Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 394

Chapter 394: Exhibition with Unheard of Rewards

Slazza gave them a brief pause, allowing himself to run through the exact information he needed to share.

In the meantime, Inka looked to Treeda and got an awkward nod in return. Zelsh was startled to see Treeda so shaken. Even he couldn’t tell what exactly she was feeling.

“These are the rules of your exhibition. First. The arranged date shall change. You’ll have one additional sun, a total of eleven days, to ready yourselves for the exhibition,” Slazza stated, getting a nod from each prefecture lord.

“Second. Each of the three prefectures shall present five candidates instead of the usual four for standard exhibitions.”

No one said anything in reply, but Slazza and Narja could sense the confusion on everyone’s faces begin to set it. But Slazza continued, knowing they hadn’t even mentioned the strangest parts of the exhibition.

“Third. No cultivator that is above mid-elder, and would also not meet the requirements of the upcoming mortal championship, is permitted to participate.” Turning to Inka, Slazza confirmed, “Is it true that Tempest’s perfect candidate has already become a high-elder?”

Inka nodded. “That’s correct.”


Slazza shrugged. “Then, sadly, he will not be permitted within the tournament. Now, moving along. Fourth. Killing and crippling are not permitted. Any candidate that kills or cripples another will be killed or crippled as recompense to the offended prefecture.

“Fifth. The quadrant will be entering one candidate, bringing the total number of combatants to sixteen.”

“The quadrant is participating in the exhibition?!” Isaac almost shouted with full force, barely catching himself.

Nodding, Slazza explained, “The quadrant will be entering a single combatant. However, the quadrant will not be participating in the bid to make a claim. Should the quadrant’s candidate win, then the prefecture that comes in second will earn the right to make their claim.

“Also...” Slazza’s sudden stop of the tongue caught everyone off guard. They all paid close attention, waiting for Slazza to admit, “Six. With the addition of the quadrant’s candidate, an additional prize can potentially be won... A boon shall be gifted to any prefecture whose candidate outranks the quadrant’s candidate in the end.”

Since everyone was silently experiencing shock and fear to some degree, Slazza continued, “Seven. The candidate from the quadrant is allowed to be killed in battle. And should a prefecture candidate accomplish that feat, that particular candidate will gain uncontested entry into the second half of the quadrant finals in the coming Mortal Championship.”


Even Slazza took some time to process his own announcement. Now, everyone else understood the strange expression on Treeda’s face and experienced it for themselves.

“And would the killing candidate face repercussions for killing the quadrant’s private candidate?”

Blinking, the entire room looked at Bradok. No one could believe the lack of shock on his face.

Bradok asked again, “Would there be repercussions?”

“No. There would be none.” Slazza recomposed himself and answered, “Also, the awarded slot for killing the quadrant’s candidate will not count against your usual entries in the tournament. So, not only is it a guaranteed entry into the final bracket of the Mortal Championships, you’ll still be permitted to enter four other candidates as usual. Consider this not only an opportunity for the prefectures to impress the quadrant, but also the chance for a particular quadrant candidate to impress the quadrant.

“And, though not a rule, this must also be declared.” Slazza took a deep breath to give them all a moment to recollect their focus. “It is my privilege to decree and to announce that the Noxious God, the almighty Kartzal Toseko will personally oversee the exhibition.”

“WHAT?!!!” All three prefecture lords bellowed, including Treeda.

Slazza replied as casually as he could manage, “Yes. God Toseko informed me of this just before we departed from Virulent City. I will not ask if you’re okay with his arrival, as you have no right and no power to stop his appearance from happening.

“Eight,” Slazza continued listing the rules, not letting anyone say another word. “God Toseko shall provide healing items for all. This will allow us to hold the entire tournament within a single day, with back-to-back fights and as few breaks as possible.

“Also, for the sake of Iron Territory, you’ll be working hand in hand with a crew assigned by the quadrant to help prepare everything in advance. That’s the true reason you’ve all been granted one additional sun to prepare,” added Slazza. “Are there any questions regarding the rules of the exhibition?”

Lord Draco had a few things he wanted to ask but was struggling to word them as inconspicuously as possible.

Treeda, who had been given more time to take that information in, was the first to raise her hand and ask, “Will news of this event be kept from other prefectures?”

Sighing, Narja answered, “No. Excluding information about the mine and the award to make a claim against each other, news of the exhibition has already begun to spread to the prefectures surrounding yours.”

“And they’ll be allowed to spectate?” questioned Inka.

“That’s correct. Given the extra time, we’ll have not only a luxury hotel but additional buildings and luxuries prepared for their visit. That includes the colosseum. Working with Iron Territory, the town will be revamped within a sun in anticipation of multiple prefecture lords coming to spectate,” stated Narja.

“And, no, the other prefectures are not allowed to participate. That is, unless you’d like them too,” remarked Slazza, startling them all again. “In the case you allow other prefectures to participate, the distribution of the mine and region will be handled outside the view of other prefectures. And the prefecture that goes the furthest between you three will win the claim.”

Isaac squinted. He lifted his fingers, questioning, “What benefits would there be if other prefectures are allowed to participate?”

Inka and Treeda nodded along. They wondered the same thing, finally sharing the same thoughts and opinions as Isaac, at least for a moment.

Slazza answered, “The obvious reason is to allow you to see their candidates first hand. No matter what you decide, other prefectures will get to witness your candidates’ abilities. And, considering the new prize given out by the quadrant, we don’t recommend that you hold back. This would let you learn about some of your strongest competitors years in advance.

“However, God Toseko has more to offer, should you permit other prefectures to join the exhibition.”

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