Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 436

Chapter 436: Bradok’s Surprise Offer

“Well, now that I’ll be allied with one of your subordinate clans, perhaps we can actually come to know each other, and not just professionally,” suggested Warak. “After the Mortal Championship, I’ll arrange a visit along with my wives.”

“We’ll gladly accept your visit,” replied Treeda. “I and Uutrai will prepare things properly, so feel free to stay as long as you’d like.”

“I’m glad. And, while we visit, we’ll be sure to meet with these feisty apes as well.”

Hearing that, Treeda still felt a need to ask, “But... Warak, are you sure about this?”

“Yes. Absolutely sure,” stated Warak, unflinching.

“But... It’s one thing to ignore the Rule of Equality,” Treeda sighed. “At most, you’ll pay a fine or face some sort of consequence that’s not too hard to bear, disregarding what the quadrant would do to the weaker clan. But to do so with apes? ... I’m not saying the Iron-body Clan isn’t worth making an ally, but they don’t know the rule regarding their kind.”

“But I do,” remarked Warak, “and I’m still going through with this alliance. If I win the bet, then they get a better offering. If I win, I get Zelsh’s technique along with theirs. It’s more than fair to them.”


“Unless you’re caught, and Kartzal removes the Iron-body Clan from existence.”

“I already know about this.”

A third voice suddenly joined in. Neither of the prefecture lords seemed surprised by the person’s appearance in their silenced area, given their heightened senses. However, Treeda’s eyes bulged the moment she heard those few words. “Bradok, you know-”

“As declared by his omnipotence, Kartzal Toseko, the Noxious God, Master of Toxins, Ruler of the West Quadrant, no alliance shall be formed between regional kings, provincial kings, or prefecture lords and any or all ape clans, lest they face the scorn of the quadrant and receive Kartzal’s toxic smite upon them. I believe those were the decree’s exact words, correct?”

Still, Warak wasn’t fazed, as Bradok had already told him that he knew of the decree. But even Warak was surprised that Bradok could quote the secret decree, let alone Treeda.

Bradok explained, “... A while back, I tried to form an alliance with Zelsh’s Rot Clan but was refused every time. Instead, Zelsh gave us preferential treatment fitting of an ally but without any official alliance. It took a few decades for Zelsh to finally admit the true reason he denied me time and time again, at the threat of me and my clan cutting all ties from Rot Region. That’s when he finally showed me that decree, clearly in secret to avoid punishment from Lord Treeda.

“But I wasn’t surprised in the least,” added Bradok. “If anything, it cleared up a lot of my doubts. Why else would the West God give up on Dioro’s entire race, letting the idiot in charge of Tempest put bounties on our hides? Compared to Warak’s brat, a fellow mortal champion with even fewer achievements than Dioro, the difference in treatment is just too stark to not realize the prejudice.”

When Bradok paused his speech and let the others talk, it was Treeda who spoke up, “... Then, you’re willing to take that risk? If you know that decree and also understand how closely the quadrant monitors your clan in particular, Dioro’s clan, why on earth would you propose-”

“Because they want us dead anyway,” Bradok answered bluntly, forcing the dragons to drop their mental guards even more. “The Coward of the West has all but declared to the public that all apes are demons and monsters waiting to be driven to extinction. Yet, despite our few numbers, how come so many apes appeared in this exhibition, even being some of the strongest candidates in each prefecture?”

Both Warak and Treeda could only sigh. Even if they personally hadn’t presented an ape candidate like other prefecture lords, they both had ape candidates in training. And, as draconic prefecture lords, they knew better than to disagree with that logic.

Continuing, Bradok reasoned, “And, yes, I call him Coward of the West. If he wasn’t a scared, squabbling coward, why would be suppressing our kind for millennia after millennia? Hence, he’s Kartzal Toseko, the Noxious Cur, the Wimp of Toxins, the Coward of the West!”

“... HA! HA! HA! HA!”

Unable to control himself any longer, Warak broke out in gut-wrenching laughter. The Razor Prefecture Lord nearly fell out of his seat from his spastic bellowing. It made for a peculiar sight to the people outside of the silent formation, but Warak didn’t seem to care who saw him acting in such a way.

“Bradok! You’re too much!! Coward of the West? Noxious Cur?! I love it!!” Warak slammed his fist on the table to try and help relieve his laughing fit a little faster. “Ha, ha, ahhh... That... Bro Bradok, I’m glad to have met you!”

Elated to hear that, Bradok slapped Warak’s back and bellowed, “Bro Warak, I feel the same way meeting you! Despite the efforts of that coward, I refuse to bend and break. I will pave the way for my clan, my family! And, in accepting my offer, I’ve been permitted to tell you both something that I’m sure you’re eager to learn.”

Blinking in confusion, Warak looked to Treeda, who seemed just as startled. “Bro Bradok, what do you mean? Something both me and Treeda are interested in?”

“That’s right. But only if you accept the alliance right now!” declared Bradok, never hesitating despite his lower cultivation, which was pitiful before a peak-king and early-god. “You’ll still receive my technique, Warak. And when Treeda accepts, I’ll give her something of equal importance.”

“What?! Why me? You’re bet is with-”

“My words and offer, at this moment, are for you both,” Bradok clarified. “And I’ll only inform you of and show you a particular thing of interest should you both agree right now.”

Before Treeda could reply, Warak asked, “And what are you offering Toxic-shadow? The same technique?”

“The only reason Treeda would want our technique is to try and trade for a dark-based peak-king technique, but that’s practically impossible,” Bradok replied, getting both prefecture lords to nod in agreement. “But I can assure you that this item is of equal value, particularly in the eyes of the Toxic-shadow Clan. However, I will not reveal or discuss that item any further for certain reasons you’ll understand after accepting, Treeda.

“... So, what do you say? Are you in, or are you out?”

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