Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 343

Chapter 343: Celebrating Victory

As Hurman rolled up the scroll and stepped back, Vloz nodded to the two men waiting at the top of the stairs. Nixt and Marsel nodded back and descended the steps on either side of the archway. They moved slowly and respectfully, each with a torch in hand.

All looked on with respect as the men neared the two platforms.

“Never forget this moment!” shouted Vloz.

Accepting their cue, Nixt and Marsel both lowered the torches and set the platforms ablaze. Both used their essence to spread the flames around their platforms to ensure that everything caught fire.

Then, they both backed away slowly. They took in the sight along with everyone else as the fallen were given a final farewell.

Together, the army and the captives patiently waited. None dared speak out or talk whilst the fires burned. Though Nixt and Marsel stayed nearby to help increase or control the heat as necessary.

Once the final embers died down, the platforms were nothing more than ashy remains. By then, two hours had passed. Then, Vloz spoke again, “We’re indebted to those that gave their lives to protect Iron Territory. And we’re emboldened by those that lost their lives to stand against Iron Territory. This mark in our history will serve as motivation for the future. Surely, the next generation will one day see this monument for themselves, but it’s best that we also share our memory to enliven the event in their minds.




More people joined in again. The rallying cry echoed and boomed throughout the surrounding area. Many would’ve believed that the walls themselves were shaking, but it was likely their hearts and minds instead.

“... Men, it’s time to go home!”

Those below cheered once more as Vloz and company began their descent from the wall. Camp had already been taken down. All that remained was covering up the remains. By the time Vloz and company had reached the ground, the gorillas, stallions, and wildebeests were nearly finished burying the cinders. A few moments later and Vloz, with Rathe now on his back, began leading the army back home.

They didn’t rush their march but they didn’t waste their time either.

Since the captives were quite cooperative, it made things a little easier. Though that was partly due to Iron Army being merciful and actually caring for them, such as offering food and blankets after taking their void equipment. They didn’t have any reason to think their captors would do anything to them, not when they could’ve just killed them and thrown them onto that mass pyre without batting an eye.

It took the rest of that day and the day after to reach Iron Town, but their arrival was welcomed with cheers and adulation heard far before they reached the town walls.

Whether they had family that went off to battle or were new to the territory, those still in the city happily cheered for their victorious protectors. And it being Iron Army’s first battle and victory made it all the more special.

Merchants offered sales galore, mostly granting greater discounts for larger orders. Traders able to cook had prepared impromptu stands and offered meals and drinks on demand. And Iron Town’s first few taverns and restaurants had rushed to have things ready for the celebration, or at least ready enough to serve their dishes.

One thing that had surprised everyone was Vloz’s final decision before disbanding the army for the celebration. Thanks to Vloz, the captives were each given a small coin purse and allowed to participate in the festivities. Though it wasn’t a lot of money individually, there wasn’t anyone who wasn’t startled to hear the order.

But that was all part of Vloz’s and Rathe’s plan. To gather more and more cultivators. The stronger, the better. And a majority of the surviving mercenaries were high and peak elders, exactly what they wanted to help boost Iron Territory’s reputation, strength, and status. Offering them a chance to experience how free Iron Territory was in contrast to being held captive was a perfect strategy. The difference in treatment was too stark to ignore or put aside. Then, it would be all the easier for Iron Territory to negotiate and get those cultivators to side with them for cheaper or lesser positions.

“Poor Rathe...”

“Don’t say that! He deserves to miss out!” Ania scoffed with a chuckle.

Vloz laughed as well, glad for a chance to rarely enjoy himself without a need to put on airs.

Knock, knock.

“Come in!” Ania happily shouted.

“Thank you.” Netra bowed as she stepped into the house, followed by her mother. “Please forgive Mrado, but he decided to enjoy the night with his friends from the academy.”

Laughing and glancing at the young fox, Ania continued cooking over her fireplace, “Don’t worry. Boys will be boys. Yeter did the same, so don’t be bothered at all.”

“Thank you again,” Puula added, nodding with an amiable smile as she sat down with her daughter. “I’ve heard so much about your cooking but have never had it myself.”

Nodding emphatically, Netra stated, “She’s an amazing cook! I’ve only had some of the lunches she’s shared at school, but I’m sure having it fresh off the fire is even better.”

“No need to flatter me,” chuckled Ania. “I’m just lucky to have learned it growing up.”

“Would you...”

“Would I what, Netra?” Ania asked.

“Would you... teach me?”

“Now, I’m sure your mother–”

“I’m a terrible cook.” Shrugging, Puula held nothing back as she admitted, “I’ve never been able to cook even one remarkable dish. It’s a bit harder with paws but that’s still only an excuse...”

“Well, why don’t I teach you both?” suggested Ania, getting both foxes to smile widely. “And I’m sure Vloz will be more than willing to be our test subject.”

The leopard purred quietly as he lowered his wine goblet from his lips. “Of course I don’t mind. I’d gladly eat all of the free delicacies.”

“And who knows. Maybe Puula will finally get your attention.”



Vloz and Puula both cried out, each in a differing tone. But Netra chuckled quietly as Ania changed the subject and asked about how Mrado was adjusting to Netra surpassing him in cultivation.

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