void Spirits were known as elusive hunters. They particularly enjoyed tracking their prey across alternate dimensions, using various tactics to trap and eventually kill or abduct them. To NPCs, Void Spirits were synonymous with malevolent spirits and ghosts.

Reflecting on this, Liu Xing remarked, "Void Spirits are not easy to deal with. Their ability to traverse dimensions makes them formidable. But speaking of fate, the module I'm currently in features a Red-Clothed Female Ghost, and it's highly likely to be a genuine supernatural entity."

"Oh, that's interesting. Encountering real ghosts in a Cthulhu RPG Game is as rare as encountering them in real life, given the plethora of mythical creatures in the game," Zhang Jingxu said with a smile.

Liu Xing shrugged, neither confirming nor denying it. "By the way, Zhang Jingxu, could you tell me about the skills and traits of a Taoist? In my current module, there might be a female Taoist NPC with whom I have a strained relationship due to my character card's profession, which is actually that of a fanatic."

Zhang Jingxu chuckled and replied, "A female Taoist? That's somewhat unusual. Are you sure she's a Taoist and not a Yin Yang Master or something else? After all, Taoism is a distinct Chinese specialty, quite rare in the Island Nation."

Liu Xing nodded firmly. "I'm absolutely certain. This female Taoist is also Chinese and currently attending the same high school as my character card. But speaking of which, I assume Taoists have their own circles. Perhaps you know her? She has a rather unique and masculine nameLu Tianya."

Upon hearing the name Lu Tianya, Zhang Jingxu's expression turned shocked. "What? You mentioned Lu Tianya?!"

Liu Xing raised an eyebrow and confirmed, "Yes, Lu Tianya. Do you know her? By the way, I heard that Lu Tianya used to partner with a student named Zhang in their high school days, conducting various exorcism rituals in Magic Capital. Could that Zhang be you?"

Zhang Jingxu fell silent for a moment, then spoke with a touch of sadness, "Yes, that's me."

Liu Xing couldn't help but furrow his brow, unsure of what to say.

"Lu Tianya used to be a player herself, and she entered this game even before I did," Zhang Jingxu continued, his tone becoming somber. "Back then, I didn't understand what Cthulhu was, but she often told me about her dreamsterrifying, indescribable things she encountered in her sleep. She would narrowly escape death in these dreams. I used to tease her, thinking she was just having wild fantasies. Looking back, I realize how young and naive I was."

"Later, through a stroke of fate or perhaps inevitability, I entered the Cthulhu RPG Game myself. It was then that I finally understood what those nameless horrors she spoke of were. By that time, she had gone to the United States in search of the ultimate truth she believed in."

"Then, when I advanced to the Shoggoth Region, I encountered her once more. However, she had already forgotten me by then and had become an NPC. Still, we became friends once again, just like before."

"Afterward, I started investigating why she had become this way. The answer was quite simpleLu Tianya is just her initial character card. She tore up her character card due to some personal reasons and never resurrected it, so it automatically transformed into an NPC."

Having finished his explanation, Zhang Jingxu took a sip of his coffee.

"So, Zhang Jingxu, why didn't you stay with Lu Tianya? Why did you choose to disappear when you graduated?" Liu Xing asked, his curiosity piqued.

Zhang Jingxu sighed and smiled, saying, "Liu Xing, in the Cthulhu RPG Game, players aren't always in control. I was deceived by an Interlude Growth called 'The Road Ahead' right before our graduation ceremony. The result I drew was 'Mountain Retreat,' which forced me to leave her. I spent a whole year on Mount Longhu in seclusion, lost contact with her, and if it weren't for meeting you today, I wouldn't have known her whereabouts."

Liu Xing nodded, deep in thought. "I see. Well, when the Private Room time ends, let's steer the conversation toward Lu Tianya. This way, you'll know where to find her, and you can give me an item as well. That way, I can help you get in touch with Lu Tianya, and she probably won't have any reason to trouble me."

Zhang Jingxu nodded in gratitude. "Thank you, Liu Xing. I appreciate it."

At that moment, KP Fangs chimed in, "Time is nearly up. I'll end the Private Room time now. But I must remind both of you not to forget your respective modules. It's best to maintain some distance before your modules end, as both of them now involve Mi Ge. There's a risk of chemical reactions and mutual influence between the two modules. However, the main quests in both modules won't change, so please proceed with caution."

Private Room time came to an end.

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