Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 331

Chapter 331: Another Traitor?!


As one of the two remaining perennials bolted toward Eefran, the man suddenly gasped in pain, searching for what would be his final breath.

A claw dripping with black energy tore through the man’s chest without slowing or showing mercy. In a single swipe, the claw ripped through the man’s left lung and heart. As the dead invader collapsed, the now visible leopard had already lost interest in the corpse.

Vloz’s figure reeked with bloodlust. Unblinking, Vloz eyed the slowest of the perennial invaders. Before the bulky, fully armored perennial was able to tag-team against Nixt, Vloz streaked toward the man. The silent confidence Vloz showed mimicked the reaper appearing to claim his imminent victim, unable to be deterred or delayed.

But the man laughed proudly and arrogantly, “Bring it kitty!” He stopped charging and stood in wait of the leopard’s pounce, readying his greataxe with a toothy grin. Earth essence cascaded over his heavy armor and wind circled around the axe blade.

At full speed, Vloz lunged at the man without flinching. As the greataxe neared Vloz’s claw, Vloz narrowly ducked past the blade. He missed the claw attack but managed to bite into the shoulder plate.

The encounter was brief. At that moment, Vloz stepped back without taking any damage and the man’s heavy armor was barely damaged. Both were confident in their skills. And both dared attack again without fear of the other.


“Not bad!” the bulky man’s heavy laughter boomed through the nearby battlefield. “You’re fast, but that’s all you’ve got! Wanna go again, little kitty?”

Squinting and glaring, Vloz paid close attention to their surroundings.

Despite successfully sectioning off the battlefields, that didn’t mean that the battle wouldn’t be bloody. It only increased the odds of Iron Army succeeding in the end. Yet Vloz was unfazed by the spilled blood of both sides. Why would he? He had personally spilled more blood than anything the current battle had offered, no matter how red the ground was beginning to turn.

But Vloz’s attention seemed to linger mostly on the two perennials at the front of the fort walls. This wasn’t hard for the bulky man to notice.

“So what? You paid one of us off, not a difficult thing to do among mercenaries,” the man jested while tanking a claw attack in exchange for a free swing of his axe. “If you were smarter, then maybe you would’ve paid off more than just one!”

Vloz said nothing in reply. He focused on sidestepping the swinging axe, but that wasn’t enough to fully evade the attack. A small cut dribbled blood across Vloz’s side. The fresh blood blended in with the spots on his fur coat.

“A Blood-spotted Leopard... Your pelt will be a great trophy!”

“Don’t you want to get in on this?”

Marsel chuckled and grinned in sarcasm but was startled to see seriousness behind Lambier’s stare. “What do you mean?”

“That’s the next part of the plan,” Lambier stated quietly, keeping their conversion private among the loud battlefield.

“This is all according to plan, huh?” Marsel chuckled some more as they continued to throw half-hearted attacks at one another.

“Yes, and the next part is for you to accept.”

“Then what’s the offer? What have you got that will entice me mid-battle? It had better be good.”

Lambier slowed momentarily and brandished a sly smile. “One thousand gold.”

“That’s it? That won’t be enough to–”

“I wonder what’s keeping your king busy for so long?”

Reminded of the general’s absence, Marsel glanced at the earthen dome far from the battlefield. There were no sounds or shouts coming from the dome, adding to the suspense.

Lambier continued, “We’re just about even now, yet the army’s plans have been ruined every time... Do you think that pattern will change without the general or I calling the shots?”

Scoffing, Marsel shook his head and threw another flaming punch. “Still, one thousand isn’t enough to–”

“One thousand now, and five thousand after we win.”


“You heard me.” The sound of jingling coins appeared along with a fat, leather coin pouch in Lambier’s hand. “One thousand now, five thousand after we win. Far more than the victory bonus you’ll get from Bicard and the client.”

“But what sort of guarantee can you–”

“Going once!”

Marsel’s eyelids tightened as he glared at Lambier with a surprised grin.


“Give me that!” Dropping his flames, Marsel ran to snatch the pouch from Lambier without a fight. Feeling the heft of the bag and stealing a quick peak, Marsel nodded in satisfaction. “This... is–”

“At least fifteen hundred gold,” laughed Lambier. “You were easier to convince than expected. You didn’t even offer a counter!”

“Why not open up with that?”

“Never start with your limit in a negotiation. Always test the waters before offering everything. Now, shall we?”

Nodding, Marsel stored the sack of gold and turned around. He reactivated his fire essence and shook his head to the battling armies. “Well... It’s not the first time I’ve turned coat. But we should end this before Bicard gets free!”

“Way ahead of you!”

Lambier streaked through the air, leaving Marsel alone as he flanked the perennial targeting Eefran.

“Lambier, what are you– AAaahh!” Grunting in pain, the man jumped back. He made sure both the bloodied wildebeest and former assistant were in front of him. His bleeding back wouldn’t be able to handle more wind blades carving through his earth essence.

“MARSEL! GET ON YOUR MAN!” ordered the bulky perennial dueling with Vloz.

Vloz kept quiet as he waited to see what the lone perennial would do.

Taking in a long breath and popping the knuckles on both hands, Marsel nodded to the axe-wielding perennial. But instead of charging after Lambier, Marsel doused himself in flames and threw a rain of fire on top of Nixt and his opponent.

“If that kills you, it’s not my fault!” Marsel’s laugh filled the surrounding area, making sure that anyone nearby would be attracted to the guffaw.

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