Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 443

Chapter 443: Bradok’s Strange Armor

“Such a thing... Why would someone create such an armor?!” Treeda questioned, still trying to take in the strange fight below. “I’ve never seen anything quite like this.”

“Neither have I...” mumbled Warak, completely fixated on Bradok and Bradok alone. “... I want his battle art.”

“Don’t we all,” Zelsh sighed, feeling a tinge of pride in his heart.

“What rank is it?” asked Treeda.

Shrugging, Zelsh answered, “No clue. He’s never told me. But, considering it was made as a peak-perennial, I’d assume it’s at least peak-perennial grade.”

“No. It must be higher.” Warak’s statement finally got Zelsh flustered. “I’m not saying it’s at the level of the gods. But, it’s more like a pseudo-king grade than a perennial grade, and that’s with Bradok’s perennial cultivation. So, once Bradok ascends, of course the battle art will grow.”

Treeda nodded but still asked, “What does it do exactly?”



“Zelsh, may I?”

Zelsh nodded and motioned with his hand, giving Warak the floor.

Warak squinted and explained the results of his quick analysis, “Zelsh’s description of using offense as defense is very accurate. But I think there’s a more detailed way to explain the art to best grasp the battle art’s true potential. Imagine Rojak as a drill.”

Both Zelsh and Treeda paid close attention, easily following along with Rojak’s drilling dives going on in the background.

“Now, imagine that Bradok is the screw. However, in his defense, Bradok is forcing Rojak to hit the pointed end at full force instead of thickening the head of the screw, or in other words forming a shield to protect himself. And then, every time the drill makes contact with that point, it feels like a hammer is driving the screw into the drillbit...”

Treeda nodded along, understanding a little more.

Warak continued, “What Bradok is doing goes against all convention. He’s abandoned defense entirely. He’s turned his defenses into a powerful offense, that’s why Rojak is unable to fully commit to a head-on attack. Because the first time he did, Bradok’s thin essence used Rojak’s momentum against himself. Rojak’s wound wasn’t only from Bradok’s attack. Bradok’s defenses were also a key factor in dealing that injury.”

“Th-this...” Hearing Warak’s opinion on the battle art, the opinion of a god, Treeda had nothing to say or add.

But Warak wasn’t done. “I must have that battle art. Personally, with consideration for my Razor-hide Clan, this armor battle art can at least compete with mine, especially when combined with our Flying Drill Art. With such an essence armor, the damage I could do...”

Zelsh could see the envy growing in Warak’s gaze, gradually overtaking the worry Warak showed from the start of the match.


As Bradok landed once again, his breathing was slowly getting heavy. Rojak was also beginning to feel the effects from the battle of attrition.

“Come on, Rojak! Bro Warak was going off about you using your secret arts against me!” bellowed Bradok, tauntingly pounding his chest. “Come! BRING IT ON!”

Rojak chuckled. Despite his frustration of being forced to a standstill by a perennial, Rojak was beginning to feel something swell inside of him. He wasn’t familiar with such a feeling. But the closest thing in Rojak’s memory was the feeling of facing a dragon just barely his senior. It was finding a powerful obstacle in his path, one far more determined and difficult than expected yet not insurmountable. It was... rivalry! True rivalry!

Without wasting another moment, Rojak gave Bradok a proud nod. Then, he dove in for another charge, just like every other time.

Again, Bradok readied his stance and threw his full strength into the deflecting punch. But, the moment Bradok’s fist was about to make contact with the charging dragon, Bradok leaned into his punch, tucked in his arm, and leaped over the Rojak.

Tching! Tching, tching, tching...

Dozens of jagged essence scales launched past Bradok. Bradok failed to dodge them all, but he was glad to clash with a handful compared to the dozens scattered around his former position. Especially once Bradok noticed a few of Rojak’s actual scales jutting out of the ground.

“Ho, hooooh!” Bradok cheered, eyes wide in surprise and excitement, “I like that! What a skill! Too bad you missed...”

As Rojak recovered high in the air, stalling his charge to get a better look at Bradok, he subconsciously shook his head. Rojak noticed not even a scratch on Bradok’s body. “You’re armor, it cut my essence scales in half?!”

“Ha! Took you long enough! The faster you come at me, the more power you throw at me, the stronger my defenses are against you. That goes for all attacks! What have you got that can deal with my armor?” Bradok boasted, gradually unleashing a chuckle.

“The faster and more powerful I attack, the stronger the defenses... Or, at least, the stronger the backlash...” Rojak mumbled loudly, confirming his suspicions about Bradok’s strange essence armor. “... Aren’t you just ripping off wind essence armor?”

“To hell with you! Rip off?! This is a genuine upgrade, far superior!” barked Bradok, getting all gorillas in the audience to break out in laughter.

Squinting, Rojak sighed, “However, whether it’s a copy or an upgrade... it should be impossible with earth essence!”

“If that’s how you feel, I don’t mind. That makes me Bradok, the Impossibly Powerful!”

Now, almost everyone was laughing along with the gorilla clan, especially Warak.

But Bradok didn’t pay attention to anyone else. Every speck of his attention was honed in on two people. Rojak and himself. Despite the boastful air about Bradok, there was still a sliver of hesitation keeping Bradok from fully committing to his battle plan. For that reason, he needed to rile up the mighty dragon. The moment Rojak would unleash everything he had would be the same moment Bradok would be forced to ditch every thought and hesitation to survive.

“Come on! That can’t be all of your secret arts!” whined Bradok, kicking the dirt in frustration and disappointment. Pouting, Bradok folded his arms and grunted loudly, using his essence to make sure the entire colosseum heard him clearly, “I thought you were an all-powerful dragon! The monsters of the heavens, the kings of all beasts! Not a silly sky-lizard that twirls and twirls like a child searching for a lost toy!”

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