Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 417

Chapter 417: Toseko Joins the Betting

“So, my prediction was correct,” Toseko chuckled. “Though, none of you did contest that theory...”

Shrugging, Peimar stated, “Again, it’s about the semifinals, the final four. And as it stands, we’ll each have someone there.”

Toseko chuckled but said nothing. He kept to himself while waiting eagerly for the next matches. Now, there would only be strong candidates going head to head, providing the best experience for spectators.

Warak, however, glanced at Treeda’s usual calm expression. He was too curious to not ask, “How do you feel, Treeda? Technically, on paper, your prefecture has performed the best overall according to the bracket and the results of the duels. Do you feel that was luck or well deserved?”

Peimar and Isla watched her carefully, as did Toseko. They all wanted to know how Treeda would take such praise in the face of elite prefectures.

“Hmm... I’m just glad to have a good batch this time around. Some years, I’ve been less fortunate,” replied Treeda. “Though... I have a feeling that the surprises aren’t over. Considering how hard my candidates are working, I’m more excited for the prefecture finals than this exhibition.”

“Well said...” Warak nodded, smiling. “Well, what are you predicting for the semifinals?”


“... If I’m lucky, I’ll have two candidates in the top four. What else can I hope for?” laughed Treeda, shrugging off what Warak was really asking.

So, Warak chuckled along with the other lords while he telepathically asked, ‘What do you actually think will happen?’

‘That’s hard to say... I’ll have a minimum of one semifinalist,’ answered Treeda. ‘And depending on how the other candidates react to mine, my candidates just might surprise us all... That’s what I’m hoping will happen.’

‘Are you confident enough to bet on it?’

‘... What do you have in mind?’

Hearing that, Warak chuckled some more and rephrased the question, ‘How confident are you that you’ll have two candidates?’

‘Hmm... I’d guess... there’s at least a sixty percent chance I’ll have another candidate in the semifinals, alongside the fox girl. Who that will be, I’m not certain,’ Treeda stated.

‘Hmm... Interesting...’

Noticing how quiet his talkative friend was, Peimar asked, “What’s the matter, Warak? What’s got your tongue tied?”

“I don’t know. I was just wondering if we should spice up the excitement with another bet...” Warak suggested.

Also game for more fun, Toseko asked, “What sort of bet did you have in mind?”

“Well, we’ve already put up techniques, so why not bet battle arts?”

The prefecture lords got quiet for a moment while thinking over the proposition.

Warak continued, pulling out another sealed scroll, “This is my clan’s Flying Drill Art, the same art that’s been devastating all of your candidates. If you want to bet with me, you’ll have to provide something of equal quality.”

Startled, some prefecture lords looked at Warak in confusion while others looked at him with greed.

“Very well. This time, I’ll also put forward a bet.”

Silence. Even Warak was left staring blankly, trying to understand what God Toseko was up to. “Toseko... Really? What battle art?”

“Considering the quality of your Flying Drill Art, I’ll put forward this one.” A sealed scroll appeared in Toseko’s hand, letting him causally toss it up and down. “This is my Razor Tempest Art. I believe that’s a worthy trade, despite your battle art only being mid-king rank.”

“I agree!” Warak nodded, happily accepting the offer. “Is anyone else getting in on this?”

But Toseko asked, “What are the terms of this bet? I’m sure it’s in regards to the semifinals, or is it the finalists that you want to bet on?”

“Yeah. Explain what we’re predicting first, then I’ll consider throwing a battle art in the ring,” added Peimar, joining the fun with Toseko’s battle art on the line.

Nodding, Warak took a moment to think carefully. “Well, there are a few options. If we’re betting on the semifinals, there are two ways to do it. We can try and bet on which specific candidates will make it or we can bet on how many semifinalists each prefecture will have. That, or we try betting on who the two finalists will be. And if anyone dares bet on the final victor now, before we see our best candidates get serious, then kudos to you.”

“I see...” Peimar thought seriously over the various options. “I have two things to say. One, I would prefer to bet on who the finalists will be. And two, I feel that way because I don’t think any of us will bet differently on who the semifinalists are.”

“Huu... I bet that I’ll have two semifinalists.”

Everyone’s eyes shifted to Treeda since her sudden change in confidence was a little too startling.

“What?” Treeda chuckled, “The point of betting is taking a risk. And if God Toseko’s battle art is on the line, I’m willing to take a chance.”

“Interesting...” Toseko nodded slowly while shifting his weight forward, almost leaning out of his chair. “What’s got you so excited and daring all of a sudden?”

“That wind art will help my human candidate take his abilities to the next level. Plus, it would make a great reward to my regional kings,” Treeda reasoned. “And since I’m lucky to have such great candidates this time, I might as well bet everything on them. If there’s a chance they’ll become even better by the quadrant finals, then I have to take the risk.”

“I like that line of thinking!” agreed Toseko. “Is there anyone against this, or do any of you have something to add?”

Staring at Treeda, Peimar asked, “I might be willing to bet. But only if you’re willing to bet on which prefecture won’t make it to the semifinals.”

“I’m also willing to bet on who the finalists will be. And, I’m even willing to bet on who will come out as the winner,” added Treeda, catching them all off guard. “However, if you want me to make specific claims and list names, then you’ll have to accept the bet. Obviously, you and I feel differently about all this, Peimar.”

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