Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 461

Chapter 461: A Much Needed Day of Rest

Oli was confused but didn’t have the chance to reply. Rathe was already pounding on Oli’s back again, testing the durability of the strange metal. “What’s so special about this? So what if it’s black? It looks weak!”

“Shut up!” Bradok laughed and slapped Rathe’s back, toppling him over without mercy. “Why don’t we ask him to show his full gorilla form then? Then we’ll see how little you think of him.”

“Yeah! Do it! I need to see this for myself,” barked Rathe, getting back to his feet.

Nodding slowly, Oli took in a deep breath. He closed his eyes and centered all of his thoughts on his bloodline. He followed his instincts, searching his bloodline in a similar fashion to how he trained his human transformation. Before long, Oli’s body began to grow. His dark purple scales faded into his skin and his wings were slowly retracted into his body. The whole process took Oli about five minutes but the results were exactly what he wanted.

Oli released a long-held breath and opened his eyes. To his surprise, he was forced to look down on his family, and even Zelsh.

“Five krin?! He’s massive!” Zelsh shouted with envy. He hurriedly pounded Oli’s back but was further shocked as Oli’s body barely shook with each heavy slap.

Ania fell into tears. “Oh, Dioro... If only you could see your son...”


“Little... No, I’ll still call you Little Oli,” demanded Bradok. Standing at four-krin himself, Bradok was beaming with every assortment of pride he had. “As your grandpa, I demand to still call you that!”

Oli happily nodded. “That’s fine by me, Gramps.”

“Too bad you can’t fight in that form or any of your beast forms...” Zelsh sighed. “I’d love to see the looks on everyone’s faces after you wipe out the competition as the dominant ape of this generation.”

“We all would, but that will have to wait,” added Eeole. “Until he’s a perennial, Oli must only use human form in public. So, Oli, Zelsh has cleared a wing of the palace for you and your family. Hurry up and take your human form so you can join them for a good feast. You’re pretty hungry, aren’t you?”


As if on command, Oli’s stomach reminded him of his two-year fast. “Yeah... I’m starving!”

He quickly shifted into human form. It was much easier for him, as it was now the oldest of Oli’s forms. In under a minute, Oli returned to his human stature, which Rathe boastfully looked down on.

Just as Oli was about to leave, Eeole called out, “Oli, there’s one last thing to tell you. Never mention the names Azar, Tyrant Ape, or Tyrant Clan. Doing so is punishable by death throughout West Quadrant.”

And, as Oli turned back to agree, Eeole had disappeared along with his glowing crystal.

But the others moved along without skipping a beat. They had already been warned and were now fully focused on the feast waiting for them in the palace above.

Bradok lifted Oli and leaped onto the stairs high overhead. Once there, he put Oli down and the group left together.

That entire day was spent between Oli and those closest to him. At the feast, Oli also got to meet the rest of Zelsh’s family. He was glad to see Lady Dewlia so friendly with his mom, and was surprised to learn about King Jeminine’s recent marriage with Donovan. Together, the two families enjoyed the day however they wanted, from food and sparring to chatting and discussing recent events. But Oli had spent most of the time sparring with the various divine beasts. It was his “punishment” for lying to Bradok about not being his grandson.

After enjoying his mother’s and grandpa’s food, multiple times throughout the day, Oli eventually retired for the night. He crashed on a sofa in that same grand room.

Ania stayed close to him for as long as she was allowed. Rathe would joke with her but Vloz would stop him before Ania acted out and woke Oli in the process. Bradok spent the rest of the night with Zelsh and his family, drinking away. But they too would chat about Oli and the many things to come.

It was the greatest night of sleep Oli had ever experienced. Waking up, Oli was fully reinvigorated and reenergized. But he found himself alone in a vast, empty room.

“Did you enjoy yesterday?”

“... A lot.”

Nodding, Eeloe put a hand on Oli’s shoulder. “Don’t forget. Everything we’re doing is for your family’s sake. After we’ve accomplished our goals, you’ll understand that you’ll live far longer than you’d ever expected. Then, you’ll be able to secure your family’s happiness and enjoy thousands of years together.”

“... Thanks. I needed that,” muttered Oli.

“You’re welcome... Now, shall we get going?”

“Yeah. Let’s go.”

Eeole vanished and Oli exited the grand room. He was greeted by Zelsh outside, who patted Oli on the back and took him back to the chasm.

Oli spent the next three days with Zelsh. They took one day to test each of Oli’s three new forms, his gorilla, draconic, and hybrid forms. With that brief but thorough training, Oli became able to shift in about three minutes for each form. It wasn’t ideal but it was enough for now. With Oli knowing the general capabilities of his new forms, he was ready to move on.

On the fourth day, Oli woke up to resume his regular cultivation.

While Oli absorbed peak-elder orbs nonstop, Zelsh was by his side. Zelsh answered every question Oli could come up with. He instructed Oli on how it felt to form his own cultivation technique. But he also reminded Oli that the most important thing was to increase his cultivation. Considering how they were after Kartzal’s peak-king death technique, Zelsh made Oli focus on two things. The first was obvious, to increase cultivation. And the second was the growth of dark essence into death essence.

With less than three moons to go until the Provincial Qualifier, those were the only two things they had time for.

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