Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 385

Chapter 385: Aren’t You Curious?

“... Go on. I’ll let you pick up your glass.”

Treeda’s deadly glare never left the man’s visage. But the pressure around her arm lessened, allowing Treeda to move.

“No, no. No attacks allowed...” the man chuckled, locking up her arm before she could amass her essence. “I told you. I come as an ally, not an enemy.”

“You threatened my prefecture!” Treeda roared, finally able to speak. “You dare sneak up on me and-”

“This is not sneaking up on you. If I had lethal intentions, you’d have died without ever seeing me.”

Treeda blinked and stayed her tongue. Assessing the situation, she couldn’t refute that statement.

Extending his hand, spiritual energy flowed out of the man and into Ania’s exhausted body. Immediately, the fatigue began to leave Ania as she felt more and more rejuvenated.


“As I said, I’m no enemy. Do you consider Ania an enemy?”

“What do you mean by that? You’re working with the gorillas-”

“Do you consider Rhyner an enemy?”

“... You’re working with Rhyner? Is that how he took control of this region?” Treeda questioned.

Sighing, the man asked, “Do you consider Zelsh an enemy?”

“Zelsh?!” Unable to answer, Treeda was silent.

“Zelsh has already agreed to work with me. As for Ania and Vloz, they have only been a part of my plans because they have no other choice,” stated the man. “But Dioro was actively participating in my plans, just like Zelsh is now. And I want to offer you the same thing I’m offering Zelsh. And no, it has nothing to do with overthrowing you or taking over your clan. I could do that on my own, without your consent.”

“... What’s going on?” Treeda looked at Ania. “Do you know this man?”

“Technically, I’ve met him a few times, but I know nothing about this man,” Ania answered, now sitting up.

“Would you prefer to hear from Zelsh personally? That can be arranged...”

Knock, knock...

Vloz opened the door, letting Bradok and Zelsh enter the room. Before the door was closed, Zelsh struggled to keep his eyes from popping out as he spotted Treeda and her irritated glare.

With the door shut and the silencing barrier expanded, the new guests sat on the ground and joined the conversation.

“Zelsh, would you please confirm to Treeda that I mean her no harm and that I’m here to ally with her,” the man calmly suggested. “Don’t mention my identity, but assure her of my intentions to bring her clan peace and prosperity.”

“Lord Treeda... what he says is true.” Leaving Treeda silent in astonishment, Zelsh added, “And, while I can’t say exact details here, I can assure you that he’s only shown himself because he wants to work with you, not against you. Trust me, Lord Treeda. You know I would never work with someone without a reason and a just cause.”

Treeda took a long breath. She held it in while examining the faces of everyone in the room, ending with the hood covering the mysterious man’s face. “If you have nothing to hide, why not show your face?”

“I’ve shown them all my face at moments. However, in your case, I’ll only do so if you promise to contain yourself and say nothing.”

“What’s that supposed to mean? I know you?!”

“I wouldn’t say you know me... but that’s the requirement. Do you agree?”

“Hmm... Fine. Show me your face.”

A ginger grin spread across the man’s pale grey cheeks. With one hand, the man lifted the hood ever so slightly, showing only his face and not his head.

Treeda’s mouth opened out of shock and reflex, but her jaw instantly tightened, rendering her unable to utter a single sound.

“You promised... be glad I helped you keep that promise instead of punishing you,” jested the man, placing his hood back over his face. “So, do you believe Zelsh now?”

Her jaw slackened and Treeda blurted, “Yes! I believe you... But why? What’s going on!?!”

“Shh. Just because we’re in a barrier doesn’t mean you can shout.” Shaking his head, the man asked, “Must I say anything more about myself, or will you finally hear me out?”

Getting an immediate nod, the man chuckled, “That’s more like it... Now, listen carefully, all of you. I already told you that things were changing in ways I couldn’t control, on their side and ours. For instance, I wasn’t expecting Ania to give Treeda a first-hand demonstration of Dioro’s cultivation technique and soul art... Or, how Lord Draco is even more insistent to hide Netra’s abilities than I’d anticipated.

“That being the case... I now want your inclusion in my plans, Treeda. And you’ve got two options. One, you completely submit to my plans and your clan receives my personal backing. Or two, I leave right now and we never talk again. And should I find a hint of you mentioning me or anything I may be involved in, I silence you and your entire clan personally. Which will it be?”

“... Since when has a-”

“No mentioning one of my identities, Treeda. That’s rule number one,” stated the man, silencing her yet again. “Now, decide. Do you choose option one, or option two?

“... In case you need me to recap, option one comes with me giving you a full-scope reveal of my plan and my intentions, up to a certain degree. And your clan’s prosperity becomes one of my top priorities as well. Intriguing, no?”

There was no longer any pressure holding Treeda back. But her demeanor made a drastic flip. Treeda’s leering gaze turned soft and hesitant, like a young teen receiving their first love letter from someone they’d never met. Her tense muscles relaxed to the point that Treeda couldn’t sit up straight, slouching over while overthinking everything.

“Aren’t you curious how your daughter made it home?” remarked the man. “Haven’t you always questioned how she made that impossible flight without attracting any suspicion from your territories and regions?”

Treeda’s eyes bulged. Gradually, Treeda raised her head to see the man’s gentle expression. Words escaped her. All thoughts in Treeda’s mind vanished, leaving her incoherent.

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