Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 383

Chapter 383: Please Tell Me What Happened


“Silence!” Inka shouted, readying her fist. “One more word, and I’ll personally take a crack at you.”

“Finally, the lizard gets the timeout he deserves,” Vloz scoffed, getting everyone roaring with laughter. “Sadly, I can’t play with you anymore. But, maybe one of these nights, I can pay you a visit and spend some more time with you. How does that sound? Would the lizard like that?”

“Sh-” Brak slammed his mouth shut. He roared with his mouth shut, creating a strange growling noise for everyone to hear and laugh at.

Letting Vloz support Ania, Treeda approached the downed dragon with a satisfied smile. “Two broken femurs... A snapped pelvic bone... And I’m glad to know that the rumors about assassins are true, though I’ve never actually met an assassin who’s tried it. Vloz, I can see how you almost killed my subordinates.”

“That was an old job, one I failed and never got paid for,” Vloz joked. “Feel free to forget about that.”

“Well, I won’t be forgetting this for the rest of my life. That was far more satisfying than anything I’d expected.” Treeda asked, “Is it just you, or are all assassins great at interrogation too?”


Vloz shrugged. “That depends. I’m sure no first-class assassin is bad at interrogation, but I tend to have a little too much fun with it.”

Treeda leered at Brak, who shrunk back from her piercing eyes. Seeing Brak like this, Treeda remembered the detailed injury report Inka mentioned earlier. “I guess even a proud Razor-hide Dragon like you can cower in fear and pain... And it must’ve been even worse going up against Dioro... I wish I could’ve seen Dioro’s handy work personally...Ania, which house is for me?”

Struggling to lift her finger, Ania replied, “That one.”

“Then I’ll help you get there. I’ve requested a meeting with you, and already got Draco’s approval.”

“Very well, then I’ll retire until the feast is ready. As will Brak,” Inka stated, bowing to Treeda. “Thank you for your time, Lord Treeda.”

“Of course, Inka. Thank you. I look forward to the remaining reparations Tempest will be offering Toxic-shadow.”

They separated and entered their respective homes. A gorilla dragged Brak into his house while Vloz joined Ania and Treeda. Once inside, Treeda activated one of her rings to create a silencing barrier.

Speaking softly, Treeda laid Ania on one of the sofas, “Thank you, Ania. And I’m sorry your family was dragged into all this.”

“D-don’t mind me... Lord Treeda,” Ania muttered.

“I must, Ania. Your clan...” Suddenly, to Vloz’s and Ania’s shock, tears fell from Treeda’s cheeks. “Your clan made it possible for me to see Trada before she died.”

“What?!” Ania and Vloz shouted together.

Nodding, Treeda continued, “Trada, with her failing body, flew home and told me what happened, before she passed within the hour...”

Ania was about to ask something, but Vloz spoke up first, “Trada made it back?”

“Did she not tell you before she left?” Treeda chuckled softly, “That’s... just like her. Never bothering others, even in drastic situations...”

“Lord Treeda, may I ask you a question?” When Treeda nodded, Vloz bowed and asked, “If Trada made it home and told you everything, why are you asking to meet us? We’re but perennials, leading a young, minor territory.”

Treeda sighed, “... There are two reasons. The first, to extend my gratitude for allowing me to see my daughter’s dying moments. The second... because some things aren’t adding up...

“According to Trada, her egg was lost to Brak, as was the void ring I had gifted her. Yet, according to everyone else, Brak was chased off by Dioro, something I didn’t hear about until earlier this morning. And hearing Inka’s witness, as well as your own, Ania, I’m struggling to believe the dying words of my daughter...”

Before Ania could reply, she heard Vloz’s voice in her mind, ‘Me careful mentioning Oli and the ring he was gifted.’

Seeing Ania’s hesitation, Treeda smiled softly and asked, “Please, from one mother to another, would you tell me what happened in more detail?”

“Yeah... I don’t know much about your daughter... but I’ll tell you what we know,” replied Ania. “Do you mind... if Vloz recounts everything? ... He knows... everything I do.”

Treeda smiled at them both. “Of course. But, please, don’t fall asleep just yet, in case there’s something you can add to the story.”

Ania nodded and gave Vloz the floor, passing Treeda’s eager stare to the leopard.

“I’ll tell you everything I know,” Vloz stated, standing behind Ania’s couch. “The gorilla clan was being attacked by a baboon clan at the time, and Oli, Ania’s and Dioro’s son, was being chased. Suddenly, plumes of fire began to fill the forest indiscriminately. To evade his pursuers, Oli ran toward the fire’s origin. There, Oli watched your daughter face Brak.”

Watching Treeda get more and more emotionally invested, Vloz continued, “Trada was adamant to protect her hallow and her unborn child. Brak ordered Oli to bring him the egg while he held off Trada. But, in the end, Oli grabbed the egg and ran away, doing what Trada had asked of him...

“Then, Trada fought Brak till she was on the brink of death. And Brak didn’t bother finishing her off, possibly thinking he would eat the egg in front of her...” sighed Vloz, getting a spike of emotion out of Treeda and an agreeing nod.

“That’s when I ran into Oli, along with my friend Rathe, Oli’s uncle and Ania’s brother. Rathe tried to slow Brak and failed. I tried to flee and evade, but couldn’t outrun Brak. And just before Brak took Oli’s life and claimed the egg, Dioro intervened...

“To stop Brak and protect his son, Dioro burned his soul as fuel to make numerous breakthroughs... Had he but one more minute to live, Dioro would’ve chased Brak and finished him off. But that was impossible. So Dioro collapsed the moment Brak fled with critical injuries...”

Shrugging, Vloz added, “After that, we don’t know much else about Trada. During Dioro’s funeral later that day, Trada appeared to us all and thanked Oli. She paid respects to Dioro’s grave and collected her child... In exchange for keeping her child safe, Trada helped Oli form his core, since his father was no longer able to. Once Oli formed his core, Trada vanished without a word to any of us.”

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