Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 356

Chapter 356: Netra vs Vant

“My little girl’s all grown up...” Sighing, Bradok happily took Ania’s hand. Once on his feet, he pulled her in for a hug, now calmly holding her as tears began to fall. “I’m so glad you’re alright.”

“Of course I’m fine, Dad. I’m not your weak, baby girl anymore,” Ania mentioned, also enjoying the tender embrace.

With a shake of his head, Bradok replied, “I... You’re right. But you’ll always be my little Ania. And you look... so much like your mother. I knew you’d get more than her tolerance for alcohol.”

“That’s enough, Dad. Come on, we should head to the palace. I–”

“Right! I need to show you off–” THWACK!

“Dad. That’s not why I came. But we need to go meet up with Vloz and the others at the palace.”

“Oh, they’re here?!” Immediately forgetting the slap, excitement flashed across Bradok’s eyes. “You found the brat?!”


Ania promptly turned her father toward the exit, adding, “Hurry up. I’ll explain everything after we get there.”

“I’m going, I’m going!” laughing loudly, Bradok’s words echoed throughout the run-down building. He leaped off the second-floor balcony and didn’t even look back to see his daughter do the same. “Last one there prepares the reunion feast!”

“Alright!” Ania chuckled, letting her father have his fun without mentioning her promise to Zelsh.

Both gorillas took off through the city streets. Like in the days of old, Ania let her father take a close lead. She wasn’t the type to force her way through a crowd unnecessarily. However, all locals knew to steer clear of the speeding gorilla chef or face the consequences. With people actively clearing the way, they both made it to the palace in record time.

“Where to?” Bradok asked.

“To the arena,” answered Ania, who followed her father past all guards and doormen. “But don’t interrupt the sparring matches.”

“Sparring matches? Don’t tell me that brat–”

“No, Dad. I can guarantee it’s not Rathe learning a lesson from Zelsh.”

Booming laughter echoed from Bradok’s toothy grin, “Good! I’ll be the first to teach him after he’s avoided me for so long!”

Very soon, the charging chef finally slowed his steps as the open-air colosseum came into view. He only stopped to get a good look at the match taking place below and then at the people seated in the first row. “Who’s the fox?”

“She...” Ania took a moment to sigh before speaking without a plan. “That’s Netra, our entrant in the upcoming championship.”

“Her?! You already have someone that qualified??” questioned Bradok, brandishing a proud smile.

“That’s right.”

“Too bad, though...”

“What?” Noticing a tinge of regret in her father’s expression, Ania gave him a nudge. “What’s the matter now? Is it because you don’t see Rathe?”

“I was hoping to see my grandson.”

“WHAT?!! You... What?!?”

“I was hoping I’d find my grandson sparring in the arena, perhaps preparing to follow in Dioro’s footsteps...” Bradok sighed. “But you two still haven’t gotten busy?”


Without warning for those nearby, the sound of Ania’s slap reverberated across the colosseum. Those in the front row looked back to find a bulky gorilla tumbling down the stone steps with great force. It was the small wall between the stands and the arena that eventually stopped Bradok’s fall.

“You’ve only arrived and you’re already causing trouble?” Zelsh chuckled.

“Sorry...” groaning, Bradok rolled over and stretched his back after the uncomfortable landing. “Ania, what was that–”

Ignoring her father’s comment, Ania walked past him and took a seat by Puula. “Sorry, I’m late. I wasn’t expecting to take so long dragging him here. And I apologize for disrupting the match.”

“Don’t worry, Ania. It seems neither of them was fazed by Bradok’s graceful landing,” Zelsh replied with a laugh.

While Bradok sat by Ania, everyone else turned their focus back to the match at hand.

On one side, Netra stood with a cloak of dark essence surrounding her. Across from her, Vant calmly met her gaze with a shroud of wind essence around him.

“Are you going to strike first? Or shall I?” Vant asked.

Netra took a moment to think before responding, “Either works. But I wonder what type of energy that is...”

“Then allow me to show you first hand.”

Vant immediately lunged forward with a terrifyingly fast first step. He appeared before Netra with a swift swing of his sword, fast enough to catch most off guard. But Netra’s calm remained as she hopped back and narrowly evaded the blade. However, she then felt something wet in her fur, particularly on her left shoulder.

However, Vant’s next attack was already in full swing before Netra had a moment to figure out what was going on. She managed to dodge the attack again but felt more wetness near her other shoulder.

“Illusions... This will be hard...” Netra sighed while taking in a deep breath, maintaining her cool despite the situation.

As the third attack came, Netra backed away completely. And that time, no unseen attack managed to reach her, confirming her hypothesis. Yet, she didn’t stay back for long. While Vant sped back toward her, Netra charged back toward Vant. As Vant’s visible blade began to arc toward the fox, Netra then vanished from everyone’s sight.

With a whiff, Vant glanced about his surroundings. He wasn’t worried or nervous. But he wasn’t lowering his guard either. Vant closed his eyes as more wind was kicked up around him in a near-perfect sphere.

“Good...” Vloz complimented with a small nod. “You’ve trained him well.”

Chuckling softly, Zelsh mentioned, “Maybe, but he still has to catch her...”

The colosseum was silent and motionless for five seconds. All eyes were on Vant, waiting for someone to strike. But the next attack wasn’t toward Vant. At least, it wasn’t toward the Vant visible near the center of the ring. A second wind-wielding swordsman suddenly appeared a few krin away, with a slash across his side.

As the first copy of Vant disappeared, another sphere of wind appeared around the bleeding swordsman, along with an excited grin on his face.

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