Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 430

Chapter 430: The Last Bet

“I understand your optimism and determination, but that doesn’t prove anything...” Warak sighed, somewhat disappointed that to not be convinced.

Still smiling, Bradok added, “And I doubt Oli will need to become a god to face you, Warak. What’s your cultivation?”

“Early-god. It has been for thousands of years,” the prefecture lord stated plainly, causing most everyone’s bodies to seize up from the sheer shock.

“I bet, like his father Dioro, Oli would be able to take you on while one realm below, as a peak-king. And to prove the tenacity of us gorillas, how about a single exhibition match during dinner?” Bradok glanced at one of the subordinate kings in human form. “You. You’re an early-king, right?”

Nodding, the man replied, “Yes. I was brought here under my seniors’ guidance.”

“You and I will fight. How’s that sound, Warak? You seem to be a betting man, like myself.”

Warak broke out in laughter while looking back at the gorilla. “You’re serious? I always enjoy watching a good fight, so I won’t turn that down. But what are you wanting to bet?”


“The alliance. If I, a peak-perennial without any soul arts, can defeat your early-king clan member, then we make an alliance. I feel like you and I would get along too well, drinking away countless nights!” bellowed Bradok, getting more confident with each word he spoke.

Noticing the expressions of everyone around, Warak honed in on the one person that never got surprised or frazzled by anything the old gorilla did or said. “Zelsh, it seems you’re familiar with him yet you don’t find any of this out of the ordinary. What are your thoughts on all this?”

Zelsh sighed and shrugged, “Lord Warak, this old pal of mine is crazy. But... While I do think he still needs to offer a counter bet, he might surprise you.”

“Oh? Really?!” A flash of excitement filled Warak’s eyes. “Which side will you bet on?”

“Does that mean you accept?” Bradok cut in.

Waving off the question, Warak repeated, “Which side? You’ll bet too, right?”

“Hmm...” Zelsh took a second to think. He briefly looked at the early-king and then at Bradok, who gave Zelsh a confident nod. “... I’ve got to choose Bradok. And I’ll bet my hand-written technique, the one combining yours with Lord Treeda’s.”

“Whoa!” Treeda interjected. “Who said you can-”

“I’ll accept the bet!”

“And I’ll bet Dioro’s Ravaging Earth Technique,” Bradok shouted, making sure to seal the deal in a second.

“That’s exactly what I wanted to hear!” Warak cried, nearly roaring while caught up in the moment. “Now tell me, is it really-”

A scroll begrudgingly appeared in Ania’s hand, half-unfurled.

Each member of the Razor-hide Clan eyed that scroll with jealousy and a hint of lust.

Warak softly read that tidbit of revealed script, “... Ravaging Earth Technique, Earth-Based, Peak-King Grade...”

“The bet is set! Treeda, you hold the goods!” Bradok laughed, having Ania seal the scroll and hand it over.

“W-wait! I never agreed-”

“Thanks, Treeda!” Zelsh threw his scroll as well dropping the formalities since she hadn’t corrected Bradok.

Feeling used, Treeda shouted, “I said that I-”

“I don’t have a scroll to hand you, so hold this!” Warak stated, retrieving a ring and placing it in Treeda’s hand.

“WARAK! You can’t be serious!? You haven’t even formed an alliance with me, and we betrothed our children!”

Warak shrugged while scanning over Bradok once again, trying to get a better read of his strength. “Sorry, Treeda, but you know that gets more complicated since we’re both prefecture lords. But there are far fewer restrictions to ally with a clan of lowly status like the gorillas! What’s the worst that could happen? That they raise the next Demon Ape and I get to help shake up the world order? That’s not the worst-case scenario, that’d be the best-case scenario!”


“Oh come on! Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed in your six-hundred years as prefecture lord. The obvious prejudice for apes, and gorillas especially,” reasoned Warak, silencing Treeda and stealing the attention of everyone else. “Old Kartzal may never admit it, but I’ve been around long enough to know the truth! He’s wanted gorilla subordinates forever! But they always turn him down! So why not throw my hat in the ring and have some fun?”

“Um, Warak?”

Smiling, Warak asked, “Yes, Ania? What is it?”

Ania swallowed her first question to make sure she worded it correctly. “What do you mean... Was Dioro not the first to turn down God Toseko?”

“No,” Warak bluntly answered. “He wasn’t, but it’s extremely rare. And, if I remember correctly, it’s usually an ape that turns him down. Since, Kartzal doesn’t lash out at anyone that says no, there’s nothing wrong with it, though.”

Netra felt some relief hearing that from the mouth of a god, though she kept that to herself.

“And,” Ania continued her questioning, “why would God Toseko want gorilla subordinates?”

“Anyway,” ignoring the second question, Warak stated, “I think there’s one last thing you should add to the bet. Throw in that early-king core. The more earth king cores my clan has, the better!”

“Sure, but don’t expect to win it,” Bradok stated, motioning for Vloz to toss the core to Treeda. “I need that core to breakthrough.”

“You... You’ll actually try that method?!” Warak stared at Bradok like the gorilla was about to leap into a volcano while calling it a swimming pool.

“I’m old. If I don’t break through soon, I’ll die anyway. So I might as well try it. But only after I win my clan this alliance!”

“HEEEY!!” Treeda roared, demanding everyone’s immediate attention. “First, we have a feast to prepare! So, Bradok, Ania, please get started on that. Then, and only since Warak has agreed to take advantage of you, will I allow you’re little fight to happen. But it will be after dinner, when we clear the arena floor and everyone will watch from the stands. Understood?!”

“Yes!” Bradok and Warak shouted in unison, getting a good laugh from their every moment of micro-bonding.

Treeda sighed in confusion, giving up. At the same time, Ania walked over and rubbed Treeda’s back, showing that she too understood that pain.

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