Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 353

Chapter 353: Zelsh’s Warm Welcome

“Are you trying to scare my friends?”

“That depends on who they are,” laughed the voice, echoing less and less as it got closer. A moment later, a tall, broad figure appeared from the hallway. The man instantly blinked and was taken aback the moment he spotted the gorilla. “What... Who, may I ask, are your friends?”

“Zelsh, do you remember Ania, Bradok’s prized daughter?”


“And this is Vloz, the long-time companion to Bradok’s idiot son, Rathe,” Jarrit continued the introductions, getting the king to be silent for a moment. “Also, Puula and her daughter, Netra, have tagged along as representatives of Ania’s and Vloz’s territory.”

“Oh, so Bradok actually got himself a vacation home?” joked the king, getting a laugh from the traveling party. He lowered his head in a friendly bow, keeping his eyes raised ever so slightly. “Welcome to my city. Any friend of Jarrit’s is a friend of mine, especially for someone like you, Ania.”

Sighing, Ania asked, “So my dad is still doing fine?”


“I’d say so. He even ascended a few years back. And now you’ve come to steal him away, leaving me without a banquet chef.”

“If you’d like, I’m willing to cook you and dad a small feast. Hopefully, that–”

Zelsh threw up his arms in excitement, cutting her off, “Wonderful! I look forward to it!”

“A small feast,” Ania repeated, confident before the king who she had met a few times thanks to her father, “for all of us and your immediate family.”

“If it lets me try your food, then I’ll gladly accept! The kitchen is all yours! How long will you all be staying with us?” asked Zelsh, scanning over the rest of the party. He was intrigued by them all, sensing hints of divine energy from everyone but the younger fox. But it was that younger fox that immediately caught his eye. “You’re name was Netra, correct?”


“You’re quite special. If you–”

“We’ve already tested her and know about her perfect affinity,” stated Vloz, getting a chuckle from Zelsh. “She’s our entrant in the upcoming tournament, so she may become an adversary to your region and prefecture.”

“Well, it was worth a shot. Even then, being a rival in the tournament doesn’t make her an enemy...” Zelsh mentioned with a shrug.

“We appreciate your interest,” Puula stated, bowing along with her daughter.

“If you’re really that interested, just say the word and I’ll make sure she’s properly trained. Sadly, my hands are full with...” For a split second, Zelsh’s face twitched. An epiphany flashed across his face but he quickly caught himself and continued, “I can’t offer my personal guidance at the moment due to my other students. But if she’s in need of something and I can help, feel free to pay a visit and discuss the matter.”

“Thank you, King Zelsh. We’ll keep that in mind,” Vloz replied with a bow. “As her teacher, I may take you up on that offer in the future.”

“We’ll only be staying one night, so we shouldn’t waste too much time.” Ania reasoned, “Puula and Netra came because they’ve never been to such a city. We thought coming here would be good preparation for Netra before the tournament.”

“Ahhh. You’re as smart as Bradok said,” complimented Zelsh. “You’ve grown up so much since I last saw you.”

“Thank you. But don’t believe everything that my father says during his wild stories.”

Zelsh lifted an eyebrow and asked, “Really? I heard you’re the only one who could out-drink him. Is that not true?”

“Well... That is true,” Ania chuckled.

“Then I look forward to the feast and all of your company! But for now, I should get on with my scheduled duties. If you’re interested, you’re all welcome to watch me train some of our own competitors.”

A shimmer of interest appeared in Netra’s gaze. She spoke without thinking, “Is there a chance I could join?”


“Just for today?” Netra gingerly stared at her mom, begging for permission.

Zelsh laughed and shrugged, “If you want to, you’re welcome to join in. I always support talents testing each other on the battlefield. It’s the best way to learn about your own cultivation. Of course, that’s if you’re alright with it.”

“I support her.”

Turning to the side, Puula was a little shocked to see Vloz backing Netra. “Vloz, this is for–”

“The point of her being here was to broaden her horizons before the tournament. What better way than for her to face the best competition anyone can offer?” reasoned Vloz. “Besides, it’s not like they’re fighting in the actual tournament. We’ll make sure she’s safe at all times. She’ll have time tomorrow morning to see the city, so why not let her experience some real competition?”

“... Fine. Netra, if you want–”

“Thank you, Mom!” Giving Puula a quick hug with her tails, Netra stepped forward. “I’m ready.”

“Good. Will you all be spectating?” asked Zelsh.

“I will.” Jarrit raised his hand, eager to watch what was about to happen.

Vloz nodded and agreed, “Me too.”

“Of course I’ll watch my daughter...” sighed Puula.

Only Ania remained silent for a moment. “I’d like to, but I have a feeling I should drag my father out of bed first... I’ll go get him and meet you in the colosseum. Is that okay?”

“That sounds fine by me.” Stepping aside, Zelsh let Ania walk past him. “He’s still renting that same shack.”

“Thank you!”

As Ania sped away through the halls, Zelsh swung his arms and began walking in the opposite direction. “Follow me. By the way, has Netra ever fought anyone with divine potential?”

“What do you mean?” Netra asked.

“No... Actually, she has once. But her opponent wasn’t at her level, so it wasn’t considered an even match,” answered Vloz, confusing the young fox.

“Okay. Well, I’ve accepted some with less experience before, so at least she has that going for her. But don’t expect that to be the case today,” Zelsh chuckled playfully. “Make sure to be on your toes, Netra. Or you won’t know what knocked you out.”

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