Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 396

Chapter 396: Waiting for the Exhibition

“What do you mean by that?”

Both men turned to the grand doors as someone stepped in just before they closed. God Toseko laughed again, “Oh! Peimar, welcome!”

Ruffling his royal blue and silver garments, the man ran his hand through his silvery-blue hair. “Toseko, I know you. You wouldn’t be sending out such an invitation unless you were up to something. And whatever you’re up to, I demand to participate!”

“As do I!” Warak interjected.

“Calm down, please. Give it some time and Slazza should return with the news we all want to hear,” replied Toseko, shaking both of their hands.

Peimar and Warak glanced at each other, sighing. They followed the god’s lead and sat at a table retrieved from Toseko’s void bracelet. Golden bottles appeared and each man helped themselves to one. There was some idle chat but not about anything of actual importance.

Finally, an hour later, a knock came from the doors. “Your omnipotence, Slazza and Narja have returned with their report.”


“Bring them in at once!” bellowed Toseko, not bothering to leave the table.

As Slazza and Narja entered the room, a doorman shouted again, “Your omnipotence, another prefecture lord has arrived.”

“Yes, we have our three!” Toseko chuckled, “Hurry, let them in!”

A final person entered the room before the grand doors were shut.

Toseko motioned for the new arrival to join them at the table. At the same time, Toseko smiled at Slazza and Narja. “I take it they agreed?”

Nodding, Slazza reported, “Nova, Tempest, and Toxic-shadow Prefectures have agreed to allow three additional prefectures to join the exhibition. But only on the condition that no prefectures beyond the participants are allowed to attend the event.”

“Done! Begin preparations immediately! Now, leave us be!” All smiles, Toseko disregarded their departure and the locking doors. He took out another bottle for the third prefecture lord, giving her a look of surprise. “Isla, I wasn’t expecting you to be one of the three. Was there something in particular that brought you here? Or were you only interested to learn what your brother is up to?”

Scoffing, Isla uncorked the golden bottle and took a massive swig. “Me... I couldn’t care less about my idiot brother. But I’ll always do what I can to bring him down a peg.”

“Does that mean we’ll be joining the exhibition?” Warak asked between sips.

Nodding, Toseko explained, “Of course! Warak, as the first lord to arrive before me personally, your Razor Prefecture will be the fourth to join the exhibition. Peimar, your Thunder Prefecture is the fifth to join. And now, Isla, your Draco Prefecture is the sixth and final participant in the exhibition! Cheers to you all!”

The prefecture lords joined the toast but said nothing. They drank silently while trying to get a better read on the god of the quadrant.

“God Toseko,” Isla spoke up, “What sort of exhibition is this? I doubt something like this would happen without a reason? And what’s gotten the quadrant so interested?”

Giving her a half smile, Toseko shrugged. “I’ll explain some things. The rest doesn’t involve you, so you’ll have to figure it out for yourselves.”

While the West God chatted and drank with the prefecture lords, a good chunk of the quadrant was left scrambling. Other prefecture lords sent messengers to seek more information, and some lords came personally. However, every messenger and prefecture lord was left standing at the throne room doors. They were informed of the changes made to the exhibition, and that, while three more prefectures will be joining the event, everyone else is no longer allowed to spectate.

And no matter what the prefecture lords asked or questioned, they were given no further explanations. Anyone that refused to leave without clearer answers was directed to the Divine Advisor, God Toseko’s right-hand man and greatest advisor.

At the same time, Tempest, Nova, and Toxic-shadow Prefectures were rushing to strengthen and select their five candidates. Each had to exclude some of their strongest mortals thanks to the cultivation cap of mid-elder. But they were all determined to make the most of it. And, without ever receiving any confirmation about the other three prefectures joining them, they could only trust their imagination and guess who they might be up against.

The elven days passed by faster than a sun. At least, that’s how it felt to all parties involved, apart from the West God who would’ve held the event immediately if a proper arena and location had been ready.

But outside of the chaos filling the prefectures, one person was calmer than ever. They sat quietly and peacefully.

In complete darkness, his heart and mind were brimming with tranquility. Occasionally, he would open his eyes. He admired the young man before him, who was enduring a torrent of energy incomprehensible to himself.

“Today’s the day, huh Oli? ... I wish you were finished already. To see you dominate an exhibition like this one... It’s everything I’d want to see!” Bradok laughed with a beaming grin. “I heard something interesting about that little fox. You’ve got the hots for her? Ha! Of course, my grandson would find such a promising and powerful partner!”

Sighing, Bradok scanned over the hybrid form Oli’s body was creating, half human and half beast. “I’ve never seen anything like this... You’re amazing, Oli! Dioro must be proud! I’M MORE THAN PROUD!!

“... You really can’t hear me... No matter! The moment you’re awake, I’ll finally get to throw my arms around you, and give you the praise you deserve!” Bradok bellowed. “... Everything is in your hands, boy... I’m sorry I’m too weak to bear a piece of your burden. But I’ll make sure to support you, no matter how many times I may need to die!”

Eventually, Bradok sighed and stood up. “I look forward to the day of your rise, Oli! Hopefully, I’ll be there to celebrate your greatness. If I’m not there... then I hope my sacrifice will only add to your brilliant shine!”

Bradok leaped into the darkness, easily finding the stairs high above. But despite the pride flowing out of Bradok’s smile, a tear fell from Bradok’s face as he exited the chasm, leaving Oli all alone.

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