Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 459

Chapter 459: Seeing the Family Again

“So you lucked out,” Eeole added. “Because of your unexpected evolution, I’ll be able to tell you more of the plan after you’ve become a perennial, and not just after you ascend past godhood.”

“That... Well, that’s nice...” Oli sighed. There was so much for him to take in, all at once. He needed a moment to process the events one by one.

But Eeole continued still, “And congrats on becoming an elder. You ascended shortly after you overcame the formation.”

“... Thanks.”

Eeole finally let Oli breathe for a few moments. He waited five minutes for Oli to sort his thoughts and ideas of everything. “Now, mind if we discuss you’re second evolution?”

Oli nodded.

“With the evolution of your gorilla bloodline, it became low-king grade. And the formation even aided in the fusing of your king bloodlines to create something I’ve only seen twice before. Take out the egg, and I’ll explain more.”


As Oli retrieved the egg from his void ring, Eeole rested a hand on it. “The child in this egg is like you. She’s successfully inherited the full strength of two king bloodlines and has perfectly fused them, which resulted in Treeda’s feebleness after giving birth. The only other time I’ve seen such a thing is from Dominus himself, with his own mutated bloodline.

“You three belong to a rare class of bloodline. God-grade.”

Feeling the air in his lungs get heavier in anticipation, Oli asked, “As in... guaranteed godhood?”

“Yup. That’s right. And since Azar achieved everything he did with only a peak-king bloodline, I’m expecting great things from you Oli. And you still have my full support. Don’t forget that,” reminded Eeole. “Also, though I didn’t anticipate such a huge leap in quality from your bloodline, the fact that you share the same essence types as this egg is why I’m excited to see you two grow stronger together. So keep hiding it until the time comes for it to hatch.”

“But when that happens, won’t I be-”

“Don’t worry, Oli. Should all go to plan, you won’t need to worry about your safety, or the hatchling’s during that moment. You’ll be more than safe.”

“Alright...” Oli calmed down a bit and stored the egg. “Since it’s in the plans, I won’t worry about it right now.”

“For now, I’m going to let your family come down and see you,” Eeole added. “Though you’ve still got time to take on the Mortal Championship, things have changed a little bit since you’ve been sealed away. So, before I send you off where you’re needed, I’ll hold up my promise to Ania and Bradok. Give me just a moment.”

Before Oli could even blink, Eeole had completely vanished. But he was suddenly back a mere second later.

“OLI!” An overexcited voice called out from above as the first of many people crashed down into the pit. She dashed straight into Oli and threw her arms around him. “OLI! You’re fine! I’m so glad you’re okay!”

“Mom...” Oli relaxed in her arms, welcoming her embrace. “... I’m fine, Mom. I’m happy to see you, too.”

“He’s better than fine! The brat’s doing great!” The next person to rush in ripped Oli out of Ania’s grasp, grabbed a wing in one hand, and poked Oli’s back plate with his other hand.

“Uncle Rathe, what’s wrong? It’s still me-”

“What are you now!? He kept saying that you’ve evolved, as if there are any gorillas stronger than we Iron-body Gorillas!”


Rathe was hit in the back of the head, driving him into the ground. Then, another slightly larger and broader gorilla walked up to Oli. The pride beaming out of his eyes was enough to form tears. “... Little Oli... You’re my...”


Oli dove into Bradok’s arms. In his hybrid form, Oli wasn’t even three-krin tall. Compared to the four-krin Bradok, Oli looked a lot smaller and much younger. Everyone around could tell they were grandpa and grandson just from their energy and emotion, let alone their words.

Bradok hugged Oli without saying anything. He was overjoyed. Despite knowing about Oli and even speaking with Oli in the past, Bradok had never been able to talk with Oli as his grandpa. Hearing that as Oli’s one-word, immediate response... Bradok’s words would never do his feelings justice.

“... Little Oli...” Eventually, Bradok sighed and looked Oli in the eyes, “You are the pride of we apes. You’re the pride of our family. I’m sure your old man is proud of you, even in death... To have you as my grandson, I can die happy!”

“Don’t say that, Gramps!” Oli complained, hugging Bradok once more. “Just cause you’re old doesn’t mean you’re allowed to die. I don’t want any of you to die. That goes for you especially...”

“... Okay,” Bradok gave a defeated sigh, releasing Oli.

Next, Vloz appeared from the shadows. “You’ve gone and evolved, but you haven’t told any of us about it.”

“Yeah. Get on with it,” laughed Zelsh, joining the gorilla family.

Nodding slowly, Oli replied, “Umm... I think Eeole said I’m a Roxite Gorilla.”

“That’s all? Then what about your wings?” jested Zelsh.

Eeole spoke up, “We were just about to discuss that. Technically, Oli’s the first of his kind so he’s allowed to name his bloodline as he likes. But I do have a suggestion for his mutated bloodline...”

“And what’s that?” asked Oli.

“The Draco-roxite Gorilla.”

Everyone stared at Oli with great admiration. Examining his new form with that suggestion in mind, they all felt new waves of pride washing over them.

“... Draco-roxite Gorilla... Hmm... What do you think, Mom?”

Taken aback, Ania replied, “Oli... You don’t need my-”

“I want your thoughts on it. You named me, so why not help name my bloodline?”

She took in a deep breath and gave Oli another hug, grinning from ear to ear. “Oli... I like Draco-roxite Gorilla. But... you could also just say Draco Gorilla, if you like that more?”

“Yeah... I think I do like that more... Oli, Draco Gorilla, the mutant of the Roxite Gorilla Clan!”

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